What comes to mind when you hear - sex and politics?
It reeks of the power and the prominant players involved in things that makes the world shout or shhhhhh in privacy for fear someone might hear. The underground world that goes unpunished for their naughty deeds for their positions of power makes them untouchable.
If ever I were approached by such a person there would be too much flattery to even answer.
I would love to hear the dirty deeds and there have been some caught up in the newspapers during election time.
Does anyone know the real story of Jerry Srpinger?
Does anyone play the mistress role to a prominant politician?
Step up ladies for any kind of publicity is better than none.
Give us some other examples of sex & politics ladies and gentlemen.
Amazing how it goes hand in hand.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I think of two words, Bill Clinton, oh the stories I could tell...but I won't
He is number 1!!!! Go Arkansas!!
5. Out of the Closet and into the Stall
Wouldn't it be weird if a Republican Senator from a conservative state pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct, after having been arrested for lewd conduct, i.e. allegedly propositioning an undercover officer in an airport bathroom? And wouldn't it be even weirder if he resigned his Senate seat, then unresigned. And if numerous men kept saying they'd had sex with him? Wouldn't that be weird? 4. The Jesus and Meth Chain
As President of the National Association of Evangelicals, Ted Haggard used to have weekly teleconferences with the man he helped elect in 2004, George W. Bush. The two discussed areas of mutual interest, such as the wonderfulness of Jesus and how to char-grill sodomites properly. These tete-a-tetes ended in 2006, when the lizardy pastor confessed to "sexual immorality." What he actually meant was, "going on crystal meth binges and cornholing my male prostitute/supplier." At last count, Haggard had received counseling and was no longer gay. 3. All Men Are Created Horny
Did Thomas Jefferson, primary author of the Declaration of Independence, two-term president (1801-1809), purchaser of Louisiana and other territories, and the guy on the nickel, actually live with one of his female slaves and father her children? I have no idea, but I'll bet you Strom Thurmond knows. There is no question that Sally Hemings was one of his slaves, and that she came to Paris to care for Jefferson's nine-year-old daughter, Isabel. She appears to have spent the rest of her years at Monticello, Jefferson's blingy Virginia crib. She also had six kids. Genetic testing and genealogical study have established a clear link between Jefferson and the Hemings brood. But not enough to qualify Jefferson for a special posthumous presidential edition of The Jerry Springer Show. Where is Matt Drudge when you really need him? 2. "Get a Ruler and Measure It For Me"
Those are the exact words of an instant message sent by Mark Foley (R-Florida) to a sixteen-year-old male congressional page. Foley also sent these messages: how my favorite young stud doing
good so your getting horny
did you spank it this weekend yourself
well I have a totally stiff wood now
we may need to drink at my house so we dont get busted
Do I make you a little horny?

I know what you're thinking: the guy needs to work on his IM grammar chops. But here's something else kind of shady about Foley: As chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, he introduced legislation targeting online sexual predators. As he explained to an NPR interviewer in 2002, "Where I have to draw the line is using children for the excitement of those more mature people who should know the difference and know better." Right. The touching thing about the Foley scandal wasn't just that he was a skeeve, but that the entire House Leadership knew he was a skeeve and covered his ass for more than a year. That, my friends, is party unity.
1. Oral in the Oval
It's Clinton and Lewinsky at the top of the ticket! Could there really be any doubt? After all, this is the scandal that once and for all rid the press corps of any inconvenient impulse to, for instance, exercise a conscience. To review the basics: on nine occasions Bill Clinton engaged in various forms of sexual behavior — up to but not including genital penetration — with Monica Lewinsky, then a 22-year-old intern, in and around the Oval Office. The exact details were eventually compiled by attorney/amateur pornographer Kenneth Starr, who served as Special Independent Counsel in Charge of Finding Some Kind of Shit on the Clintons for many many years. The Republican dominated House of Representatives — led by confessed adulterers Henry Hyde and Bob Livingston — impeached Clinton in 1998. He was acquitted of perjury and obstruction of justice after a twenty-one-day Senate trial. He emerged from the proceedings more popular with the American people than he had been before them. Why? Because the American people are more mature than the press that panders to them. In the end, we'd prefer cold, hard leadership to hot sex. Imagine that.

10. If You Can't Beat Them, Lick a Hooker
Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia is a terrific example of just how much Republicans respect the institution of marriage. Barr doesn't just respect marriage. He defends marriage. That's why he introduced the Defense of Marriage Act: to protect marriage from homosexuals who seek to destroy it by, um, getting married. "The flames of hedonism," he warned, "the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit." Trust Barr on the licking thing. He's an expert. He was photographed licking whipped cream off strippers at his inaugural party. His current wife was no doubt upset. But probably not as upset as his first two wives, to whom he failed to pay child support. (To his credit, Barr did pay for his second wife's abortion, though she still suspects he was cheating on her.) 9. Baby, You Make Me So Harding
Warren G. Harding (a.k.a. Warren G Unit) is the only president whose affairs led to the extortion of a major political party. To wit: his fifteen-year romance with Carrie Fulton Phillips, the wife of a friend, who the Republican National Committee reportedly paid on a monthly basis not to erupt, bimbo-style. Once in office, Harding allegedly took up with one Nan Britton, thirty years his junior. According to Britton, Harding introduced her to a small closet in the White House, where they exchanged kisses and made sweet presidential love. Britton claimed to have had an illegitimate child by Harding as well. In 1923, Harding died unexpectedly from ptomaine poisoning. Rumors ran rampant that his wife, Florence, had poisoned him. 8. Jungle Fever Down in Dixie
It was always good to know where Strom Thurmond stood on race relations. The South Carolina Republican, who died in 2003 at the age of 100, was a strict segregationist from head to toe, with the exception of his penis. His penis, it turns out, was more enlightened. When Thurmond was twenty-two, he impregnated Carrie Butler, his family's African-American maid. She was either fifteen or sixteen at the time. It remains unclear whether their liaison was consensual, but let's assume it was, because, hey, Thurmond seems like a good guy. How good? Well, he ran for President as a segregationist candidate in 1948, vociferously opposed civil-rights legislation, and remained an avowed racist throughout his forty-seven years in the Senate. 7. Spitzing the Magic Pussy
We all know the story now, chapter and verse. New York's crusading Democratic governor, Eliot Spitzer, gets caught in a big-ticket prostitution sting, in part owing to laws he helped push through as attorney general. Numerous tabloid money shots ensue. According to a pimp in the prostitution ring — and really, if you can't believe a pimp, who can you believe? — the woman Spitzer hired out had a "magic pussy." Abracadabra! You're out of office, dude! 6. Long Dong Justice
It's not just the executive and legislative branches that get their freak on. Don't count out those horny judicial cats. Especially Clarence Thomas. As a reminder, Thomas is the only African-American Supreme Court Justice more conservative than the Ku Klux Klan. He was also, according to a law professor named Anita Hill, the kind of guy who liked to make unwanted advances toward his hot subordinates by talking up his endowment. These accusations of sexual harassment — revealed in his 1991 confirmation hearings — were never proven. After all, what possible motive would Thomas have to lie? Clearly, Hill was clearly a fame-hungry opportunist gunning for a slot on reality TV.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-31-2011, 08:29 AM
There are many interesting stories, just not ones that should be on here.

I've occasionally posted about some general things without specifics or names--that would be outing someone in public, would it not? Ususally when I've describes things I get more people saying "that doesn't happen!" so I don't do it very often.

Drop me a PM and we can talk a little if you want. Even then, no names, dates, or anything identifiable.
Being conservative on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I seek out liberal providers so I can fuck the other side; as opposed to always being gotten.

Being politically correct, I switch sided on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays becoming liberal so I can screw conservatives.

On Sundays I become an independent and seek to screw independents. Since they switch sided regularly and may get included on other days of the week one day week is enough.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
too funny Bull LOL!!!

Most Say Political Sex Scandals Due to Greater Scrutiny, Not Lower Morality
anaximander's Avatar
Clarence Thomas is unjustly being smeared by
continuing the lies of mizz hill. Nothing of
substance was ever found from her allegations.
It's not too hard being more conservative than
the KKK- considering they were created by
loser democrats. What party called itself
the White Man's Party and accused the
other of having nigger on the brain.
I suggest whoever wrote this to study
US history 1835-1935 a bit more closely.
Read it your damn self
and quit taking things on faith.
D=white mans party
R= nigger on the brain
KKK created to supress black Republican voters.

But I digress...
Back to topic....

Contrast this with the rape/sexual assaults
of Kathleen Willie and Juanita Broadwick(sp)
by one william jefferson blythe clinton.
His bimbo eruptions team kept untold other
women from coming forward.

Another pol curiously enough ommitted
was the faggot Rep who's younger live in
boy toy ran a fag male-escort service out
of the Rep's house but the Rep didn't know.
Barney the Frank is that reprobate Rep.

Can't leave out chriss dodd and ted kennedy
would often participate in waitress sandwiches.

One fag cali rep had numerous affairs
with male pages- and was proud of it.
Yeah democrat too.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2011, 07:35 PM
Wow! No racial hatred here. No homophobic poster. No myopic insane stereotyping going on in this post. No sir!

Quite a sad diatribe. Are you so scared of the label "Democrat" that you would be willing to overlook the substance of the issues?

Forget political party labels: the KKK were extreme, hate-filled conservatives. They did not owe allegiance to an Elephant or a Donkey, but to racial focused hate and fear.
Many of the Democrats of the 1870s would call themselves Republicans today (and no, I am not anti-Republican, I've voted R more than D; I'm just not a "Label" addict).

Clarence Thomas does not get "smeared" anywhere near as much about Anita Hill (I agree with you that had little merit), but because in all the years of his judicial resume he has done nothing to convince most people that he has the legal mind for the SC.


Clarence Thomas is unjustly being smeared by
continuing the lies of mizz hill. Nothing of
substance was ever found from her allegations.
It's not too hard being more conservative than
the KKK- considering they were created by
loser democrats. What party called itself
the White Man's Party and accused the
other of having nigger on the brain.
I suggest whoever wrote this to study
US history 1835-1935 a bit more closely.
Read it your damn self
and quit taking things on faith.
D=white mans party
R= nigger on the brain
KKK created to supress black Republican voters.

But I digress...
Back to topic....

Contrast this with the rape/sexual assaults
of Kathleen Willie and Juanita Broadwick(sp)
by one william jefferson blythe clinton.
His bimbo eruptions team kept untold other
women from coming forward.

Another pol curiously enough ommitted
was the faggot Rep who's younger live in
boy toy ran a fag male-escort service out
of the Rep's house but the Rep didn't know.
Barney the Frank is that reprobate Rep.

Can't leave out chriss dodd and ted kennedy
would often participate in waitress sandwiches.

One fag cali rep had numerous affairs
with male pages- and was proud of it.
Yeah democrat too. Originally Posted by anaximander
simpleton's Avatar
I would bang Monica lewinsky just to be Bill Clinton's eskimo bother.
Sweetn lil.. are you trying to tell us something.. hmmmmmmmmm
anaximander's Avatar
Excuse me miz lay but you are just full of crap.
Again I say read for yourself.
What do I get? Some lame ass cut and paste
review of Thomas straight out of the huffpo
or dailycos. Woman, Thomas' opinions have
been some of the most well thought out
and argued in the history of the USSC.
That you practically parroted schumer's
derision of Thomas isn't

I can understand why a dem would want
their implication in the KKK, jim crow, and
segregation in general airbrushed away.

The greatgrandfathers of todays democrats
would be proud of what their descendents
managed to achieve. Lincoln and the
Radical Republicans freed the black man
and gave him a measure of liberty.
Their masters provided food, shelter, clothing,
work, and health care.
Once free men they took care and provided
for themselves. Families broken by slavery,
were laborously reunited.
blacks and other once free men now seek
a govt answer to work, housing, food, and health care
in short they seek a new master.
The black family has singularly been decimated
by LBJ's war on poverty. 60% of all black children
conceived are aborted. And blacks support the
party responsible for this bamboozle over 90%.

As for fags;
it figures that sexually confused people wouldn't
have a grasp of the english language either.
The gay mafia has been utilizing their reverse
psychology pr crap for over 20 yrs now.
Control the language you can control the argument.
The faux word 'homophobia' is a pallid attempt
to bully by inference. Nobody wants to appear
fearful or scared of faggots so they tend to just
clam up when met with fag propaganda.
But they are using a fear adj when regarding
what they then call hate.
Do islamists hate jews or fear them?
Homophobia literally means either
Man fear or Same fear- neither of which is accurate.
Even 'homosexual' is a misnomer in the classic sense.
There is nothing sexual in homoeroticism or
homophilia. It's impossible-only male and female
together can have the sex act. Simply going
through the motions makes it more of a fetish.
The more accurate greek latin compound would
be something like: mys/mis-homo-philics
All this goes to the point that this is unnatural
behavior- hence the distortions upon the language
in an effort to square the circle.
Polygamists have way more right and claim
to legitimacy than a bunch of degenerate
social anarchists. Yet that ain't even open
for discussion.

Lastly, hate is the flipside of love.
In order to properly hate something
you have to have an attachment in the
first place. I have nothing but pure noninterest
in faggot issues. Don't care, never will.
I view them like pepsi- fine for others
keep that crap away from me.
Pepsiphobic? No dumbass Coke fanatic.

One last goodie
Grover Cleveland(D) had his initiation
into the KKK done in the WhiteHouse.