What to do when someone threats to wrie a bad review

What to do when someone threat to write a bad review?

I just scheduled an appt with a guy named mike and if you need the number I have it. When he arrived to call to get my suite, My phone was acting up and I share an office with my sister Edited to remove real world info--Torito while i was trying to get him on my phone she said let me try on mine! She got him on the phone and she was very sweet.

She said, hey Shelley phone is messing up our suite number is _____ And he said what are you two trying to pull! She explained again and said here talk to her.

I got on the phone and was trying to explain that my phone is not workinging and its a new htc and i need to reset it, having issues! He said I am leaving and writing a bad review that you two are a bait and switch team!

Then he started sending me threats on ruining my business!

This is so crazy! whats funny is right when he first called and set the appointment he text me:

where something sexy!

another text after that! what are you wearing?

I then called and explain that I am in a professional office and I get comfortable in my session because I didn't what him to have hope and mind set on something like a lingerie studio.

he said know I still want to come see you. I said great cause I am a true southern gal and I like to be always open and forward to my clients and don't ever want to mislead anyone.

Can you believe he text me right after that and ask me if I would be cammando! Right then I should have known! That inner voice...

And this is how it ended with threating me and ruining my good name.

Edited to remove real world info--Torito is very upset and thinks as I do too. That its bad that clients like this can come and write a bad review and be dishonest.

Can we do anything on our behalf?

If this belongs in another section please place it there, I am frustrated and would like some feedback.

Sensual Shelley
pmdelites's Avatar
you've explained your side of it [as best we can tell from reading pixels from cyberspace].

as long as you plainly and straightforwardly explain the situation, then folks can read and make up their own mind.

below are the titles of recent posts in indy reviews that had your name "shelley" somewhere in the review. doesnt look like "mike" has posted anything. a quick browse of posts in the dallas forum w/ "shelley" in them doesnt show anything negative.

Review: sensualshelley by zekepatter
last post 09-26-2010 02:24 PM

Review: Shelley - FBSM and the l2 by gozer
last post 08-31-2010 09:50 PM

Review: Sensual time with Shelley by clownpuncher
last post 08-29-2010 09:59 AM

Review: Shelley from BP by zekepatter
last post 08-02-2010 09:23 PM

Review: Relaxing time with Shelley by Imagine That
last post 07-21-2010 05:07 PM

Review: SHELLIE Backpage bodyrub by fung33k
last post 06-14-2010 11:08 AM
Torito's Avatar

Never post real world info, name, phone #etc. It is good that you did not post the offenders #.

Thank You...
Good reviews always outweigh bad reviews. Every provider is not going to be every hobbiest's cup of tea. And I'm sure the gents here can siffer out if the guy is just being an asshole, lol! All in all, I wouldn't worry too much. One bad review shouldn't hurt you.
Peanut's Avatar
1 bad review wont hurt a business, I wont rule out seeing a lady with several good and 1 bad. So you will be fine thru the storm if he does post one.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Agree that a bad review or two, if for the right reasons, isn't a deal-breaker. Of course, if it's something really f*cked up and stupid then, well, yeah.
"suck it up and suck on something"

just sayn, at least you can a good review out of it
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 10-16-2010, 06:15 AM
I think your retort was good Shelly. You told your side of the story, without attacking the other person like some do when threaten by others with a bad review

You showed style and grace in your reply good job well done.
dodger's Avatar
Most guys start the selection process by seeing an ad or showcase. If they like the look, services, fee, they go on and search the reviews. What I'm saying is that few guys would back away from a provider because of one bad review. Another thing, not all reviews are equal. Some guys have more credibility writing reviews than others. Goes without saying, this is also true of good reviews.

Most folks in business realize that a customer "complaint" is also an opportunity. Choosing to deal with the review and how you deal with it can provide a level of visibility which could generate positive attention by others. I imagine that is happening in this case. Because I'm seeing an attractive provider demonstrate her concern about her reputation in an intelligent manner. All that is good stuff.

Of course .. when someone (anyone) "goes off" like crazy of something that really doesn't make sense ... and that happens here, too. That could damage a reputation but it's self inflicted damage ... prolly more than the original issue or event.

Short story ... someone says something untoward, deal with it. Fine. But in the end ...it's unlikely to be more than what you make of it.

Remember what uncle dodgie says, be safe and have fun.
Mariah Moore's Avatar
Never outrage yourself on what someone says. If a hobbyist threatens you with a bad review just ignore it and maintain your professional composure let him write his bad review and if you know what he has wrote is wrong just let it be. I always say let your work and name speak for its self a review is just someone else's words..
sky_wire's Avatar
You should have cupped your gorgeous D’s and asked him, “Does your wife speak Russian?” Most men would immediately come to their senses.
bigmarv's Avatar
1 bad review would probably not influence my decision to see a provider who has a lot of good reviews. Besides I don't really understand why anyone would want to write a review on something that never happened. Just my .02 cents.
You should have cupped your gorgeous D’s and asked him, “Does your wife speak Russian?” Most men would immediately come to their senses. Originally Posted by sky_wire
*** Best answer so far! ***
Ya can't post his real world info, but you sure can post his handle!

Did you get his handle?

Nothing like a little public humiliation to expose someone or straighten em up.

If you got it, post it.
If not, I know why.

I think it is funny that some guys withhold their handle when he asks for an appointment with Eccie gals. It usually means they are tricksters, IMO.