Free tix to Big Top Burlesque to give away

Send me a pm and I will give away 6 tickets to the performance at Elysium Nite Club (705 Red River) Thursday night, 9/15/11. I won't be able to use all the tickets I bought.

The performance is led by the troupe 'Head Over Heels Burlesque' who dance at a local club. Hot, sweet gals.

I will split these into 2 or 4 or 6 ticket lots, you pick em up after Wednesday 12 noon. Please don't ask if you aren't sure you can go-- I want the ladies to have a full house.

No trix, just free tix. PM me for details.
nuglet's Avatar
Doesn't start till 11:30, otherwise I'd take a couple off your hands.. thanks for the note.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I would love to go any ladies wanna make it a girls night?
2 given away...4 left