I have an AGE question for you people....

No.Pastry.Please's Avatar
What is the age relationship, generally between client and provider?

Are the bulk of clients middle-aged men as opposed to other millennials? (20's)

Reason I'm asking is because when I was in my 20's (~1985) the hiring of an escort
by my generation was unheard of. We threw on some Miami Vice pleated slacks, a pair of Cappezio's, a stringy tie and hit the dance clubs or upscale piano bars. Based on some of the reviews I've read, seems the millennials are now open to seeing escorts rather than dating. As a provider in your 20's, how many guys in your age group do you see? I don't mean regularly, could have been just ONCE. We didn't have internet back then and this is an instant gratification "throw it away and buy another" society now, so I'm guessing fewer younger guys are dating?

By YOUNGER, I mean any guy under 40. Under 40, you can still go out and pickup.
well I am over 40, pushing 50 and I saw my first Provider when I was 25.. and 22 years later I still see a few Providers now and then...for me since I knew I was never going to marry I found it easier than trying to fuk some drunk slut from a bar or trying to 'date' a girl long enough for her to give up the goods..

probably more than you know hired Hookers or Strippers back then, they just kept to themselves because it was a bit taboo. I kept my 'secret' until my mid 30's before I was comfortable letting my friends know.. you'd be surprised how many people still think that all Providers are 'street walker' types..
No.Pastry.Please's Avatar
Good points. What I wanna know is whether the 23 year old escorts can wheedle cash out of their own narcissistic peers, that's all. How many providers get paid by good looking men for sex, or are all their clients older/chubbier/socially inept?
When I was 23, I was about 148 pounds, I didn't pay for shit. NOW.... they want $350 if they're an ounce under that!
most younger Providers tend to see older than 30 types.. for maturity reasons mostly. but yes there many who dont care about age and only care about the $$
I am sure there are 21 year old dudes paying Providers.. but I am like you .. jeeze get off your lazy ass and go pick one up..

from what I can gather most of the 'john's here are over 40..

I am not chubby nor social inept, in fact I am very outgoing very fit 47 year old with only 10% body fat..and a big dick to boot... but I digress...so yes my type still pays for it...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-11-2015, 09:10 PM
Do not think for a moment that this forum represents a typical cross-section of either the ladies or the guys in this business. It is a very skewed minority.

I think you would get a vastly different response to your question if you asked the women who only work on CL/BP/etc., and an even bigger difference if you wandered the streets at night.

Here, I suspect most the men are older than 40, but that certainly does not imply socially inept. In fact, I would guess the "typical" guy on here--if there is such a thing--is more socially adapted than the norm. For me, I am not into the bar scene, and I am spending so many nights on the road that this is a far more reasonable way for me to find interesting dates. And many here are nicer people than inhabit the quick-meet meat markets out there.
No.Pastry.Please's Avatar
I was looking for FEMALE input. I want to know IF 23 year old escort hot bunny can get CASH out of her own generation.

That's what I wanna know. If NOT, then that means they're all humping their DAD for cash and are potentially miserable. We all know the story of Anna Nicole Smith. Also the very young girls on here I have corresponded with are more demanding for higher rates and references, I need neither with any woman over 30.
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  • Old-T
  • 12-12-2015, 06:03 AM
You will find almost any question you ask about the ladies' business aspects gets little response from the ladies. It is typically not in any professional's best interest to talk publicly about their financials. If you prefer not to hear what guys contribute, you are welcome to not read our posts.

By the way, your IF/THEN logic is seriously flawed. Additionally, if indeed no lady on here over 30 requires screening before seeing you, then I suspect you are contacting a very atypical set of ladies.
I am certainly not 23 anymore, but I was once. Yes when I was 23 I had many offers of men in my age group. It was not uncommon and made up 50 Percent of my requests. No, I didn't usually take them. I have always preferred 30+

I am currently 33 and about 15 percent of requests I get are in the age group of 21-30. I believe this is primarily because I openly discourage younger men from contacting me.

In fact when I danced I found I was propositioned more by younger men than older men. As a dancer, propositions were roughly 80 percent under 30 and 20 percent over 30. That includes dancing 3 years ago when I was 30 myself.
I'm sure there are men in their 20s who visit with escorts. I couldn't say from experience how many Millennial clients are out there as the overwhelming majority of men who inquire or book with me are 35 and older. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing clients who were also in their 20s. Though, I do actually prefer the company of men who are older than me (30+) inside and outside of a sex work context.