"Climate Change" - Truth or Fiction?

G'day, you-ins and other Pittsburgh people...

... Climate change - truth or fiction?

That is the question... As all the wealthy
politicians perchase land and homes right on
the beach! ... Watch out for tidal waves
and what-not!

... Anyone got a good (or bad) opinion on this?

### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Isn't it a mix of both? Which allows both sides to prey on fears and point to the facts they follow and ignore the other side as fear mongering assholes that ignore reality.

Politicians constantly tell us to do one thing and do another. That hypocrisy is why they're so sleazy from communists who own mansions to family values proponents who have mistresses having abortions in other states to buying beachfront property while spouting off about sea levels.

But climate change? We definitely have an impact. We will see sea levels rise. We are seeing more extreme weather and have to figure out something that's going to mean some people lose jobs and some people gain them but there's no magic bullet here.

More wind. More solar. More hydro. More battery storage. More self sustaining micro grids. More nuclear. Less burning things... but not full tilt elimination. Everything with moderation.

But that also means better scrubbers, more carbon capture. More creativity required in how to address captured carbon.

Just don't take away my steak. Change up emission reducing feeds and drive down those costs.
How can we as intelligent beings not realize that global warming is a thing? What else melts ice caps? Colder temperatures perhaps? No...wait...this is something that I learned in kindergarten...warming things up melts them.
What happens when ice melts? It turns into water right? So if some huge piece of ice melts, does it raise the level of water? hmmm...great question that I'm not sure about.
.... GREAT opinions there, lads.
THIS is what good discussions are all about!

#### Salty
Imagine if we were alive 20000 years ago when the last ice age came to an end. Imagine the hysteria when the glaciers were receding at dramatic rates. Imagine the hysteria when animal species went extinct. Think about it..
chizzy's Avatar
Imagine if we were alive 20000 years ago when the last ice age came to an end. Imagine the hysteria when the glaciers were receding at dramatic rates. Imagine the hysteria when animal species went extinct. Think about it.. Originally Posted by mitchdugan123

you dont have to go back that far...... try 40 years ago when the same people were predicting a new ice age and global cooling lol

guess what? hate to break it to all the experts here but the earth and climate cycles.........naturally. do we add to global warming? very slightly.

its another horseshit money making, power erection by our elites
flows-with-water's Avatar
I don’t recall hearing about global cooling or another ice age being discussed 40 years ago. The discussion has always seemed to be more about global warming with mankind’s use of fossil fuels, Co2,and methane being the root cause.
you dont have to go back that far...... try 40 years ago when the same people were predicting a new ice age and global cooling lol

guess what? hate to break it to all the experts here but the earth and climate cycles.........naturally. do we add to global warming? very slightly.

its another horseshit money making, power erection by our elites Originally Posted by chizzy

That whole Ice Age thing was super sensationalized by the media though. In the 70's climate scientists were first starting to get a good look at the human impact on climate, they knew that pollution was causing the climate to change, but it was causing it to change in different ways. Some scientists saw that some of the human produced aerosols were causing a cooling trend. This cooling trend could lead to the start of a new ice age in a few centuries. The media picked that up and ran with it. At the same time, other climate scientists were starting to see the effects of green house gasses and how they would much more rapidly warm the Earth, those findings were the foundations for modern climate science. Years passed, and now we're currently at the point where those gasses are indeed rapidly warming the Earth.

It's just way too visible at this point for me to even think about denying it (and believe me, in my younger days, I definitely held onto the idea that the climate was just on the warmer part of a cycle). We're having more extreme weather events than we have ever had, the average temperature of the globe goes up every single year, bodies of water are drying up, etc. It's just right there in front of our face plain as day now.

As a slight aside, I don't know what "elites" stand to benefit from doing something to slow this down. Three of the top 10 largest industries on the planet are Oil & Gas E&P, Automobile manufacturing, and Construction, three industries that are heavily against moving away from the reliance on fossil fuels. Those guys are "The Elite"
mrmxmr's Avatar
G'day, you-ins and other Pittsburgh people...

... Climate change - truth or fiction?

That is the question... As all the wealthy
politicians perchase land and homes right on
the beach! ... Watch out for tidal waves
and what-not!

... Anyone got a good (or bad) opinion on this?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
well the climate scientists have an opinion and it isnt the 97% of all climate scientists agree on climate change we are constantly hearing.the truth is its more like 32%

heres something i posted in another thread thats a lot more relative in this thread '

all the climate crackheads love to throw that condescending 97% of climate scientists agree on climate change around like its the most truthful fact that ever existed . well guess what it isnt true at all its more like 32% agree and where i come from thats not even close to a majority.

heres the real truth

the origin of the 97% figure is the NASA june 2013 paper that cited 11,994 scientific papers published between 1991 and 2011 that mentioned global warming and climate change . of those papers 66.4 expressed no opinion or support. 33.6 % did express an opinion either supporting or rejecting the premise. of the 33.6 % , 97% did support the theory. so the point is 97% of 33.6% support climate change which is actually 32.5% of all scientists. in the study the 97% was worded as the consensus in the article while the truth , the actual number of climate scientists that support climate change is 32.5% , and it is buried in the footnotes . look it up
.... Remember being in a waiting room years ago,
and grabbed a magazine to read. A big article
in Time magazine about global warming and the
coming destruction of the polar bear.

So I'm reading... all the gloom and doom predictions,
and at the end of the article they mention that
in 25 years 25-30% of the polar bear population
will be GONE!

,,, Now I rightly don't know, but can onley suspect
how much the loss of 30% of the polar bears
would have on the eco-systems and the enviornment,
but I'm surely guessing that it ain't gonna be much.

And that was the "worst case" prediction.

.... It was at that point that stopped caring
about climate change as a major issue.

just sayin'

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t recall hearing about global cooling or another ice age being discussed 40 years ago. Originally Posted by flows-with-water
Then you weren’t paying attention.
chizzy's Avatar
That whole Ice Age thing was super sensationalized by the media though. In the 70's climate scientists were first starting to get a good look at the human impact on climate, they knew that pollution was causing the climate to change, but it was causing it to change in different ways. Some scientists saw that some of the human produced aerosols were causing a cooling trend. This cooling trend could lead to the start of a new ice age in a few centuries. The media picked that up and ran with it. At the same time, other climate scientists were starting to see the effects of green house gasses and how they would much more rapidly warm the Earth, those findings were the foundations for modern climate science. Years passed, and now we're currently at the point where those gasses are indeed rapidly warming the Earth.

It's just way too visible at this point for me to even think about denying it (and believe me, in my younger days, I definitely held onto the idea that the climate was just on the warmer part of a cycle). We're having more extreme weather events than we have ever had, the average temperature of the globe goes up every single year, bodies of water are drying up, etc. It's just right there in front of our face plain as day now.

As a slight aside, I don't know what "elites" stand to benefit from doing something to slow this down. Three of the top 10 largest industries on the planet are Oil & Gas E&P, Automobile manufacturing, and Construction, three industries that are heavily against moving away from the reliance on fossil fuels. Those guys are "The Elite" Originally Posted by anmar85
first off, from the 40's to the 70's temps cooled, why? the industrial revolution and all the indusries in the 40s,50s 60s and 70s polluted an incredible amount compared today

and your opinion that we have more extreme weather today than
before is without merit. these climate gurus are taking a small timeframe to suggest we are headed for disaster and it is all manmade. its pure polictical and media driven.

what do elites have to gain? money, power. its not that hard to figure out.

fyi- global cooling was mainly media driven as is global warnig but there were scientists who were predicting it in the 70's and the media ran with it. just like now

In the fall of 1973, a prominent climate scientist named Reid Bryson took the stage at an American Association of Geographers conference, and to a crowd of hundreds packed inside the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire banquet hall, he explained that the planet was cooling.

A young student named Steve LaDochy recalls sitting in the audience and being impressed with Bryson’s climate presentation, which showed that a heavily-polluted Earth had entered a cooling period. “He brought along slides, and it looked to me like very compelling evidence. So I went along with it,” says LaDochy, who today studies geoscience at California State University, Los Angeles.

Bryson wasn’t alone in his beliefs — and still isn’t.

A 1974 CIA report expressed concern over “detrimental global climate change,” citing more snow, cold spells and weather anomalies. In 1976, James Hayes, who studied Earth and environmental sciences at Columbia University, told The New York Times that global cooling had already begun, and if this became a long-term trend, “there is not much doubt that we will build substantial ice on the Northern Hemisphere continents.” Even the weather seemed to agree. Harsh winters brought historic blizzards, including the destructive “White Hurricane” of 1978.

the earth cycles climate cycles......... we pollute less than before and scientists also say if all industries stopped right now, it wouldnt make a difference......wtf its power money and control
If Donald Trump Says it isn't so, that it is a hoax, well then its all a hoax. Don't let the ice melting and the climate getting warmer fool you. Its not happening.
Blimey! "Hasn't been THIS hot in Denver since 1909!"

Crikey! "Hasn't been THIS cold in Miami since 1923!"

Surely wonderin' if back in 1923 or 1909 IF they
were worried about global warming and climate change??

### Salty
AmishGangster's Avatar
Remember the wholly mammoth? The Earths climate be a changin all the ding dang time. I am up for some global warming, I have been a tad chilly lately