Calling Out Senator Roy Blunt and All Extreme Gun Right Advocates

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
first off I am a member of the NRA but sensible gun reform or a good step in that direction is needed. Jason Kander a military Vet and Democratic Challenger to the incumbent old man rivers Roy Blunt just issued the most powerful AD ever delivered on behalf of Democrats.

Absolutely Brilliant and I hope it delivers him a victory. Roy is all talk but can he do this and still show he's responsible. Way to go Jason in showing up these unreasonable fundamentalists.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Allow me to translate:

"Roy Blount is ahead in the polls and we on the left so want to win in Missouri so we're going to post some more lies. This ad is a few weeks old but I'm going to call it new like I was told just to make it look like I'm on top of things instead of taking orders. I could actually care less about Missouri but I have my orders. Also, I don't think I can spell NRA much less join that fine civil rights organization. Kander is a trojan horse but he's our trojan horse to get Hillary fingers into the second amendment. Kind like the way that I like having a finger snuck up my ass every night "---Dizzzy
  • DSK
  • 10-24-2016, 02:01 PM
first off I am a member of the NRA but sensible gun reform or a good step in that direction is needed. Jason Kander a military Vet and Democratic Challenger to the incumbent old man rivers Roy Blunt just issued the most powerful AD ever delivered on behalf of Democrats.

Absolutely Brilliant and I hope it delivers him a victory. Roy is all talk but can he do this and still show he's responsible. Way to go Jason in showing up these unreasonable fundamentalists.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Sensible gun reform would be very sensible. Let's allow the NRA to define it, por favor.

My personal preference to reform guns would reform them into a lighter weight, more powerful impact from conventional bullets, better accuracy at longer differences, and a lower price, so every conservative could buy one.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Gun rights are not extreme, they are a part of the Constitution.
Anti-gunners are the extremists.
goodman0422's Avatar
Let's see, shall we enforce the laws already in effect or create new laws aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?

How about we actually punish criminals who use guns in the commission of a crime? Maybe we shouldn't pardon criminals convicted of violating gun laws because the real reason for the search was a "minor drug offense" (I don't remember when dealing became a minor drug offense btw).

Or we can completely ignore actual crimes being comitted to criminalize the behaviors of otherwise law-abiding citizens.

Will creating new laws actually make criminals turn their guns in? They are already comitting a crime. I think they will be ok with breaking 1 or 2 more laws.

Liberals hope to limit the supply of guns imagining that this will eventually effect the availability of guns. How is that working for the war on drugs? How well did it work under prohibition?
A 0zombies private thoughts on "Common Sense Gun Measures"...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Gun rights are not extreme, they are a part of the Constitution.
Anti-gunners are the extremists. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

I believe I was born with the right to own a gun or anything else I deem necessary to defend myself and my family..

The 2nd Amendment only guarantees that right.
  • Tiny
  • 10-24-2016, 08:40 PM
Only in America. This guy reminds me of Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There should only be one gun law and that is the 2nd amendment.
All others are an infringement.
The states have no rights on this as it is enumerated in the Constitution and all things not enumerated in the Constitution are left to the States; Amendment 10.

Central government has no rights as the rights only lie with the people and not with the government. 'Therefore there should be no infringement.

It really is not difficult to understand unless you are trying to make it something that it is not.