For the Politically illiterate..

texassapper's Avatar
The RNC platform for 2025 is formalized now.

Missing IMHO is any investigations into COVID funding and origins.... which just means it's going to happen again.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The RNC platform for 2025 is formalized now.

Missing IMHO is any investigations into COVID funding and origins.... which just means it's going to happen again. Originally Posted by texassapper

1. There is no sealing of the border, doesn't exist.

2. Deport trillions added to our GDP? Not real smart. Americans aren't replacing dead people at a high enough rate. America is shrinking.

3. Don't elect dumbfucks like Trump, the root cause of all this inflation can be traced back to his fuckups. Of course the uneducated blame Biden for it. But magats can't name one policy that Biden did that caused inflation.

4. We are producing more oil than ever in history, unfortunately our refineries don't process American oil very efficiently. A huge new Refinery in OK is looking to change that.

5. Chips and Science act is bringing 25% of world chip production to the US. A step in the right direction at least and is good for national security.

6. Under trumps tax plan workers take home pay has gradually decreased, and the top 1% are getting all the benefits.

7. Good stuff.

8. WWW3 is magats scare tactics.

9. Justice for All can only happen when laws are applied equally to all Americans, including and especially trump.

10. Where would Trump and Jr get his booger sugar then?

11. Infrastructure bill!!! Trump failure, Biden win.

12. Is and always has been. Our logistics and ability to project power anywhere is unmatched by a huge margin.

13. The US dollar is the closest thing there is to a global currency. It's the payment method of choice for more international transactions than any other currency. It's the primary reserve currency for countries around the world, whether friendly and hostile.

14. House Republican Plan Would Cut Medicare and Social Security While Slashing Taxes for Big Corporations and the Wealthy, and increase retirement age to 69.

15. Future generations will look back and thank us. It's a bumpy road as electric cars figure things out. Personally I'm a buyer of electric when an affordable car can go 400+ miles and charge in less than 30 minutes. Skip the fucking 0-60 bullshit and focus on efficiency.

16. CRT isn't a thing in k-12 schools. Nobody is telling girls to be boys and boys to be girls. Politics and basic civics need to be stressed in k-12. Lack of critical thinking skills coming out of HS is astounding.

17. Ok. Now if a boy transitioned to a girl at a young age and never developed male characteristics I don't see a big problem. This is extreeeeemmmly rare and not an important talking point to waste too much time on.

18. See number 7, Freedom of speech. Arrest those that are violent like all Jan 6 traitors.

19. Elections are the most secure ever, only trumps butthurt loser ass and his followers think different.

20. Only possible if Trump is in prison and out of politics forever.
adav8s28's Avatar
The RNC platform for 2025 is formalized now.

Missing IMHO is any investigations into COVID funding and origins.... which just means it's going to happen again. Originally Posted by texassapper
I like 6,11,14,17,18.

Minor issues with 3,15,19 and 20.

3. Is hard to achieve with completely free markets

15. The gasoline engine is going away in 20 years. It's just a matter of time. It won't be profitable for a car company to make a car with the gasoline engine. Plus we can't keep putting CH4 gas into the atmosphere. Earth will burn up before the Sun burns out in 25 billion years, or whatever it is.

19. Like 19 except for same day voting. Same day voting is not practical for 100 million people that vote. You can register a car on-line. You can't vote on-line?

20. What kind of success or succesess are you talking about?

Why do republicans keep trying to cut or borrow from Medicare. Now it's in your platform to save it?

The one about keeping men out of womens sports, change the word men to biological males. That would be even better. You can't have the XY chromosomes and compete in womans sports. I agree with republicans on that. The democrats messed that one up.
1. There is no sealing of the border, doesn't exist.

2. Deport trillions added to our GDP? Not real smart. Americans aren't replacing dead people at a high enough rate. America is shrinking.

3. Don't elect dumbfucks like Trump, the root cause of all this inflation can be traced back to his fuckups. Of course the uneducated blame Biden for it. But magats can't name one policy that Biden did that caused inflation.

4. We are producing more oil than ever in history, unfortunately our refineries don't process American oil very efficiently. A huge new Refinery in OK is looking to change that.

5. Chips and Science act is bringing 25% of world chip production to the US. A step in the right direction at least and is good for national security.

6. Under trumps tax plan workers take home pay has gradually decreased, and the top 1% are getting all the benefits.

7. Good stuff.

8. WWW3 is magats scare tactics.

9. Justice for All can only happen when laws are applied equally to all Americans, including and especially trump.

10. Where would Trump and Jr get his booger sugar then?

11. Infrastructure bill!!! Trump failure, Biden win.

12. Is and always has been. Our logistics and ability to project power anywhere is unmatched by a huge margin.

13. The US dollar is the closest thing there is to a global currency. It's the payment method of choice for more international transactions than any other currency. It's the primary reserve currency for countries around the world, whether friendly and hostile.

14. House Republican Plan Would Cut Medicare and Social Security While Slashing Taxes for Big Corporations and the Wealthy, and increase retirement age to 69.

15. Future generations will look back and thank us. It's a bumpy road as electric cars figure things out. Personally I'm a buyer of electric when an affordable car can go 400+ miles and charge in less than 30 minutes. Skip the fucking 0-60 bullshit and focus on efficiency.

16. CRT isn't a thing in k-12 schools. Nobody is telling girls to be boys and boys to be girls. Politics and basic civics need to be stressed in k-12. Lack of critical thinking skills coming out of HS is astounding.

17. Ok. Now if a boy transitioned to a girl at a young age and never developed male characteristics I don't see a big problem. This is extreeeeemmmly rare and not an important talking point to waste too much time on.

18. See number 7, Freedom of speech. Arrest those that are violent like all Jan 6 traitors.

19. Elections are the most secure ever, only trumps butthurt loser ass and his followers think different.

20. Only possible if Trump is in prison and out of politics forever. Originally Posted by royamcr
This isn't Politics at all. It's delusional Bullshit, lol.
Republicans, especially magats, are gullible cultists that believe everything their orange 34x convicted felon, rapist, and proven fraudster says.
texassapper's Avatar
This isn't Politics at all. It's delusional Bullshit, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Agreed... its delusional in that every one of these goals will be fought tooth and nail through judge shopped legal challenges.

Trump ought to take a page from Bidens College loan forgiveness (Transfer to the taxpayers) program that SCOTUS told him was unConstitutional. He just said fuck you and did it.

Similarly Trump ought to ignore the legal challenges and build the wall, deport illegals, force citizenship ID for voting and paper ballots to insure election integrity.The first two are easily done.

But as I've predicted elsewhere... Trump is never going to live to see office. The US Intelligence community cannot allow it because they've committed treason.
Republicans, especially magats, are gullible cultists that believe everything their orange 34x convicted felon, rapist, and proven fraudster says. Originally Posted by royamcr

LOL sure, Biden hasn't made a right decision in almost 4 years. Biden basically helped fund Putins war in Ukraine, and Irans expansion of terrorism in the middle east.

Yet anyone that opposes the Democrats are clueless. Congratulations on not knowing anything.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...But as I've predicted elsewhere... Trump is never going to live to see office. The US Intelligence community cannot allow it because they've committed treason. Originally Posted by texassapper
Kinda makes ya go Hmmmmmmm. Might be the documents raid on Mar a Lago was a probing event and casing the joint affair. Makes sense. I know Trump has 2 security details. I hope he considers getting a third. These animals are deranged and that desperate.
LOL sure, Biden hasn't made a right decision in almost 4 years. Biden basically helped fund Putins war in Ukraine, and Irans expansion of terrorism in the middle east.

Yet anyone that opposes the Democrats are clueless. Congratulations on not knowing anything. Originally Posted by farmstud60
You can't back that those wrong decisions up. Biden has passed the most bipartisan legislation in decades.

The American Rescue Plan
Infrastructure Bill
PACT Act - Gave healthcare access to millions of military.
First major gun safety bill in decades.
CHIPS Act - should increase American made chips up to 20-25% from basically nothing at the moment.

One of his first actions as president was a border bill that didn't see the light of day in Republican led congress. A second bill earlier this year didn't pass due to trump's magats shooting it down. Republican's don't give a fuck about the border. Just want to build a stupid wasteful wall that does nothing to solve the immigration problems.

Ukraine and America signed the Budapest Memorandum back in the 90s that basically said if the give up their nukes we'd protect them. So you are saying we should reneg on the deal, give up Ukraine to Putin and look like fools on the world stage? Who would make deals with us if all we did was not back them. The war in Ukraine is a boon for us, has severely weakened Russia's military, and most intelligence gathered in years on Russia's war fighting capabilities, all at 0 cost in American lives. We are sending them old stockpiles of weapons to fight and replacing them with newer updated weapons. Eventually we probably would have discarded these weapons. All this has come out of the Military budget. We haven't sent them billions in cash except for humanitarian aid.
Kinda makes ya go Hmmmmmmm. Might be the documents raid on Mar a Lago was a probing event and casing the joint affair. Makes sense. I know Trump has 2 security details. I hope he considers getting a third. These animals are deranged and that desperate. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

The world would be better off without him. If he didn't have a mountain of crimes committed that he is indicted for he wouldn't have even ran for president again. Being president again is his get out of jail free card.
Precious_b's Avatar
Same old. Same old.

Let me know when the repubs move on from talking points and start to do serious work in the legislative body.

Wake me up when that happens.