I know there have been threads on STD's before, but I have a concern. I am not a frequent flyer but have seen a few girls. There was a girl that advertised on BP and was reviewed here previously. I had contacted her and she was on my to do list. When I recently contacted her for a meeting she said she no longer sees people. I sent a reply back that I hoped it was not due to anything bad, and she could keep my number can let me know if she started seeing people again. She answered back that she has hsv2. I about crapped my pants. I felt bad for her, she is quite young and sweet. But then my worries for myself started.
There is nothing to make guys or gals take the high road and step away from the hobby as this girl did. After some reading it sound like it is very common and easily spread even with condom use. Also bbbj is said to not be safe. But then again I know safety warnings get exaggerated. Anyone have any special knowledge to share to help out a worried hobbyist.