Left behind items

randal69's Avatar
I always wanted to know if anybody has had this happen to them.Leaving cellphones,keys,wallets,ano any other personal item at a providers incall? What is protocol in cases like this>?
I always wanted to know if anybody has had this happen to them.Leaving cellphones,keys,wallets,ano any other personal item at a providers incall? What is protocol in cases like this>? Originally Posted by randal69
If it's an Eccie provider simply call and retrieve. If it's backpage well then shut off the phone, change the locks and cancel the cards.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I always make sure before they leave to ask do u have keys, wallet, sunglasses..etc havent had anyone leave anything yet.
Budman's Avatar
The only thing I've left behind is some DNA.
I had a regular leave behind his nice sun glasses neither us realized it until he was to far. I simply just held on to them till he was able to swing back by. Had someone leave their keys as well, he came back once he got to his car, lol.
randal69's Avatar
I left my wallet at a regular provider of mine pre eccie days when aspd was up and she was awesome enough to call me on way home and let me know. I went back the next day and we went out for a platonic lunch date.
Anytime this has ever happened the guy usually comes right back, but if thats not the case i lock it up in our safe, let him know he left it and then try to work out a time for him to retrieve his items. I would say the most common thing left is sunglasses lol. But i guess if you are having a good time and leave on cloud 9, then the sun being so bright is the last thing on your mind lol.
Ben There's Avatar
I left a phone once so I couldn't call to ask about it. The provider was using a male friend's house as the incall. I realized I forgot the phone about 5 minutes after I left and passed the provider driving the other way as I headed back. I went to the door and told her male friend I forgot my phone. He was very aprehensive but did let me in to retrieve it. I found it under the bed.

Another time I forgot my watch. She called about 10 minutes after I left to let me know. To thank her, I made another appointment for the following day and got my watch at that time.

Another time I left a coat. Don't remember how I got it back but I did somehow.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
I've had an phone fall out of my pocket. I just called and went to retrieve the next day. I've also left forgetting to pay. Also, just called and went back the next day with the money.
I've also left forgetting to pay. Also, just called and went back the next day with the money. Originally Posted by Takeshi Miike
The fact that any provider allowed you to leave unaware that she hadn't been paid says it all. You guys must have really hit off. Now that is a GFE experience.
Squarenot's Avatar
I left a good Swiss watch at a massage place in Juarez years ago when it was safe to go there. As I was saying my goodby at the front door, a room cleaner rushed to the lobby asking if it was mine.
atxwrx's Avatar
Unfortunately, I have left my watch and sunglasses on several occasions. The fortunate part of it was the fact that I had a reason to go back. I have even had some bonus time fun a couple times.
The fact that any provider allowed you to leave unaware that she hadn't been paid says it all. You guys must have really hit off. Now that is a GFE experience. Originally Posted by Codybeast
That or she was in such a hurry to get to the shower and hose off ...

(nothing personal Mike just could not resist)

This is the old George Costanza (from Seinfeld) trick.....haha. If you like her, forget something at her place....gives you a reason to go back.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Aside from the clothes on my back and my smilin' mug, this is what I will carry into an appointment:

- the financial donation

- a car key if I'm driving, no other keys(if I can take the bus I will, and there will be no keys taken in)

- condoms

- a comb

- any leftover change that I didn't use at a pay phone to call the lady immediately before arriving

That's it. The financial donation is staying at the incall, the condoms are getting used(any spares are left for the lady to keep and use if she wishes).

If I carry my car key in and forget it, I'll be going back because I'll get back to my car and be SOL. I prefer to take the bus if I can.

[Just habit - never been busted by LE, but know guys that have. getting one's vehicle out of impoundment is a bitch, and if you have an SO, a LOT more difficult to explain than where you were for the past 12-24 hours. Especially if the vehicle belongs to the SO. So, if you can fellows - walk or take a cab or the bus.]

If I leave my comb or a couple of quarters - well, so what?