How are you surviving the Heatwave?

runswithscissors's Avatar
Stopped in the Feed Store this afternoon, loading up on hay and feed, and an old farmer looked at me and said "hot enough for ya?"

I wanted to beat him with a 2x4...

How are you handling the heat?

I am noticing a quick temper ( maybe because I haven't gotten to have playtime since returning to Austin last week..)

Are you hobbying more or less?

Hanging out in the cool, dark strip clubs?

Or barricading yourself in the house listening to the air conditioner run non stop...

I seem to be in a pattern of doing everything very early or very late in the day...

Has your Hobby schedule changed? This is for both the Ladies and the guys...let us know how you are coping with the Heat...
sixxbach's Avatar
I have been hobbying less these days. I am enjoying the heat, great workout weather since I have dropped 15 pounds since mid June. I have gone to a co workers pool a couple of times and played pool volleyball. Great to slam a beer, look at some thongs. Lots of sunscreen needed! I love sleeping in the cold though!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I have been cycling as early in the morning as I can -- usually between 8:30 and 10. Since I exercise in the heat (even my gym is hot - AC not working right) the outside heat doesn't get to me as much as others. Will mow the lawn about 4 this afternoon.

Hanging out in cool strip clubs does sound enticing. Cold drink and hot women -- who could ask for anything else?
  • krspy
  • 07-27-2011, 02:28 PM

I moved from up way north and it has been a shock to me and family
Need a little rain down here.
Hobby, hard to get time yet, but I have seen a couple of ladies once I can get away. Shower twice before I head out.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I find I am staying inside my nice cold igloo during the day and doing my food shopping late at night I'm afraid the milk will go bad before I got it home lol
Extreme heat makes me very cranky..I found myself swearing at my car yesterday because I couldn't get a rusted bolt off that should have been easy and ended up taking me 45 mins during the hottest part of the sweaty and covered in car grease is not very sexy..
Slotgoop's Avatar
I've been drinking lots of home made iced green tea and watermelon rum cocktails.
I've been spoiled in Beaumont the last couple days. They've had rain. I haven't seen rain in a while. While it was humid, it was still pretty nice with the rain. Getting to Austin today and it's 106..thought I was gonna die. lol
knotty man's Avatar
coming home and collapsing with a bud lite lime.
my shop doesnt have a/c. 110 yesterday inside and 113 today
lotsa water!
missi hart's Avatar
I've been drinking lots of home made iced green tea and watermelon rum cocktails. Originally Posted by Slotgoop

both beverages sound good, but watermelon rum cocktails sound especially good. i'm also a fan of the watermelon agua fresca at zocalo's.
Happy Diver's Avatar
Watering trying to keep the trees alive. Already lost the grass. Pretty edgy emotionally. Not hobbying at all. It's too hot to f***. Basically staying in A/C and moving slowly.
NewWave's Avatar
too fucking hot. times like this i hate being in Texas.

definitely not hobbying much.

i'm just dipping my balls in iced tea and jerking off into a trash can.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 07-27-2011, 07:36 PM
Being from southern CA, I miss the option of just taking a ten minute drive to the beach and throwing myself into the Pacific.

I don't mind the heat too much, it's the humidity that is killer!

I tend to hide inside until the evening then hit the pool at midnight! Laying in the pool and watching the stars is so much fun, and super relaxing!
Take me to the WATER!!!
missi hart's Avatar
I tend to hide inside until the evening then hit the pool at midnight! Laying in the pool and watching the stars is so much fun, and super relaxing! Originally Posted by PeAcH

wow, that really is a great way to deal with the heat. throw in a tasty beverage of choice and it is near-perfection.
sixxbach's Avatar
Being from southern CA, I miss the option of just taking a ten minute drive to the beach and throwing myself into the Pacific.

I don't mind the heat too much, it's the humidity that is killer!

I tend to hide inside until the evening then hit the pool at midnight! Laying in the pool and watching the stars is so much fun, and super relaxing!
Originally Posted by PeAcH
I will put the sun screen on you if you would like... oh wait... no sun..but hey you cannot be too careful lol
