Fox News vs chemical or electrical fires

eyecu2's Avatar
Recently a electric vehicle powered by a lithium battery was on fire, and Fox News is covered it because they would like to demonize electric vehicles as they are difficult to put out when on fire. Apparently the firefighters involved said it used five times the amount of regular water to put the fire out.

If you're a firefighter please hold your laughter.

Electrical fires, and chemical fires are totally different from combustible material fires in how you approach them, but it's hilarious to watch a news organization play the same story over and over about EVS being bad because they take more water to put out. I know several firefighters that know some metal fires can be exacerbated with water, and electrical fire should never be approached with water as it's a good conductor. But Fox News has nothing else to report on that's actually based in fact, because they're the fact-less news station.

Sadly some of the conservative cucks on this board love them some Fox. Clearly never took a chemistry class, likely in addition to the business classes they never took either.
... And yet - Fox-News is very popular and the other
cable stations can't touch it. ... Often has more viewers
than CNN and MSNBC put together... ...

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Not saying FOXs demographic of un-educated morons doesn't know it has a very large audience. FOX knows what their consumers like, and how to incite them.

The best gaslighter knows all the audience "go" buttons. 'Merica'
HDGristle's Avatar
Jon Stewart laid the issue bare almost 20 years ago on Crossfire.

We don't get news. Not really. We get spin.

Now, we get spin not just from 24/7 "news" channels that are really there for the entertainment factor, but they've been legitimized.

Fox's ability to bullshit people all day is actually CNN's fault to a significant degree because they paved the way. CNN's ratings are also their own fault.
... Surely sound-like "sour grapes" to me...

### Salty