Review specials question

dallasfan's Avatar
Are reviews specials for new clients only or are they opened to repeat clients...thoughts?
Typically a new provider or one that has not had a review in along time may offer a special in return for a review. Why would it have to be a new client? If the client has not reviewed her or its been along time, what difference does it make?

As a side to those ladies who have not done this. Do not give discounts before the review is posted. Guys will promise to write one to get the discount but many will not actually do it. Instead, offer a discount for a future session after they write the review. If the session is great, they will write a review and you get a repeat session as well. The guy saves some money and hopefully has another great session. Win/Win for everyone.
A review is a review no matter who does it, if the guy is a new client or repeat. Typically, a provider does specials due to she is the one that is new to the site or she has not had any reviews in a while so since the review is one of the best advertising tools she can have, she runs a special rate for a review. My thoughts are that the review special discounted donation should be given on the next time he sees the provider after he has reviewed his time before, especially if the guy is a new client to her. There are too many cheap ass guys that take advantage of the discount and not write the review per some of the providers I have seen, plus it gives her an incentive to make a good enough impression to make the guy want to come back and see her for the discounted session. She makes more money and guys get more satisfaction, it is a win-win.
pyramider's Avatar
Is there no honor in whoredom?
In my opinion, it is open to new and repeat clients. Why not?
sparrow1122's Avatar
The special is paying for the time to write a review.
New client or old, does not matter. You are getting paid for your time.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think the intention is for new clients.. to drum up more business, and to get a needed review... some may be ok with an old client, if she has had no review in a long time.. as a Hobbyist, a new review from a new client would mean more, instead of another review from a regular.. assuming he has, in fact, written a review previously.
OldGrump's Avatar
I thought review specials were to generate reviews and, hopefully, interest.

It would seem that a repeat client would be welcome to take advantage of that special. However, it is usually offered by new providers so I'm curious how she could have many repeat clients if that is the case.

Any special is special to me.
Invisible1's Avatar client...old client...its all good. The provider can do what she wants about giving a discount before or after the review. Its her decision, her business, her risk to take of whether the guy writes a review or not. All good.
dallasfan's Avatar
I guess she values new clients over repeat clients. It's all good though.
New to her, as in you've never seen her or new to the board here?

In the 5 years I've been here, I've never heard of this. If she's smoking hot and Intel is good, I can't think of a better reason to create multiple handles here. Of course...if you've seen her under your old handle and she remembers you...well...there might be some discussion of the appropriate donation amount.

Hopefully the Special is for everyone.
I offer review specials and after that , those who choose to see me again will always be at grandfathered rate.

I do have to agree with old grump..many ask for review special and do not write review. I do not understand why, I thought maybe they were busy. I think that is a good idea to wait to offer special after review is written.
corona's Avatar
Of course the answer is "however she wants to run her business".