Romney on his tax returns

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2012, 08:35 AM
"You know, John McCain ran for president and released two years of tax returns. John Kerry ran for president. You know, his wife who has hundreds of millions of dollars, she never released her tax returns. Somehow this wasn't an issue," he said on Fox & Friends

ok fine Mitt if you insist, but guess what?

McSame and Lurch lost.

look on the upside Mitt ... You'll be in good company.
waverunner234's Avatar
Hey I heard lately that that fucker Mitt Romney is 7 points behind in polls
waverunner234's Avatar
Hey I heard lately that that fucker Mitt Romney is 7 points behind in polls Originally Posted by waverunner234
Romney should release his tax returns when Obama releases his college records.

And please source your pollling info....most recent shows it a dead heat....and Romney leading in the swing states of Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2012, 09:08 AM
Romney should release his tax returns when Obama releases his college records.

And please source your pollling info....most recent shows it a dead heat....and Romney leading in the swing states of Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Missouri, and Wisconsin. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

what the fuck do college records have to do with anything?

even the damn retardlcans are carping about romney not showing his tax records.

get a grip whirlie, college records? seriously?

Transparency in government. If you don't care about it I can't change your mind.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2012, 09:55 AM
Transparency in government. If you don't care about it I can't change your mind. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

and what direct effect would 25 year old records have on the country?

I can only imagine you'd like to inspect Obies underwear for yellow stains in the name of transparent government too.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama ran on transparency. I would think that you would be mad that he didn't keep his promise. There is no law that says a candidate has to release anything but it has become custom. Of course if someone has planned his or her run for some time then what good are their records. They would have sanitized them years ago or found some way to not release them at all.

I do feel that we, as a potential employer, have a certain "right" to see records that pertain to the candidates. If someone is making hay about their military career then I want to see their military records (hello John Kerry), or if someone is using their educational expertise and credentials (boo Barack Obama), and if they make claims of being against special interests (I see you Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, Barack Obama) then I need to see their records. As for Romney, only the Obama campaign has made any allegations of wrong doing, and that is subject to debate even among democrats, and I don't see that as grounds for concern. Now let someone without an axe to grind can make a credible charge then I may change my mind.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2012, 10:16 AM
Obama ran on transparency. I would think that you would be mad that he didn't keep his promise. There is no law that says a candidate has to release anything but it has become custom. Of course if someone has planned his or her run for some time then what good are their records. They would have sanitized them years ago or found some way to not release them at all.

I do feel that we, as a potential employer, have a certain "right" to see records that pertain to the candidates. If someone is making hay about their military career then I want to see their military records (hello John Kerry), or if someone is using their educational expertise and credentials (boo Barack Obama), and if they make claims of being against special interests (I see you Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, Barack Obama) then I need to see their records. As for Romney, only the Obama campaign has made any allegations of wrong doing, and that is subject to debate even among democrats, and I don't see that as grounds for concern. Now let someone without an axe to grind can make a credible charge then I may change my mind. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

nobody gives a shit if you change what little mind you have left ... once a crazy TP'r always a crazy TP'r
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ouch! That really hurts.........absolutely nothing. I just consider the source and read some of your old posts. I have been taught that we should have compassion for the mentally handicapped. You're a special boy CJ.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2012, 10:49 AM
Ouch! That really hurts.........absolutely nothing. I just consider the source and read some of your old posts. I have been taught that we should have compassion for the mentally handicapped. You're a special boy CJ. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
dont tell me .... you and COF had the same class and were TAUGHT to react by calling people mentally inept when you didnt have a valid argument

mentally inept is posting a (pointless) HUGS thread complete with vid.
You raised the issue; I responded that I wanted transparency on this subject. Why do you feel the need to go all potty mouth ?

Like i said, if you aren't interested in transparency, I can't talk you into it.

Your over-the-top reaction begs the question, why are you so protective of Obama's academic records ?

and what direct effect would 25 year old records have on the country?

I can only imagine you'd like to inspect Obies underwear for yellow stains in the name of transparent government too. Originally Posted by CJ7
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD, now don't resort to namecalling. CBJ7 has set a high standard for civility on this board, we need to try to maintain it. If he says only Romney needs to be transparent, then that is the case. If Obama keeps information from us, it is because it is for our own good. We don't need to know. But Romney must disclose everything. It's only fair.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2012, 12:19 PM
JD, now don't resort to namecalling. CBJ7 has set a high standard for civility on this board, we need to try to maintain it. If he says only Romney needs to be transparent, then that is the case. If Obama keeps information from us, it is because it is for our own good. We don't need to know. But Romney must disclose everything. It's only fair. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I compared Romney offering two years of tax returns to McCain offering two years and Kerry ...

the last two lost the election .... if Romney wants to give the public 2 years its fine by me ... he could be right beside the two-fers.

that is all, over roger wilco out
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Romney should disclose as much as needed. But Obama doesn't need to disclose anything. Obama is only interested in what's best for us. Romney doesn't care about anyone. Therefore, only Romney needs to disclose anything. Have I got that right now?