Schumer blasts Senate impeachment trial: 'Republicans are all hiding the truth'

  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2020, 12:08 PM

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer accused Republicans of trying to hide evidence that would point to President Trump’s guilt in the impeachment trial set to end on Wednesday.

Schumer, a New York Democrat, gave a very brief statement on the Senate floor Tuesday, criticizing a vote last week that rejected extending the trial to call for new witnesses and evidence.
The vote failed mostly along party lines. All but two lawmakers in the Republican majority voted against extending the trial to bring in new witnesses or documents from the Trump administration.
“It makes people believe, correctly in my judgment, that the administration, its top people, and Senate Republicans are all hiding the truth,” Schumer said. “They’re afraid of the truth.”
The Senate is considering two articles of impeachment charging Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
House impeachment managers, all Democrats, faced off against Trump’s defense team in a Senate trial now stretching into a third week.
It will end Wednesday when the Senate is expected to acquit Trump of both articles.
“I thought the House did a very good job,” Schumer said. “I thought they made a compelling case. But even if you didn't, the idea that that means you shouldn't have witnesses and documents when we're doing something as august, as important as an impeachment trial fails the laugh test.”

Schumer could not tell a "factz" to save his life - he only knows Fascist DPST "Truth"!
Bi-partisan house Impeachment - BS
Non-partisan Senate trial - much more open than the slanted, fixed, rigged, faux House Impeachment scandal.

Poor Crying chuckie and his fascist DPST's - cannot even have their dnc get a vote in IOWA correct - much less hand the country to these bozos!!!!
Pathetic are their Lies - including ftw and 9500 - still drinking from the russian hoax koolaid.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer accused Republicans of trying to hide evidence that would point to President Trump’s guilt in the impeachment trial set to end on Wednesday.

Schumer, a New York Democrat, gave a very brief statement on the Senate floor Tuesday, criticizing a vote last week that rejected extending the trial to call for new witnesses and evidence.
The vote failed mostly along party lines. All but two lawmakers in the Republican majority voted against extending the trial to bring in new witnesses or documents from the Trump administration.
“It makes people believe, correctly in my judgment, that the administration, its top people, and Senate Republicans are all hiding the truth,” Schumer said. “They’re afraid of the truth.”
The Senate is considering two articles of impeachment charging Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
House impeachment managers, all Democrats, faced off against Trump’s defense team in a Senate trial now stretching into a third week.
It will end Wednesday when the Senate is expected to acquit Trump of both articles.
“I thought the House did a very good job,” Schumer said. “I thought they made a compelling case. But even if you didn't, the idea that that means you shouldn't have witnesses and documents when we're doing something as august, as important as an impeachment trial fails the laugh test.”

Schumer could not tell a "factz" to save his life - he only knows Fascist DPST "Truth"!
Bi-partisan house Impeachment - BS
Non-partisan Senate trial - much more open than the slanted, fixed, rigged, faux House Impeachment scandal.

Poor Crying chuckie and his fascist DPST's - cannot even have their dnc get a vote in IOWA correct - much less hand the country to these bozos!!!!
Pathetic are their Lies - including ftw and 9500 - still drinking from the russian hoax koolaid. Originally Posted by oeb11

so the Republicans were hiding the evidence of russian collusion from Chucky all this time. got it!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Maybe they should’ve had their ducks in a row before sending the case to the jury.
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2020, 06:55 PM
TDS and Hatred got in the way of that.

Plus, the Fascist DPST's had nothing Constitutional to forward.

Should have been rejected out of hand.

Still, haring the Fascist DPST Schitt nonsense deprived them of some of their fake grounds for crying that the trial is rigged and fixed. As if the house proceedings were open and bi-partisan.

They are only sincere when they accused Conservatives of what the Fascist DPST's are doing themselves.
Schumer is off the deep end.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
chucky... GIGO! the garbage can is that way »»----->
  • oeb11
  • 02-05-2020, 06:10 AM
All the Fascist DPST's are insane with TDS and Trump Hate!