
What's the most creative or elaborate plan a client has used to rip off providers?

I feel the more providers know about the many methods being used by scammers the better prepared they will be.
You looking for ideas? lol

The ladies have their own back channels for discussing this and other topics. I am sure they would not post it out in the open.
Guest091314's Avatar
I love to discuss this with my ladies but putting out there in the open will let them think of other creative ideas to screw wonderful girls over. They always do...
I once found out about a hobbyist in California who wanted to get married to his girlfriend but didn't have money for an engagement ring. So he started sifting through escort ads for pics of providers with large diamond rings. He made an appointment with a woman and tricked her into taking off the ring during the session and was able to distract her long enough to put the ring in his pocket.
mansfield's Avatar
Hey, let's ask people where they hide their jewelry and car keys
gooose's Avatar
Two threads in coed and both about scamming providers....things that make you go hmmm.
Don't forget these:

I don't have a problem seeing virally enhanced providers. Condoms prevent all diseases including HIV. Love doesn't discriminate! Originally Posted by Bad Ass
By the way, I'm also positive and have been for over a decade. I always practice safe sex and have never infected anybody. All of the women I've been with respected me for being honest about my status and always practicing safe sex. Originally Posted by Bad Ass
Troll much?
Guest091314's Avatar
ummmm how do you respond to that?
TheBizzer's Avatar
ummmm how do you respond to that? Originally Posted by alecia
You don't.
Count me as one of the folks that think this is not a good idea. All of the ladies that I have ever seen have been nice, decent women. We do not need to tell others how to rip them off.
Don't forget these:

Troll much? Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie

[Forbidden topic removed - Staff] It's scary and to think he has admitted to hooking up with providers off this site.
pyramider's Avatar
You bumped a 22 month old thread?
Duke of G's Avatar
And to do so for a reason clearly forbidden in the rules. No-go.