Kamala talking about reducing population

winn dixie's Avatar
When giving a clean energy speech recently kamala made the statement I've been waiting for from a politician. Paraphrasing here.....
Her words were coupled with clean energy and reducing population we can make the world a cleaner healthier place to live.
I'll expand. By reducing the population we can nearly eliminate the world's biggest problems. We must save ourselves from ourselves!
I'm a big proponent ofworld population control. And it's easy to do.
Target max population is 500 million. And not exceed that again.
This is the most important subject that I believe in.
Thank you kamala for the guts in saying it. WD
eccieuser9500's Avatar
When giving a clean energy speech recently kerala made the statement I've been waiting for from a politician. Paraphrasing here.....
Her words were coupled with clean energy and reducing population we can make the world a cleaner healthier place to live.
I'll expand. By reducing the population we can nearly eliminate the world's biggest problems. We must save ourselves from ourselves!
I'm a big proponent ofworld population control. And it's easy to do.
Target max population is 500 million. And not exceed that again.
This is the most important subject that I believe in.
Thank you kerala for the guts in saying it. WD Originally Posted by winn dixie

The population Doomsday forecast: lessons from Kerala


Key features of Kerala's success in fertility decline were the emphasis on female education and the emancipation of women, reduced infant and child mortality rates, and political support. Since 1956 when the states of Cochin and Travancore were joined, the development of education and health services was encouraged. Literacy was over 90% in Kerala compared to 62% for males and 34% for females in India in 1990. Kerala's government invested in primary and secondary education, primary health care, and family planning services. 12% of Kerala's education budget is devoted to "higher" education compared to 47% of national government expenditures.

Saving the planet: women are the answer


Kerala’s fertility rate is dramatically lower than the rest of India and other developing regions. Where 5.5 children per couple is common elsewhere in India, in Kerala 1.7 children per couple is most usual. This number has been steadily decreasing over two generations, as more and more women benefit from education and choose to start families at a later stage.

Brought to light by a series of engaging interviews with women of varying ages, the documentary shows that education has had two integral effects for the women of Kerala. Firstly, women have gained knowledge and skills that have opened up the prospect of pursuing a career, naturally postponing the age many of them choose to begin a family. Secondly, education has made the important difference of allowing (?) these women the confidence to stand up to pressures from relatives or in-laws who may encourage them to have children sooner.



Or funny?
oilfieldace's Avatar
If only she would volunteer to reduce it by one, it would be a start,that woman is dumb as a rock. Only sheep buy into climate change . To clarify man made made up kind. Has anyone ever heard of a 100 year event? For instance what caused the 1927 Vermont flood? Or the infamous 1900 Galveston hurricane? You cannot forget history and say everything that is occurring now is man made climate change. One rally has to be dense to buy that snake oil. If it wasn’t so sad that the sheep bought into that nonsense , it would be comical.
winn dixie's Avatar
Some cannot see the entire picture.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Sheep can’t see anything, they have to be told what to think. Double sigh
A good start would be eliminating any discussion about making abortion illegal. The same group bitching about the overcrowded, crime riddled cities are the same morons that want to eliminate the option to abort an unwanted fetus.
winn dixie's Avatar
A good start would be eliminating any discussion about making abortion illegal. The same group bitching about the overcrowded, crime riddled cities are the same morons that want to eliminate the option to abort an unwanted fetus. Originally Posted by Charley3

This poster can see.
Yes abortion needs to be universally available
When giving a clean energy speech recently kamala made the statement I've been waiting for from a politician. Paraphrasing here.....
Her words were coupled with clean energy and reducing population we can make the world a cleaner healthier place to live.
I'll expand. By reducing the population we can nearly eliminate the world's biggest problems. We must save ourselves from ourselves!
I'm a big proponent ofworld population control. And it's easy to do.
Target max population is 500 million. And not exceed that again.
This is the most important subject that I believe in.
Thank you kamala for the guts in saying it. WD Originally Posted by winn dixie
World Population not to exceed 500 million. Who do you think will be in the 500 Million? Here's a guess all the world Oligarchs and their closest friends an family. Think ya qualify?
winn dixie's Avatar
If kamala ever would campaign on at least getting the population control subject going. I would vote for her over anybody. Even just controlling our population here in the USA would be a good start. When this subject is truly debated
It will be too late.
If kamala ever would campaign on at least getting the population control subject going. I would vote for her over anybody. Even just controlling our population here in the USA would be a good start. When this subject is truly debated
It will be too late. Originally Posted by winn dixie
How do you think population control would be accomplished?
winn dixie's Avatar
How do you think population control would be accomplished? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Education and some self control from the masses
Education and some self control from the masses Originally Posted by winn dixie
No, That's leaving people to their own devices. The Government wants to get involved. They are already fine with Abortion at just about any stage of pregnancy, Puberty blocking agents that render infertility later in life, Vaccines, medications of all kinds, Forced Sterilization which has been practiced in America as far back as the 1940's and eventually Eugenics of the infirm and the old. If they can get Guns from the American Public they'll just execute the defiant ones. That's what's in the Depopulation plan for the future of the Country.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Just another example of short sightedness from the sheep. Tell them anything and they will buy into because Pid Piper (Democratic Party) told them. Naivety runs rabid in their futile being. TRUMP 2024 and but an end to this nonsense
oilfieldace's Avatar
No, That's leaving people to their own devices. The Government wants to get involved. They are already fine with Abortion at just about any stage of pregnancy, Puberty blocking agents that render infertility later in life, Vaccines, medications of all kinds, Forced Sterilization which has been practiced in America as far back as the 1940's and eventually Eugenics of the infirm and the old. If they can get Guns from the American Public they'll just execute the defiant ones. That's what's in the Depopulation plan for the future of the Country. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You are correct sir, abortion has nothing to do Womens rights simply a tool used by the morbid left.
Precious_b's Avatar
Sheep can’t see anything, they have to be told what to think. Double sigh Originally Posted by oilfieldace
One wonders if sheep can identify themselves if they look in the mirror.

If kamala ever would campaign on at least getting the population control subject going. I would vote for her over anybody. Even just controlling our population here in the USA would be a good start. When this subject is truly debated
It will be too late. Originally Posted by winn dixie
How do you think population control would be accomplished? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Education and some self control from the masses Originally Posted by winn dixie

Winnie, you think that's why da righty righties don't want to do anything about gun control and all these mass shootings?
Come on guys, don't be afraid if population control is the reason for hugging those firearms