Newbie Questiong re: Tipping

Hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question....if so please forgive me.

Lets assume you reserve some time and the session goes well. I have not booked time often at all but when I do it is usually over an hour. Lets assume you leave early. You have paid for time not used, is it reasonable to look at the time not used as a tip? If I'm being unreasonable please tell me. I'm all about the ettiquite....
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-10-2012, 09:39 AM
If men book an hour, they expect an hour. If a girl has blocked off an hour of time for a booking, she expects to be paid for the time blocked off.

I don't think any reasonable lady would expect a tip on top of a fully paid but under utilized session. If you utilize your complete time frame, and feel you had a wonderful experience, by all means TIP.
mirandalee's Avatar
Well said Ze..
Hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question....if so please forgive me.

Lets assume you reserve some time and the session goes well. I have not booked time often at all but when I do it is usually over an hour. Lets assume you leave early. You have paid for time not used, is it reasonable to look at the time not used as a tip? If I'm being unreasonable please tell me. I'm all about the ettiquite.... Originally Posted by DFWBigDog
I have done that couple of times now, left way early than booked time. But I didn't consider that a tip. Only one time have I used the full time and pretty much told time is up.

So in that sense, it is not a tip. If you left, thats your own choice, unless the girl doesn't allow MSOG, then that might be an issue, especially if you come early and then pretty much, seems like you might have tipped her for the one shot :-)
I'm assuming you tip because you want to ensure great service in the future, and because you were happy with the experience you had. Only cash will tell that story–in this industry or any other service industry, for that matter.

I usually tip up front on my first visit, because I want to indicate that I am willing to compensate for exemplary service. If I get burned, c'est la vie. Life is like a box of chocolates, after all. But I know I made my best effort for things to go right, and it's easy to move on without looking back.
Why leave early? If the appointment went well why not chat with her until your time is up? The Providers schedule an hour or 2...they expect to entertain you for that full time.
I've popped as early as an hour before my time is up...I'm pretty much a one-shot guy...and have had good times with the Provider just shootin' the shit. And tipped her as well.
Why leave early? If the appointment went well why not chat with her until your time is up? The Providers schedule an hour or 2...they expect to entertain you for that full time.
I've popped as early as an hour before my time is up...I'm pretty much a one-shot guy...and have had good times with the Provider just shootin' the shit. And tipped her as well. Originally Posted by Prolongus
About the same. But since I usually do it during work time ( lunch hour), I tend to get back to work. With the traffic and all, sometimes wont have the time to do the whole hour, unless the incall is close enough.

But yeah, if you got the time, by all means, if she is fun girl, why not have some fun talking or BSing.

If not, like I said, its not a tip, your time, and you left, thats your problem, not hers. A tip is something paid over the agreed amount for the appointment time.
I'm going to kick my hat in the ring here. When you have an appointment,how you spend your time is largely up to you. You can spend it receiving personal attention, talking, playing cards or driving back to work. It's your hour. If you are paying her for her time and you leave early and then consider that her tip, then you are essentially tipping her "time". Most providers prefer cash. Gifts are nice but most of the providers I know, consider gifts outside the boundaries of business compensation. In any case, tip if she goes above and beyond your expectations or if you just want to give her more than what was agreed on.

Tips are a monetary expression of appreciation for exemplary service. I have been tipped $3 and I have also been tipped twice my hourly rate. Usual tips are at least $20 or an amount in increments of $20 (some providers will add a few "zeros" to that last amount). Tipping is usually optional but I hope this guideline will help you, should you decide to additionally donate to the college fund of your choice.

Providers also better remember clients who tip. I know you didn't ask for all this but you did say you wanted to clarify this area's etiquette.
TexasDave555's Avatar
Some may expect it, some my hope for it but protocol is its your money to do what you wish with it. If you think she deserved or earned it, by all means feel free to do it. If not, stick with the fee and feel no guilt.
@TexasDave555, +1!
JK, respectfully disagree about tipping for expectation of great service in FUTURE. Tip is for services rendered (past tense) IMHO.

Dharma sums it up well.
I hear you, Abraham. But it's worked well for me, especially on first visits, where neither of us knows what to expect. If I supply the donation up front, without being asked, the providers can relax - and if I put a little more in as a tip, she knows I'm going to be responsive to "above and beyond" efforts on her part if we have future visits. If I wait until afterward, I think I lose a bit of the effect. To each his own.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Tipping is a good way of saying good or great service I will be back and I think that is up to the hobbyist and what he thought about the service.

What pisses me off and a sure fire way of me NEVER coming back is when you get to the providers place and she ask you are you going to tip me or if you tip me I will give you a great service or some crap talk to that effect, That tells me it is all about the money, what if you don't tip up front the service is going to suck, well from what I have seen when they ask for a tip up front the service is so so at best and most of the time the service sucks and I won't go back anyway.

I understand they are here to make a living but asking for a tip is just rude and if they depend on a tip then maybe they need to go up on there rates to begin with.

A tip is up to the hobbyist for good service or because they hit it off and he wants to go back and see just how good of service he gets next time.
JK, I also always provide donation up front with reputable providers. One of my ATFs asked me why I did that and I told her that I did not want the embarrassment of forgetting it. She said that several of her regs had done that over the years and she had no problem calling them.

Hobby, I have never had a provide tell or ask up front about a tip. I only see women over 35 and that probably has something to do with it. I know there are some great younger providers, but it is too much like rolling the dice.

I also cannot relate to them. I do not tip as much on high dollar ones either. That is strictly a matter of personal financial limitations.

What pisses me off and a sure fire way of me NEVER coming back is when you get to the providers place and she ask you are you going to tip me or if you tip me I will give you a great service or some crap talk to that effect. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun

That type of behavior is repulsive. In my opinion it is TACKY to ask for a tip before or even after a session. I'm not saying anything is wrong in hoping for a tip, especially if the session was above and beyond the norm, but if you're asking for a tip you might as well just raise your rates. I never ask for one or expect a tip, but when given one I take it as a pat on the back and reassurance of a job well done.