You are on an island

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 08-31-2010, 08:53 PM
It is just you and one other person. There is water and food but it needs to be gathered/ prepared. You are going to be there a long time. You have no shelter but the climate is moderate.
What are the attributes that you would like the other to possess?
patience, good conversational skills. humor and of course being a good lay couldnt hurt at all..
Big Tits, tight pussy and a working sat phone. This is trick question, right?
Knowledge, patience, and optimism. And a good machete.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
What are the attributes that you would like the other to possess? Originally Posted by oden
They should be lean, but well marbled with minimum gristle in the larger cuts.

Hey, you never know when that food supply might run out . . . .

And a good machete. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
I've never heard it called that.
Patience, consideration, awesome sense of humor, sexy, and knowledgeable about the outdoors/building.
I'd need them to be strong enough to build me a place to sleep and help me gather food; be congenial and see humor in as many places as possible, and f*ck like a champion. That is all. LOL.
What a great question!

Assuming the person referenced is one of the opposite sex, the question becomes "What is your ideal mate?" BUT -- the context is shifted because all of the social support systems that allow people to be productive who would not have been able to pull their own weight 20,000 years ago will disappear.

Under modern conditions, in a sense we can afford to stray away from the basics of the most important aspects of mate selection and instead concentrate on the superficial, representative and even frivolous.

But on a desert island? You can't afford to pick a mate because she appeals to your foot fetish (or whatever) or he looks good in an expensive suit if these come at the expense of more important attributes.

So ... what is most important?

Wide hips, wide birth canal. Sorry, I don't want to be performing an impromptu C-section. I could probably distill fermented fruits to make an alcohol antiseptic and stuff; but I'd rather not have to. I'll skip the spinning, give me those wide hips.

Strong immune system slightly different from my own so that offspring have the widest range of immunities possible.

Breasts that WORK. That is, will produce milk adequate for the nutirtional needs of babies. There's no baby formula on the island.

If she happens to be beautiful, that's nice; but given a choice I'd rather she be hardy. (Both would be really nice!) After all, she'll be the most beautiful woman on the island and hence will have no competition.

She should be strong enough to lift me while hugging me without hurting herself.

Psychologically stable and free from debilitating neuroses. I don't want to come back to the cave after a long day of hunting and gathering to find my mate so depressed she can't get out of bed or too fearful to emerge from the cave. If a bear tries to enter and eat us, I want her capable of wielding a spear rather than screaming, crying and otherwise being useless.

I would like her personality type, for greatest compatibility with me, to be either NT or NF. (Middle two on the Briggs-Meyers).

I would like her to have a natural tendency toward happiness and optimism; as well as having material wants that are easily satisfied and that she is willing to assist in satisfying for herself. She's a partner, not a sugar baby.

I would like her to be highly intelligent, preferably with an IQ over 140; but I'd settle for 130+. I realize there are debates over the validity of IQ tests, but they correlate very highly to practical problem solving abilities. I want her to be able to solve complex problems.

She should have a wide range of knowledge in fields ranging from nutrition and medicine to botany -- and everything else possible in between.

She should be intellectually flexible and adaptable enough to deduce and induce new knowledge through observations of her environment.

She should be orgasmic (1/3rd of women are not), and have no past traumas that would prevent or interfere with a satisfying sexual relationship. Beyond that details don't matter as she'd be the most sexually amazing woman on the island.
What a great question!

Assuming the person referenced is one of the opposite sex, the question becomes "What is your ideal mate?" BUT -- the context is shifted because all of the social support systems that allow people to be productive who would not have been able to pull their own weight 20,000 years ago will disappear.

Under modern conditions, in a sense we can afford to stray away from the basics of the most important aspects of mate selection and instead concentrate on the superficial, representative and even frivolous.

But on a desert island? You can't afford to pick a mate because she appeals to your foot fetish (or whatever) or he looks good in an expensive suit if these come at the expense of more important attributes.

So ... what is most important?

Wide hips, wide birth canal. Sorry, I don't want to be performing an impromptu C-section. I could probably distill fermented fruits to make an alcohol antiseptic and stuff; but I'd rather not have to. I'll skip the spinning, give me those wide hips.

Strong immune system slightly different from my own so that offspring have the widest range of immunities possible.

Breasts that WORK. That is, will produce milk adequate for the nutirtional needs of babies. There's no baby formula on the island.

If she happens to be beautiful, that's nice; but given a choice I'd rather she be hardy. (Both would be really nice!) After all, she'll be the most beautiful woman on the island and hence will have no competition.

She should be strong enough to lift me while hugging me without hurting herself.

Psychologically stable and free from debilitating neuroses. I don't want to come back to the cave after a long day of hunting and gathering to find my mate so depressed she can't get out of bed or too fearful to emerge from the cave. If a bear tries to enter and eat us, I want her capable of wielding a spear rather than screaming, crying and otherwise being useless.

I would like her personality type, for greatest compatibility with me, to be either NT or NF. (Middle two on the Briggs-Meyers).

I would like her to have a natural tendency toward happiness and optimism; as well as having material wants that are easily satisfied and that she is willing to assist in satisfying for herself. She's a partner, not a sugar baby.

I would like her to be highly intelligent, preferably with an IQ over 140; but I'd settle for 130+. I realize there are debates over the validity of IQ tests, but they correlate very highly to practical problem solving abilities. I want her to be able to solve complex problems.

She should have a wide range of knowledge in fields ranging from nutrition and medicine to botany -- and everything else possible in between.

She should be intellectually flexible and adaptable enough to deduce and induce new knowledge through observations of her environment.

She should be orgasmic (1/3rd of women are not), and have no past traumas that would prevent or interfere with a satisfying sexual relationship. Beyond that details don't matter as she'd be the most sexually amazing woman on the island. Originally Posted by Laurentius
What he said,,+ blond with fine hair. Have you ever seen a brunette who gave up shaving her legs ? It's not pretty after a few weeks.
Rudyard K's Avatar
So LT?

A good child bearer, full breasts, intelligent, stable, well read, easy to get along with, pratical, naturally happy, easily satisfied, healthy, and orgasmic? Does that about cover it?

What about hair color?
It is just you and one other person. There is water and food but it needs to be gathered/ prepared. You are going to be there a long time. You have no shelter but the climate is moderate.
What are the attributes that you would like the other to possess? Originally Posted by oden
The ability to get me back to civilization.
SlowHand49's Avatar
A really good sense of humor and, to borrow NR's fine line, the ability to f*ck like a champion . . .

With food and water available, everything else should work out . . .
The ability to get me back to civilization. Originally Posted by Ansley
Word! My idea of roughing it is staying at a 3 star hotel.
John Bull's Avatar
Word! My idea of roughing it is staying at a 3 star hotel. Originally Posted by pjorourke
You would stay at a 3 star? I'm shocked!