5G technology china dominance?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

what's with the hand wringing on China being dominate on the 5g spectrum technology?

why is this a big dial?
HedonistForever's Avatar

what's with the hand wringing on China being dominate on the 5g spectrum technology?

why is this a big dial? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Because every developed country in the world will deploy 5G technology and who ever is dominate in producing 5G equipment will be the "Amazon" of the digital age. It's a very big deal.

I spent my career in telecommunications and another big deal happened in the late 70's when the switch from analog to digital started. Literally every piece of telephone equipment had to be changed. I worked 70 hours a week with everything over 40, time and a half and everything over 48, double time. Damn, I made a lot of money!

Now, all communications will change to 5G and who ever makes the best, will reap the lions share of billions if not trillions of dollars and right now, China is ahead and unless there are sanctions against Chines company Huawei, they will win this race. We just had a big blow-up with Britain because they decided to use Huawei when we asked them not to for national security reasons.

If you noticed during the Super Bowl, it was the first televised program in 5G
Because every developed country in the world will deploy 5G technology and who ever is dominate in producing 5G equipment will be the "Amazon" of the digital age. It's a very big deal.

I spent my career in telecommunications and another big deal happened in the late 70's when the switch from analog to digital started. Literally every piece of telephone equipment had to be changed. I worked 70 hours a week with everything over 40, time and a half and everything over 48, double time. Damn, I made a lot of money!

Now, all communications will change to 5G and who ever makes the best, will reap the lions share of billions if not trillions of dollars and right now, China is ahead and unless there are sanctions against Chines company Huawei, they will win this race. We just had a big blow-up with Britain because they decided to use Huawei when we asked them not to for national security reasons.

If you noticed during the Super Bowl, it was the first televised program in 5G Originally Posted by HedonistForever

The reason China has the cheapest(not best) 5G equipment. The 5G suppliers are Chinese state companies.

When the world transistioned to digital, the US supplied the routers, and the US installed code that made them hackable. For a substantial period, there wasn't a piece of information sent digitally that couldn't be monitored by the NSA.

The Chinese looked at that concept, and thought it was a good idea. He who has the information wins. The subsidized 5G rollout by Chinese state owned companies is precisely that paradigm.

That the Europeans would trade off their future security for a bit cheaper routers is typical. Frankly, the cost of the equipment is insignificant compared to the cost of all the other stuff, and the labor.

Eurofascists are fundamentally stupid, and this is just another indicator.
Who did the Chinese steal the technology from in the first place?
5G technology isn't special. It simmply uses spectrum that has far higher capacity than 4G. The reason that spectrum wasn't chosen earlier is the 5G range sucks, and you have to have many many more nodes.

In essence, there really isn't any technology to develop, so they didn't have to steal it.

Remember that Apple builds all of its phones in China, and likely worked hand in hand with the chinese state owned commpanies to develop this.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The reason China has the cheapest(not best) 5G equipment. The 5G suppliers are Chinese state companies.

When the world transistioned to digital, the US supplied the routers, and the US installed code that made them hackable. For a substantial period, there wasn't a piece of information sent digitally that couldn't be monitored by the NSA.

The Chinese looked at that concept, and thought it was a good idea. He who has the information wins. The subsidized 5G rollout by Chinese state owned companies is precisely that paradigm.

That the Europeans would trade off their future security for a bit cheaper routers is typical. Frankly, the cost of the equipment is insignificant compared to the cost of all the other stuff, and the labor.

Eurofascists are fundamentally stupid, and this is just another indicator. Originally Posted by kehaar

I agree with most of what you said especially the last sentence. Yes, the Chinese equipment is cheaper because of the subsidies from the government but it wasn't just cheaper that got them the foothold, it was also because they were first out of the blocks and first sometimes counts.

This also happened when my company Lucent Tech. was spun off from AT&T. Lucent was flying high churning out new equipment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, again, making me a lot of money installing all this new equipment but being first out of the blocks only lasted a short time and when the smoke cleared, Lucent had over produced what the market could bare and dropped like a rock when this was realized and we lost what ended up looking like 90% or more of market share.

Maybe China will over produce but being backed by the government won't hurt like it did Lucent.