The NYTimes Has Its Megyn Kelly Moment

lustylad's Avatar
Even the ultra-liberal New York Times is taking notice and (grudgingly) giving her credit. Meanwhile, assup ("I'd do her!") keeps fantasizing about Rachel Madcow.
LexusLover's Avatar
I wasn't "hanging" on every word Obmainable uttered last night, but I don't recall having heard these PUBLISHED IN THE NY TIMES, which is what I thought these thread was about:

"WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has begun work on a legal memo recommending no civil rights charges against a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., who killed an unarmed black teenager in August, law enforcement officials said.

"That would close the politically charged case in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. The investigation by the F.B.I., which is complete, found no evidence to support civil rights charges against the officer, Darren Wilson, the officials said."

Or anything about it.
lustylad's Avatar
No, this thread is about Megyn Kelly at Fox News. Start another one for the Justice Dept. not charging Michael Brown.
Even the ultra-liberal New York Times is taking notice and (grudgingly) giving her credit. Meanwhile, assup ("I'd do her!") keeps fantasizing about Rachel Madcow. Originally Posted by lustylad
I think the gist of the NYT article is how incredibly unusual it is for any of the FOX news blowholes to question any statement by a guest, no matter how fucking stupid it is.....should she get props? Hell, yes...but the point is, she only gets props because she is a part of a news network that has nothing to do with journalism and everything to do with propaganda and ratings. Calling out guests to support their ridiculous assertions is the exception at Fox, not the rule. She's the least, occasionally.
I'd let Megyn Kelly cunt punt me into the middle of next year.

And that's a ways from here.
I think the gist of the NYT article is how incredibly unusual it is for any of the FOX news blowholes to question any statement by a guest, no matter how fucking stupid it is.....should she get props? Hell, yes...but the point is, she only gets props because she is a part of a news network that has nothing to do with journalism and everything to do with propaganda and ratings. Calling out guests to support their ridiculous assertions is the exception at Fox, not the rule. She's the least, occasionally. Originally Posted by timpage
Just admit you want to fuck her, OK?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So obvious that Timmie doesn't watch Fox News or he wouldn't say such stupid stuff.
BigLouie's Avatar
Just admit you want to fuck her, OK? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Balls deep, right up the ass.
Hell, yes...but the point is, she only gets props because she is a part of a news network that has nothing to do with journalism and everything to do with propaganda and ratings. Originally Posted by timpage
Whereas with MSNBC and CNN it's just propaganda because they have no ratings.

Anyone else notice this?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-23-2015, 08:18 AM
So obvious that Timmie doesn't watch Fox News or he wouldn't say such stupid stuff. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let's not talk about what the top brass of the navy Seal's believe...From the link:

Maybe a little, Lowell said, adding, “but just in the last hour the head of the Navy SEALs, the senior leadership, put out a letter — “
Kelly cut him off: “That was out last week.” She explained to the other producers that the letter urged the SEALs to maintain their silence, a move that appeared to put O’Neill (and, though she didn’t say it, Fox) on the wrong side of a debate about military honor.
Kelly did not think the show needed to delve into any such details.

But she appeals to a more diverse group....More from the link:

In the process, Kelly’s program has not just given America’s top-rated news channel its biggest new hit in 13 years; it has demonstrated an appeal to the younger and (slightly) more ideologically diverse demographic Fox needs as it seeks to claim even more territory on the American journo-political landscape.

And here is why...More from the link:

On Kelly’s first day back, in August, she invited Gallagher onto her show and proceeded to strafe him mercilessly. “The United States is the only advanced country that doesn’t require paid leave,” Kelly told him. “If anything, the United States is in the dark ages when it comes to maternity leave. And what is it about getting pregnant and carrying a baby nine months that you don’t think deserves a few months off so bonding and recovery can take place? Hmm?” When Gallagher asked whether men were entitled to the same time off, Kelly informed him that indeed they were. “It’s called the Family Medical Leave Act,” she said.

More diverse appeal, destroying Carl "Whirly" Rove From the link:

Then, a year later, came the Megyn moment that made her career, with Rove on election night 2012. She was the co-anchor with Bret Baier, the anchorman of “Special Report.” By 10 p.m. or so, as Republican hopes for the presidency were starting to dim, Rove was on the Fox News set insisting that Romney still had a chance. “Is this just the math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better or is it real?” Kelly snapped.

The Times media columnist David Carr wrote that Kelly had appeared to be “speaking for many of us,” and that, at least in this one confrontation, Fox News had “landed firmly on the side of journalism, the facts and a narrative based on reality as opposed to partisan fantasy.”

And this is how Roger Ailes (with Kelly as his Star) plan on diversity...From the link:

How does Ailes maintain the aging conservative base that has allowed him to control the present while at the same time drawing in younger and independent viewers that will allow him to grow and control the future? Fox News, in this way, is confronted by the same problem the Republican Party faces, and Ailes appears to be solving his problem the way anyone hoping to build a winning national coalition must: by emphasizing personality.
When Ted Turner started CNN, he proclaimed that “the news is the star.” Ailes, on the other hand, has always been a vocal believer in the power of personality...
Ailes’s advice was just what you would expect: “If you can get the audience to pull for you, you’ll always win.”

In conclusion , Fox News is a personality driven News organization. To expand their base they are hiring a more diverse Anchor group. That IMHO will eventually alienate the majority of you Tea Loons and eventually lead to another network that will peel off the old hard right wingers. But as of now it is all you have and you can play the RINO game while watching the only show you have in town ...
lustylad's Avatar
In conclusion , Fox News is a personality driven News organization. To expand their base they are hiring a more diverse Anchor group. That IMHO will eventually alienate the majority of you Tea Loons and eventually lead to another network that will peel off the old hard right wingers. But as of now it is all you have and you can play the RINO game while watching the only show you have in town ... Originally Posted by WTF

Nice job reading the whole article, WTF... but your conclusion is way off.

Back in the days when journalism had standards, nobody would have made a fuss about a "Megyn Kelly moment". It was simply accepted that the journalist's job is to ask hard, pointed questions, regardless of the political views of the guest or the network. Megyn Kelly is a real professional journalist. The New York Times acts surprised and makes a big story out of it. That tells you just how far the NYT and the liberal press have strayed from what used to be professional journalistic standards.

I don't know anyone - "Tea Loons" or otherwise - who is alienated by Megyn Kelly's style of reporting or considers her a RINO. Wishful thinking on your part!

LexusLover's Avatar

Anyone else notice this? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes, every time she hurries out the door heading back to work.
Balls deep, right up the ass. Originally Posted by BigLouie
And it's the GOP that has a "War On Women", right?