Guy sits in chair, room door ajar, waiting for his friend for an hour to arrive.
She enters, and he begins telling her what to do: Put your stuff over there, stand over there, turn around, slowly undress, now come over here, get on your knees and ...
Actually, I thought about that after pondering something else. Lots of new-girl-in-porn videos (Casting Couch X, for example) have as a prelude to the action, after the interview, a section where the girl masturbates with the guy off-camera. You can't see what he's doing, but I know what I would be doing, lol.
Anyway, does anyone request, or, for the women, accommodate requests for, something like this in a session, where the woman spends some part of her time arousing herself? I'm sure it happens, so I guess my question is really, how popular is something like that, or the first scenario?