Biden is your president

winn dixie's Avatar
Ain't nothing changing that.
Trump running will guarantee a other 4 years. When will magas understand this?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Imma say nope. But aren't you even curious who is running this joint?
ICU 812's Avatar
Ain't nothing changing that.
Trump running will guarantee a other 4 years. When will magas understand this? Originally Posted by winn dixie

I am inclined to agree with that. With President Trump on the news ranting in his way, it won't really matter if what he says is right or not. The Progressive left will be highly motivated in opposition to avoid another Hilery Clinton type debacle and . . .the centrist-undecided voters will be repelled. All President Biden need do in that case is stay quiet.

However, if Trump is not the Republican candidate, it won't matter who they run against President Biden. Whoever it is will be seen by the centrist-undecided voters as the rational adult in comparison to Mr. Biden. In that case, President Biden will absolutely have to avoid public presences in general, and never appear together with the Republican candidate in a live discussion or debate.

In oor out, Trump is the key.
Good bye Diaper Don and I can't wait for Joe to kick his ass again.
The anti constitutional treasonous totalitarian Democrats are the crooked SOB's with too many in the press covering up for them. The Democrats have been doing everything they have charged Trump with over the last 20 years, but they have just enough people in charge in the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department to have a different set of standards for applying the law.

It really doesn't matter who the Republicans nominate, they will charge them with crimes as well.
ICU 812's Avatar
Let's all keep the discussion civil and within the arena of ideas.

In my view, there are many deeply flawed people in play for the 2024 election.

What counts for me in all of this, is policy over personality. I value what a politician does over what they say or how they say it.

President Biden has said, "Watch me . . ." and I have. He and his policies have ignored or excarnated the issues I feel are important . . .and he has done these things with public demonstrations of pride in what he has done.

He is just not my guy.

I will support Republicans who will curtail illegal immigration, encourage small businesses, wscale back government regulation and disarm the Woke deep stste.
winn dixie's Avatar
Icu is correct. If trumpf is completely out of the race. A Republican win is guaranteed.
If trumpf is the rnc nominee or runs as an independent, America loses and we get Biden for 4 more fo shore
Icu is correct. If trumpf is completely out of the race. A Republican win is guaranteed.
If trumpf is the rnc nominee or runs as an independent, America loses and we get Biden for 4 more fo shore Originally Posted by winn dixie

Nope, nothing guaranteed with the Democrat Criminals in the White House, Department of Justice, FBI and CIA. Not to mention the way they have rigged the elections in several states.
  • Tiny
  • 06-26-2023, 12:22 PM
I am inclined to agree with that. With President Trump on the news ranting in his way, it won't really matter if what he says is right or not. The Progressive left will be highly motivated in opposition to avoid another Hilery Clinton type debacle and . . .the centrist-undecided voters will be repelled. All President Biden need do in that case is stay quiet.

However, if Trump is not the Republican candidate, it won't matter who they run against President Biden. Whoever it is will be seen by the centrist-undecided voters as the rational adult in comparison to Mr. Biden. In that case, President Biden will absolutely have to avoid public presences in general, and never appear together with the Republican candidate in a live discussion or debate.

In oor out, Trump is the key. Originally Posted by ICU 812
You nailed it ICU. Good post.
Icu is correct. If trumpf is completely out of the race. A Republican win is guaranteed.
If trumpf is the rnc nominee or runs as an independent, America loses and we get Biden for 4 more fo shore Originally Posted by winn dixie
I would settle on both Biden and Trump out of the picture. If the Democrats want to nominate a competent decent candidate RFK jr. is their best choice. Biden is shown to be faulty he doesn't deserve another four years.
... "Faulty"??

... Biden has been shown to be a sad outright liar who
sold himself to adversarys of America for money $$$$...

Corrupt business dealings and money laundering.
He should be removed by Congress and sent to jail
- NOT running for re-election.

I don't believe he'll even be the Dem's candidate
next election.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Just checked. Biden still tha prez
... President Harris will be sworn-in before the end of the year.
Biden will either step down or be removed.

And of course Trump will WIN the election in 2024.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
Well Salty, I think you have part of that right.

On the Democrat's side of this show there are managers and further back there are power brokers. All this is known by everyone. Ny take on this is that no one realized what a hollow shell both Biden and Harris are back in 2019. Anyway, everyone thought Trump would win by ten lengths like Secretariat at the Derby. Biden and Harris were meant to be place holders.

Yeah, Biden will be gone before the primaries begin, but Harris will be gone first, so "they" can appoint someone else as VP first. Then when Biden has his final collapse or what ever happens, the right person will already be in place to becomr President. . . .as was the case for Gerald Ford when Nixon resigned in the 1970s.

History will repeat Its self.

Meanwhile, Biden is still president.

BTW: Is Stacey Abrahans still Governor of Georgia?
... "Faulty"??

... Biden has been shown to be a sad outright liar who
sold himself to adversarys of America for money $$$$...

Corrupt business dealings and money laundering.
He should be removed by Congress and sent to jail
- NOT running for re-election.

I don't believe he'll even be the Dem's candidate
next election.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No loss there.