Saying Goodbye to LR

I've been in the hobby mainly as a UTR provider for approximately a year. I've been on eccie for about ten or 11 months. It has served me VERY well honestly. These last few months have been awful. Not money wise or anything because I haven't been around much but it has been terribly scary for me. All of the busts and the girls putting their faces on the internet(something I cannot do for professional reasoning). I'm also returning to school, on campus, full-time(in addition to working and having two kids) and I'm afraid of bumping into an instructor or a classmate. If you've ever seen me or know me you know this is another mean in my life to pay bills, not get high/drunk/make silly purchases. As bad as I'd like to stick around in the LR area because MY clients/friends have been great to me, I must go do business elsewhere. After this week, if I've put up an ad, and you are in the LR area and would like to see me, if you contact me at least one day in advance, I'll be happy to TRY to make arrangements for that! However, I will NO longer just work strictly in this area. So I'm saying Farewell! It's been an amazing run!
Good luck girl on achieving your goals girl glad to see that you came, achieved, and are able to move forward .
Love that Adam Sandler movie where dude's hot wife worked at Hooters while going to College and now she's a doctor with big tits, attitude, and actually knows how to shake her ass unlike all them broke hoes.

Get that degree girl, you can always be a hot teacher.
Good luck to you in all you hope to accomplish, Daniela!