New CDC Guidelines

billw1032's Avatar
Seems like the CDC deliberated for days, if not weeks, and now tells us that if you're fully vaccinated and outside and not in a crowd, you don't need to wear a mask. Really? I wonder how many MD's and PhD's it took to come to that conclusion?

Meanwhile, cases in Texas remain at a low level. I guess the other thread speculating that cases would explode in April because of dropping the mask mandate should be updated. Maybe a new thread is needed to speculate that there may be an explosion of cases in May or June.

In the mean time, since I'm fully vaccinated now I've been back to the SC a couple of times. No masks in sight (well, a couple) and I felt perfectly comfortable. In fact, it made me feel good, like life was returning to normal.
Right - and who will know who is vaccinated - LOL Funny stuff. I remember in the beginning - CDC Guideline - If you are 6' apart no need to wear a mask. Closer together, mask recommended. Ok, over a year later, what's the difference in this "new" CDC Guideline than a year ago - Absolutely nothing.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah, CDC brilliance at work
I am still waiting for a liberal on this board to come out and complain about the useless CDC that we have in place. But, I guess I'll be waiting till hell freezes over!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ok, over a year later, what's the difference in this "new" CDC Guideline than a year ago - Absolutely nothing. Originally Posted by DMLawPro1
What's the difference? is this a joke question?

Mass vaccinations.
TheWanderer's Avatar
So I assume all you guys politicizing and criticizing the CDC for not knowing what they are doing and inflicting mask guidelines on you that robbed you of your constitutional rights have not and will not get vaccinated.

Or did you get vaccinated in secret? Because...Gosh, they may be right.
All I know is what I personally witnessed. I happily wore a mask in public since March of 2020 and didn't even get a head-cold. Now that I have had both shots, I am feeling pretty good about things. Planning to travel here soon.
But please, do the Ted Nugent thing, don't wear masks and certainly don't get vaccinated. You owe it to the rest of
billw1032's Avatar
So I assume all you guys politicizing and criticizing the CDC for not knowing what they are doing and inflicting mask guidelines on you that robbed you of your constitutional rights have not and will not get vaccinated. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Yes, I did get vaccinated as soon as I was eligible and could get signed up for it, and I'm glad I did. And yes, I still wear a mask when I go into Walmart or Tom Thumb or CVS or Target. But you guys miss the point.
What's the difference? is this a joke question?

Mass vaccinations. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The point is, the only apparent change in the CDC Guidelines was lifting the mask requirement for vaccinated people when you're outside and not in a group. But why was a mask ever required in that situation anyway? And if getting vaccinated doesn't get you relief from any of the other restrictions, then what's the point of getting a vaccination in the first place? Yes, I know (and expect that you probably know) that there is additional protective benefit from vaccination, but most people are going to see that vaccination doesn't get them any significant relief from the oppressive (to them) restrictions. The result of that is that guidelines that seem to defy common sense just feed the anti-vaccine crowd, and that doesn't help anyone.

All I'm saying is that if they would project a common-sense message instead of fear, and not take weeks to deliberate about what should be common sense, they would probably get better cooperation instead of confrontation, and that would be better for everyone.
The pandemic is just over a year old. Things change as more information comes up; and a lot of the time we won't know these things until we actually go through it. I feel the CDC will always err on the side of caution; probably overly cautious but when dealing with millions of lives, they probably should. Especially since we've seen that a percentage of people will do whatever they want anyways. Looking at images from the 1918 Flu, they also seem to have problems with people taking the pandemic serious.

I think how the previous administration handled it at the start set us down a bad road. It was treated as a PR / political thing vs. a health issue. Which may have cause the CDC to push harder cause they weren't getting a lot of backing by government officials.
texassapper's Avatar
I think how the previous administration handled it at the start set us down a bad road. It was treated as a PR / political thing vs. a health issue. Which may have cause the CDC to push harder cause they weren't getting a lot of backing by government officials. Originally Posted by pathfinder420
You mean that part where they were called racist for closing flights from China... where the virus was cultivated and escaped from the Wuhan lab that the gain of function research was being continued at after being stopped in the US because of lax lab procedures? That handling?
Chung Tran's Avatar
You mean that part where they were called racist for closing flights from China... where the virus was cultivated and escaped from the Wuhan lab that the gain of function research was being continued at after being stopped in the US because of lax lab procedures? That handling? Originally Posted by texassapper
You ignore the fact that by late February, Trump was lying about the virus (except in secret to Bob Woodward), claiming the news interest was a hoax, and lobbied for full Churches on Easter. Shortly after he abdicated any responsibility for containing the virus.. Up to the States. Then gave a big Fuck You, as he held no-mask, no social distance rallies.

Your team never goes beyond stopping flights from China, and beginning Operation warp speed. Trump had a good 2-3 weeks in late January, early February, but he figured out quickly that the virus was a nuisance to his re-election, and he surrendered, but not without a raised middle finger.
Given the way the whole covid thing spun out, I generally agree with what advice was given by the CDC in context with scientific knowledge at the time it was given and the need to err on the side of caution.

At first, advice was overly stringent, especially regarding surface disinfection to thwart an airborne virus, but maybe that was well served to heighten public awareness. I'm not going to waste time researching timeliness, but somewhere a month or so into the so called lock down last year, guidance was relaxed to allow maskless outdoor activity so long as socially distancing was maintained, meaning I could golf with my buddies, one cart per man. We played poker with masks, no biggie.

The vaccine has changed things. First off, it's the pursue of FDA, not CDC. It is not experimental, it is released by emergency authorization and may not even be available today if normal authorization procedures were followed. Clinical trials were streamlined and solid data supports expedited release vis a vis the public need. Solid risk/benefit decision.

Don't know exact statistics, but I suspect a high percentage of the older population are vaccinated (but maybe not to the herd immunity level). Younger group are vaccinated to no where near herd immunity.

The CDC has recently advised that small groups can discard masks if all are vaccinated, even indoors, so my group now play poker without masks. Not sure what the topic's new advisory about not needing masks outdoors references unless it means without social distancing.

Personally, I think it overly cautious for the CDC to be concerned about vaccinated individuals transmitting by subclinical infection, but they are a cautious group.

The problem is, some are not honest about their vaccination status and some don't have a strong desire to protect others. If vaccinated and have an understanding of the science, so don't worry about myself, but still believe in responsibility to others. That said, the guidance is relaxing, huge progress is being made...get vaccinated, be respectful of others health and this shit should be over soon. Then, party on Garth.
Chung Tran's Avatar
+1 reddog
rexdutchman's Avatar
Experiment Type of vaccine RNA
Nope, not experiment. Very good SCIENCE. Has significant implications for future treatments as well. Isuppose you prefer a live virus?
Nope, not experiment. Very good SCIENCE. Has significant implications for future treatments as well. Isuppose you prefer a live virus? Originally Posted by reddog1951
Yes, we are being subjected as test "dummies" so to speak.

Vaccines mess with or tricks your immune system into thinking you have it.

Most people don't realize that although you got the vaccine - it does NOTHING with regards to you GETTING and TRANSMITTING the virus.

I am old school. "The body - a work of art that can take care of things on it's own" - however, there are some body(s) out there that need a little "boost" because their immune system is compromised.