Thank you JaGiM and Rez

I finally read the murdered provider thread. Thank you for closing it and acting with some sensitivity and sensibility.

Leah, I can't believe that during this poor girl's loss you would tell her to get a thicker skin rather than being a mod and controlling your friends. I am disgusted.

Well, I did what you should have been doing at that time and posted it in all the Texas forums as there were no alerts there; and I posted it in national forum as well.

I also sent the link up to St. C and SP Hunter for review. Ridiculous.

Then you guys have the audacity to slap her with morality?

I just wanna friggin puke! No friggin class! Slap your mother!

Britt, I- as always- am the one who looks out for the new girls. I see a real need here. Pm me Baby girl and let's help you stay safe with some screening advice... LIKE YOUR MISSISSIPPI SISTERS SHOULD BE DOING cause OBVIOUSLY, she needs it! She's 22 and her friend just got killed! She needs help, not drama!