2 more SA real ones

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 12-26-2017, 09:45 PM
I happen to be on a semi-roll in meeting SA ladies that are really looking ---

These two are wanting to move to a new place and need the cash to make it happen.

The first one I met for dinner tonight. Her Aunt Flo was visiting so all we did was dinner. She is real. She is on the large side. Not BBW at all, Just bigger (big boned) but not unpleasant. Looks good and has a great personality (sounds like a high school date -- LMAO!!!!). But that explains her pretty well. Her link on SA is


SA name is Sapphire69 She is 39 and in Bedford

She has a roomie that I did not meet but they play together or separate. I did not meet her but she is AWESOME looking in her SA photo plus they sent me a separate pic on email. They look good apart or together.

She is younger 21 and of course lives in Bedford too. Her SA name is Getwhatugive and link is

I told them I thought they were just a little too high for SA at $300 (not an hour - evening) but I would put the word out.

We are discussing an evening at WinStar (with room) with both on Thursday but they gonna have to come down on price before I agree.

Do what you want --- just my info

Sometimes SA is a goldmine and sometimes it's the shaft.

I told them I thought they were just a little too high for SA at $300 (not an hour - evening) but I would put the word out. Originally Posted by Go4it
I hope u dont mean u talking to them about eccie
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 12-27-2017, 02:54 PM
They are ECCE price range they might as well be on it. Other than that I don't really give a crap what you think. Go find your own,
The quality from SA girls is totally different from eccie girls, today i fuck for 3 hrs a cute hispanic girl, everything bb, anal dt and its a diferent experience, my few experiences on SA have been bb and always for $$ for at least 2 hrs (plus hotel). My point is if they become familiar with eccie we might loose the better service. I know u dont give a crap about what i think am just trying to protect what i have found, but looking at the ones u talking about eccie go ahead u are not near my area. Have a good day
txexetoo's Avatar
They are ECCE price range they might as well be on it. Other than that I don't really give a crap what you think. Go find your own, Originally Posted by Go4it
Please don't ever tell SA Girls you will "put the word out "
I have never been with SA girls , what is it actually if you dont mind me asking
Utom, its a lot of work but the reward is great you just gotta rule out the pros and scammers. I only been there for a month and the ones i actually met and moved on to intimate fun has been just great.
viking2341's Avatar
Many of these SA women are already on eccie.

The second one you linked to looks a lot like this girl.

Horsemancummeth's Avatar
Any chance you could PM there phone numbers.
coolman's Avatar
SA can be a little more expensive than eccie. But the women are not clock watchers. I have hooked up with 4 so far. By far some of the best cock worshipping I have ever had! 3 of them could host and only cost $$. The other 1 was a hooter's girl and did everything that I asked and finished with a swallow. Currently working on 2 more.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 01-02-2018, 12:17 AM
SA ladies have no "vehicle" to talk with one another like the ECCIE ladies.