The duck

A man comes home. He's carrying a duck. He sees his wife and says, "look at the pig I've been fucking."

The wife says, "uh, that's not a pig"
The husband says, "I was talking to the duck."
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  • Reddd
  • 06-17-2012, 11:13 AM
The original, which I couldn't find, was a King with three sons and the King wanted to pick the wisest to succede him on the throne.

An our hobbyist won!

A farmer has 3 sons, one day he decides to give them each a duck to go sell.

The first son goes into a local market, and after much barganing and hassling gets 5 dollars for the duck. He returns back and tells his Dad, who says "Great job son, lets have a beer"

The second son takes his duck and goes all the way to the city market and manages to get 15 dollars for his duck, he goes back and tells his Dad, and the Dad says "Great show son, lets have 2 beers"

The third son also goes all the way to the city to sell his duck. But instead of going to the market he goes to a whore house, where he finds an all-right girl and asks to have sex, but all he has is this duck.

The girl agress and they go at it. After they finish the girl says it was so good, she'll give him the duck back if they do it again, and the son agrees.

AFter this he leaves the whore house, but as he is doing so the duck gets away, runs into the street, and is run over by a truck. The driver runs out and sees the awestruck son, and says "I'm so sorry, I'll give you 40 dollars for your duck" and the son agrees.

The son returns back home and his father asks "What did you get for your duck son?"

"Well Dad, I got a fuck for a duck, a duck for a fuck, and for 40 bucks, I got one fucked up duck."