Coed- Take it or leave it.

notanewbie's Avatar
Why take the time and complain about the Coed section and who posts in it?

If you do not like the content or comments in a thread why even read them.
Useless threAD.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-20-2010, 01:37 PM
  • cg00
  • 07-20-2010, 01:54 PM
To take part in the community and amusement. Remember, that was the point of the board. To have a community so we can help each other get off and laugh about it.

The complaints are about the trash that has spread like weeds. It makes the neighborhood look run down. You are right, we could just move to another community or close our eyes when we see all the weeds. But that would be a shame to take that mentality and let the neighborhood rot when there is so much potential for good natured fun here. I prefer the mods move stupid threads that spiral into pure stupidity into the wasteland section better known as the Sandbox. That is where the trash belongs so the good threads in co-ed don't get washed out.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
In this wonderful Democratic country we live in, we allow really stupid idiots vote, drive, drink and pro-create.

Why would we not let the same idiots post here?

If you don't like the thread, or specific posts, don't respond.
notanewbie's Avatar
cg, I must say good analogy.
dearhunter's Avatar
I love all of the threADs...........they let me get my post count up.........1500 here I come.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I love co-ed .... as if the board has not noticed.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
And DH ... 1500 here I come!!!
notanewbie's Avatar
BW,'s my ass look at 1799?
  • romab
  • 07-20-2010, 02:16 PM
I'm with ya cb & cg. R
  • romab
  • 07-20-2010, 02:19 PM
Notnewbie. About same as did at #1 still trying to refocus and get rid double vision. R
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
BW,'s my ass look at 1799? Originally Posted by notanewbie
Your ass looks horrible from down here. Horrible I tell you! I prefer to be on top and look down.

So stop posting for 2 weeks ... for me please? You can read, but dont post! I'm trying to get my name on the top posters list!
notanewbie's Avatar
I'm trying to get my name on the top posters list! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

and I am trying to get off..that is why I am on this fucking board.

dearhunter's Avatar
BW,'s my ass look at 1799? Originally Posted by notanewbie
Like a big fat red pimple........quit raining on my parade.........wait........why does that rain smell like butt?