Two consecutive NCNS

  • Gbfsl
  • 01-20-2017, 12:47 PM
I have seen Analeese several times, but she stood me up, NCNS, the last two consecutive appointments. Two really lame excuses. First, she dropped her phone in the toilet so couldn't contact me after I was there and waiting for 20 minutes. Second, she got stuck in another city. She didn't bother to call or text me and tell me that. I sent her a text 40 minutes before scheduled time saying I was going to be heading her way. 5 minutes later she sent a text telling me she can't make it because she is in another city. Couldn't have told me that herself earlier, but had to wait till I was headed her way and for me to text her just 40 minutes before our appointment. SMH! Sad.

So if you book with her, make sure you have a solid plan B. You will need it. In both cases I had one and I ended a happy camper, but aggravating to go through this.

Way too many other choices in DFW to waste any more time here. IMO.
mtabsw's Avatar
I have seen Analeese several times, but she stood me up, NCNS, the last two consecutive appointments. Two really lame excuses. First, she dropped her phone in the toilet so couldn't contact me after I was there and waiting for 20 minutes. Second, she got stuck in another city. She didn't bother to call or text me and tell me that. I sent her a text 40 minutes before scheduled time saying I was going to be heading her way. 5 minutes later she sent a text telling me she can't make it because she is in another city. Couldn't have told me that herself earlier, but had to wait till I was headed her way and for me to text her just 40 minutes before our appointment. SMH! Sad.

So if you book with her, make sure you have a solid plan B. You will need it. In both cases I had one and I ended a happy camper, but aggravating to go through this.

Way too many other choices in DFW to waste any more time here. IMO. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
My question is why go back after having the disrespect of an NCNS???

"Dropped her phone in the shitter?" First, probably not. Second - I can't remember when I've seen a hooker and she didn't have another phone AND a computer. There are lots of ways to reach out.
  • Gbfsl
  • 01-20-2017, 01:22 PM
Sorry this ended up in the wrong section. If a mod can move it to coed that would be fine.
Well, you know who to call next time you are feeling an "urge"!
Sorry that happened to you doll!
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 01-20-2017, 06:14 PM
moved to correct forum
KissableMelissa's Avatar
Gbfsl hopefully we can get together soon! You know I love pleasing you! Missing being on my knees for you!
First yes I did NCNS you last week due to dropping my phone in water .I apologized immensely for this .I can't force you to believe that.... But its what happen. I did not have another way to contact you to let you know and i already told you i did not feel it was discreete to go to your car and get you... As soon as I was able to find a wayy to text you I did...and explained my situation.

I understand your window is small to play and you have to make an excuse to get away and if you don't play at that time then your opportunity is over and I have apologized to you for that.

Second, I did not NCNS you a second time yesterday, you texted me at 11:03 confirming and saying you will not head my way until you hear from me. At that point I told you I was not going to be able to make our appt and was having some personal things going on and stuck in another city. You then see my ad posted in ft worth so you automatically assume I've found a better offer which wasnt the case...what was the case though was that I was stuck in Arlington so I decided to post an ad and take advantage of my time here and that clearly upset you.

Let me make it very clear that you were never headed my way, per your own text you said you would not be heading my way until you heard from me. When you did hear from me I was cancelling our appt not NCNSing you. So I would appreciate if you tell it correctly rather than lie and say I waited til you were on your way to NCNS

Again, I'm sorry things happened this way, I did not plan for my rw life to happen...but it will always take priority over my hobby life.

Just like anyone else ..our real world takes over...
Things happen....that are out of our control sometimes...
My question is why go back after having the disrespect of an NCNS???

"Dropped her phone in the shitter?" First, probably not. Second - I can't remember when I've seen a hooker and she didn't have another phone AND a computer. There are lots of ways to reach out. Originally Posted by mtabsw
Im glad you can assume what ways I have to reach out once I dropped my phone...

I've always had an amazxing time with Gb...and look forward to our sessions I was disappointed myself when the session didn't take place...shit happens...him and I have had more successful sessions than unsuccessful... This is not the norm for him and I...just extenuating circumstances
hey baby I liked everything you said and RW things come first.
suiram77's Avatar
First yes I did NCNS you last week due to dropping my phone in water .I apologized immensely for this .I can't force you to believe that.... But its what happen. I did not have another way to contact you to let you know and i already told you i did not feel it was discreete to go to your car and get you... As soon as I was able to find a wayy to text you I did...and explained my situation.

I understand your window is small to play and you have to make an excuse to get away and if you don't play at that time then your opportunity is over and I have apologized to you for that.

Second, I did not NCNS you a second time yesterday, you texted me at 11:03 confirming and saying you will not head my way until you hear from me. At that point I told you I was not going to be able to make our appt and was having some personal things going on and stuck in another city. You then see my ad posted in ft worth so you automatically assume I've found a better offer which wasnt the case...what was the case though was that I was stuck in Arlington so I decided to post an ad and take advantage of my time here and that clearly upset you.

Let me make it very clear that you were never headed my way, per your own text you said you would not be heading my way until you heard from me. When you did hear from me I was cancelling our appt not NCNSing you. So I would appreciate if you tell it correctly rather than lie and say I waited til you were on your way to NCNS

Again, I'm sorry things happened this way, I did not plan for my rw life to happen...but it will always take priority over my hobby life.

Just like anyone else ..our real world takes over...
Things happen....that are out of our control sometimes... Originally Posted by Analeese
Now that Ana has responded, here is suiram77 5 cents lol, It's very very very obvious that Ana is telling the truth, like I said in another thread I can read a letter and find the code and can tell if it's truthful, honest, and authentic. I have never met Ana and we are not friends on the boards, and because I'm a brother that's only 38 I want be seeing her no time soon lol. First thing that pops out at me is the fact that she admits she did ncns Gb with a decent reason, and rather if he believes it or not it does not negate the fact that it wasn't the truth. Ana was very apologetic through out her entire post which is a major sign of someone being very honest about what they are saying happen. Now here is the nail in the coffin for me right here, Ana never said one bad thing about Gb not one!!! As a matter of fact she goes on to compliment Gb by saying how much of a great time she always have with him and that she was disappointed that the session couldn't happen. GAME THE FUCK OVER!!!!!

There is no way Gb Ana made any of this shit up, her post is so authentic you could put it in the U S Constitutional Amendments lmao. Gb you should of really thought about this one before you started this thread buddy. I'm sure you can understand Gb on the second half of Ana post about her having some RW shit to come up right? The one thing that I see guys do a lot is, they expect a provider to not have any RW shit or other life problems to come up when they have an appointment with her. Guys have to understand that in life shit happens and RW shit is going to come up for the ladies every now and then. I had to learn this shit the hard way 6 months ago by losing one of my favorite ladies that I like to see, because my arrogant ass was the same way as some other guys. I expected her to just drop every damn thing when I call, but I never consider her family or her personal life at all, I never really cared to be blunt with you. By me being very financially comfortable and don't really have money problems, I always wanted shit my damn way and when I wanted it. When I didn't get it my way or she couldn't see me any day I wanted to see her, I would get caught up in my feelings over it. One day I guess she couldn't take no more of my shit and she kindly text me and told me that she didn't want to see my ass no more, and my ass just fucking lost it. Then all the normal girl do you know who I am, followed by all my arrogant rants I'm wealthy, I can get anybody I want bull shit, but of course she was the only one I really wanted, but I had let my big ego get in the way and I fucked up a good thing I had going. SMDH!!! lol

Her response was classy all day and night, guess what she said Gb, NOTHING!!!!! Lmao That damn pussy was so good and her head game Lawd have mercy I have never experienced no provider like her ever. I thought about all my bull shit and how I treated her for about a month and then it hit me, just because some of us is well off financially doesn't mean a provider is going to put up with our bull shit. I reached out to her an I apologize for my rude and Arrogant behavior and all she said was thank you. It was to late I had fucked a great situation up forever, and I just have to live with the consequences. I will like to think that from the way Ana spoke about you guys time together that you all can try to work this shit out privately off the boards, especially if Ana has some great pussy and head and treats you well, because that shit does not come around that often. Don't be like my ass and let your ego get in the way, Gb if Ana is worth it to you, work it out buddy. ✌

Best wishes to you both
  • Gbfsl
  • 01-21-2017, 04:19 AM
Analeese: I don't argue on ECCIE threads and I swore I wasn't going to post anything else here. I made my point and did not want to perpetuate this thing. But I do have to say a couple of things about your note.

I did not text at 11:00 to "confirm" our appointment. You know better than that. Our appoimtment was confirmed the day before. We were texting each other about it the previous afternoon and night. About how we were both looking forward to it. You telling me that for sure you will be ready on time for this meeting. You know we had a confirmed meeting already set the day before. My text at 11:00 was to find out where you were because you had not answered my previous two text messages from that morning and I thought it was odd that you were not answering me because I had seen your many posts that same morning on the thread to VIP Michelle, or whatever her name is. You were arguing with her all morning, so I guess you forgot about me. Instead of having the decency to let me know you were not going to keep our date, you were busy arguing back and forth with this lady and running an ad that you were available in Arlington all day. It took me sending a final text to you that I was not leaving an hour before our appointment time for you to answer me.

We have had a lot of fun sessions these past few months, but you need to be held accountable for your actions. You knew we had an appointment set for that day. You knew the time of that appointment. You had promised me you would not keep me waiting this time. Yet, it took three text messages from me that morning and me finally saying I would not head your ways til I knew what you were doing for you to respond (just 40 minutes prior to our appointment time) and tell me you were stuck in another city and couldn't make it. If I hadn't ask you and just headed your way as I usual do, I would have been stood up again. You could have had the courtesy to let me know that morning instead of ignoring my messages for 4 hours and waiting just 40 minutes prior to our time to answer my text with "oh, yea, I am in another city and can't make it".

So you are right, I was not in the car and headed to your hotel, but I had been headed to this appointment for the previous 24 hours because we did have a confirmed date and I was looking forward to it.

Again, I know how you like to argue with people on here. I am not going to be one of those people. We both stated our side of the story, so let's move on.

I have blocked you on my phone and here. I don't want to argue. I want to get back to having fun in this hobby. Plenty of fish in the sea for both of us. Enjoy.
  • Gbfsl
  • 01-21-2017, 04:34 AM
And Suiram, you are right you don't know Analeese and you don't know me. Yet you seem to think you have us both figured out. How perceptive of you!

I have been seeing Analeese for some time now. I do know her, or at least the "hobby" her. I don't need your arrogant, wealthy advice on how to treat women. You should practice safe sex and go fuck yourself.

I hate that I am responding to you, but, really, you know when someone you have never met is telling the truth; you know she is authentic; and I should think twice before posting a thread like this. You don't know shit! And you are not my "buddy".
suiram77's Avatar
And Suiram, you are right you don't know Analeese and you don't know me. Yet you seem to think you have us both figured out. How perceptive of you!

I have been seeing Analeese for some time now. I do know her, or at least the "hobby" her. I don't need your arrogant, wealthy advice on how to treat women. You should practice safe sex and go fuck yourself.

I hate that I am responding to you, but, really, you know when someone you have never met is telling the truth; you know she is authentic; and I should think twice before posting a thread like this. You don't know shit! And you are not my "buddy". Originally Posted by Gbfsl
Your ass just prove to me everything I need to know about your lame ass post, so bye bye Willis lmao!! Don't post again to me here use my PM boy!!!! I'm the last dude you want to go there with buddy buddy, and your ass know it. I don't do the keyboard war shit that shit is for the chicks, I have a pm use it. If you like to get all this bull shit off your chest we can meet for a drink my treat. We can talk about How Ana got your ass all fuzzy right now lmao. ✌

I never claim to you know son, and you really, really, really, really don't fucking know me at all son!! So It's most definitely in your best interest to keep it pushing boy!!! I said everything I going to say about your lame ass post. Ana agreed with the NCNS with a great explanation, now get the fuck over it. your ass is in your feelings right now boy!!!!! ✌

You are a Fucking cry baby, your ass have a NCNS trigger finger, quit whining son. What your ass need to do is PM me so I can give you some names of some great day care centers to go check out, because you need one right now lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I know what GB stands for that's a "GOOD BOY!!" See ya buddy buddy Xoxoxoxoxo
DocHolyday's Avatar
We have heard from both sides here. I think we can form our own opinions off the board. Can we just move on at this point and avoid any further pissing match??
Chung Tran's Avatar
I did not NCNS you a second time yesterday, you texted me at 11:03 confirming and saying you will not head my way until you hear from me. At that point I told you I was not going to be able to make our appt Originally Posted by Analeese
him and I have had more successful sessions than unsuccessful... Originally Posted by Analeese
I did not text at 11:00 to "confirm" our appointment. You know better than that. You telling me that for sure you will be ready on time for this meeting. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
what I gather from the discussion (the red highlighted parts), is y'all have had a number of sessions, but also a few cancelations from Analeese. that seems clear.. regarding this episode, the debate looks to be the timing of the cancelation.. my question to Analeese is, why did you not PM to cancel, around that 11:03 time? you said you were online, and you texted.. but a PM would have documented your side.. sure, you have been texting with him many times, I get that was easier, but already having a cancelation history, I think a PM, along with a text, would have been proper.