Feeling the Need to Rationalize Your Sexual Escapades?

LynetteMarie's Avatar
If you're a Christian who has been struggling with your sexy, open, kinky side, fear no more! Threesomes and fisting are God's will! Read the good news about oral sex, too!

Sex in Christ

*sidenote: I am a Christian who found this both humorous and disturbing. Honestly, mainly humorous.
Wow, informative and very funny/
Anybody up for religious services?

And just for fun, how's this for a religious service?


That crazy little critter had 'em all shoutin' "Hallelujah!"
DallasRain's Avatar
wow interesting!!!!
definitely a spin on things....to ones own....it is a matter of ones opinion and conscience. definitely prompts the mind to dig deeper. i was told once in high school that it was ok to play, fingering, oral, etc...as long as i did not penetrate. either way, thoughts of sex stayed in my head.

So whats tempting you?
Cool links Lynette, this one is my favorite


I have heard of this before. Some Christians seem to have a better grasp on BDSM than than many others do.They seem to understand that dominance , and submission can be found in your heart far more than in the typical suburban dungeon.
Justing be a posting slutt...Never mind me
RunSilent RunDeep's Avatar
<snip> *sidenote: I am a Christian who found this both humorous and disturbing. Honestly, mainly humorous. Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
(To which I quietly say, "Whew")
Sisyphus's Avatar
Well now..."Church" just got a HELL of a lot more interesting!!!!
The Catholic Church even recently admitted that there might be aliens or other humans in other solar systems.....
The Catholic Church even recently admitted that there might be aliens or other humans in other solar systems..... Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Who knows? Any day know they might admit that the earth doesn't have four corners and that the earth revolves around the Sun.
Fascinating reading.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2010, 01:43 PM
Who knows? Any day know they might admit that the earth doesn't have four corners and that the earth revolves around the Sun. Originally Posted by Laurentius
RunSilent RunDeep's Avatar
The Catholic Church even recently admitted that there might be aliens or other humans in other solar systems..... Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Of course, nowadays the CC seldom justifies its positions solely by quoting weirdly-chosen verses from the Bible. Nowadays, that territory is firmly occupied by the fundies.

I'm neither Catholic nor Protestant, so I have no dog in that almost-500-year-old fight. But I know how easy it is for people to pile onto the Catholic Church.