
cmore197474's Avatar
I remember back in the day when a girl with a tattoo was an unique novelty. Now days, it's the opposite. A girl without a tat is the unique novelty.
DallasRain's Avatar
I dont have any tats..YET! lol

I do think tats are sexy though!
TailHooked's Avatar
So true cmore. They were the naughty girls. The kind you didn't take home to mother. Now a days they have sleeves, permanent necklaces and just random crap all over. I knew one who had a perfect lipstick kiss on her ass. I liked that. Done in good taste. There was one I knew who had trust no one tattooed on her. Advice I should have taken when I first met her. We live and learn.
Not sure if I'm old school or new school but there is no tat better than a woman's beautiful skin.
satan666's Avatar
interesting encounter glad you enjoyed your time with her now who is this tattooed beauty great ros also 5 star report!!!!!!!!!
Moved here from Encounter Reports.
71Pseudonym's Avatar
My ex got a tattoo right after I met her back in '92 that went from her knee to her ankle. She would get a lot of stares and compliments all the time but yeah I don't think my mother approved at the time. I do remember the call I got when I was away at school from her telling me she got a tat and all week I was thinking man why did she go and do that, as soon as I saw it and how well it was done I didn't give a shit anymore. almost 30 years later I don't care at all unless it's just a bad design.
I wanna get one but scared i wouldn't like it!