Texas congresswoman reportedly sending staff to Mexico to coach asylum seekers

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well .. the liberal agenda exposed. who knew?? now we know why the Democrats have opposed securing the border when just a few years ago they campaigned for it.

Texas congresswoman reportedly sending staff to Mexico to coach asylum seekers

FOX News VideosJuly 7, 2019


National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd speaks out amid allegations that a Democratic congresswoman is helping asylum seekers exploit loopholes.
They are not loopholes. They are the Law. Stupid asinine Laws yes, but still the Law.

This Law is what President Trump is trying to change.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Interesting way to buy votes.
That's all the border crisis is about...all the assclowns running against Trump want open borders.

An Obama-era Department of Homeland Security chief is warning Democratic presidential candidates to cool their push to decriminalize illegal border crossings, saying such a move would be tantamount to “open borders” policy and lead to hundreds of thousands more people flooding into the U.S. every month.

“That is tantamount to declaring publicly that we have open borders,” Jeh Johnson told The Washington Post.

“That is unworkable, unwise and does not have the support of a majority of American people or the Congress, and if we had such a policy, instead of 100,000 apprehensions a month, it will be multiples of that,” he said.

This shit will sink everyone of those fuckers!!
This shouldn't leave any doubt about what party wants to destroy this country.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's all the border crisis is about...all the assclowns running against Trump want open borders. Originally Posted by bb1961

and they will all have to admit it and lose in 2020. even if they deny it, their actions betray them. the result? they lose. Trump wins.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Looks like Jeh is shitting in his pants...