
Guest102312's Avatar
How do I get put on the list for the Dallas socials??
Red Tex's Avatar
They don't exist...
First rule of Fight Club..... There is No Fight Club
pyramider's Avatar
What about if one is antisocial?
Guest042715's Avatar
What about if one is antisocial? Originally Posted by pyramider
Then you get put on meds. Or so I hear ;-
Write to the person hosting an event.

There are two parties stickied at the top of this forum right now.

sroach23's Avatar
how do i sign up?

Then you get put on meds. Or so I hear ;- Originally Posted by sinkerswim
  • hd
  • 08-22-2012, 12:56 PM
I go to antisocials all the time, everyone plans to go to a different location as to not run into each other. it's a great time!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-22-2012, 01:44 PM
I go to antisocials all the time, everyone plans to go to a different location as to not run into each other. it's a great time! Originally Posted by hd

I know right... now where are my meds?
  • hd
  • 08-22-2012, 02:17 PM
Looks like you got your hand out for something? Wish I had something to put in it!
yohollyrock's Avatar
I don't know about you, but I sure do miss those fight clubs that never happened!! Wish somebody would put one back together so nobody would go--
pmdelites's Avatar

if you want to start up a gathering, just do it.
but be aware of all the positive and negative consequences of doing so.
i sure the posters of the current stickied gatherings could help you out.
pyramider's Avatar
Then you get put on meds. Or so I hear ;- Originally Posted by sinkerswim

I always forget that one step.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Let me tell you a story.

I was on a social list. One day I get the invite and I RSVP back from the wrong email.

A few months later I get a new email from them at this non-hobby email, sent by someone who I had not given it to. It seems the organizer got someone to help and gave him everyone's emails. That person didn't just email me, he emailed every email he had, not using BCC. So I and many others had identifying information sent out to a list of over 100 people. That was about 2 years ago.

This week I get an email from a site not to be named and guess what. They have been harvesting every email they could get their hands on and they were sending emails out 100 at a time, not bcc'd so, again, myself and others had identifying information sent out to at least 100 people by someone we didn't give our address to.

The point I am making is this. While I was dumb to not pay attention, the more you get involved in hobby related events involving large numbers of people the more likely you are to have issues.

For me this game is now one-on-one or nothing.
Let me tell you a story.

I was on a social list. One day I get the invite and I RSVP back from the wrong email.

A few months later I get a new email from them at this non-hobby email, sent by someone who I had not given it to. It seems the organizer got someone to help and gave him everyone's emails. That person didn't just email me, he emailed every email he had, not using BCC. So I and many others had identifying information sent out to a list of over 100 people. That was about 2 years ago.

This week I get an email from a site not to be named and guess what. They have been harvesting every email they could get their hands on and they were sending emails out 100 at a time, not bcc'd so, again, myself and others had identifying information sent out to at least 100 people by someone we didn't give our address to.

The point I am making is this. While I was dumb to not pay attention, the more you get involved in hobby related events involving large numbers of people the more likely you are to have issues.

For me this game is now one-on-one or nothing. Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
Soooo...were you outed?