Abortion is WRONG

oilfieldace's Avatar
It is legalized murder and Roe V Wade must be overturned
It is legalized murder and Roe V Wade must be overturned Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Are you ok with a woman having a medical abortion (i.e. morning after pill) within the first week or two of knowing they were pregnant? If so, how many weeks would you be ok with allowing this?

Personally, I don't care if someone has an abortion in the first trimester. But I think it is pretty sick and irresponsible to have one in the third trimester. So for me the gray area would be somewhere in the second.

It is legalized murder and Roe V Wade must be overturned Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Human Fetus viability outside the womb gets lowered as years pass. Modern Medicine is the blame.
Abortion will always be a continuous topic. But by the Government's win statistics, over 95% of all abortions are for convenience.

This is not a religious issue. Basic human dignity should tell us that there is something very wrong with the fact that we kill our unborn because we just don't want to be bothered.

One thing that strikes me as odd is with all of today's affective birth controls measures, it is extremely irresponsible for a couple to end up with an unwanted pregnancy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is the law.

Just like the second amendment.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Here we go, where's the popcorn. YR is correct roe v wade done deal.
Kav & SC doesn't reopen case case have to come to them , DON'T believe the media BS The legal president has been set.
It is the law.

Just like the second amendment.

Deal. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And unfortunately the states have still been allowed to put their own restrictions on each of these
2wheels2fun's Avatar
It is the law.

Just like the second amendment.

Deal. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Using that logic, Jim Crow should still be a law but it isn't. Laws can be easily overturned. The second amendment is enshrined in the constitution. Undoing an amendment to the constitution is very difficult and rarely done.

Roe v Wade and the 2A are not the same thing.
It is the law.

Just like the second amendment.

Deal. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It is constitutionally mandated that abortion is legal?
oilfieldace's Avatar
It is not the law as the 2nd amendment is, how can one be that stupid to make a comparison. The 2 nod amendment is chiseled in stone, where abortion was formed of whole cloth by 9 judges and 9 judges can overturn that ruling. They can not overturn the 2 nd amendment. For some one that portrays facts, you know little about the subject
  • grean
  • 10-09-2018, 12:20 PM
Using that logic, Jim Crow should still be a law but it isn't. Laws can be easily overturned. The second amendment is enshrined in the constitution. Undoing an amendment to the constitution is very difficult and rarely done.

Roe v Wade and the 2A are not the same thing. Originally Posted by 2wheels2fun
I direct you to 9A, good sir.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The right to an abortion is very much the same as the right to bear arms.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Take a step back and a deep breath, oilfieldace.

My opinion is no more “stupid” than yours on this, or virtually anything else you randomly post... “trump for king” etc.

I won’t take it any further.
  • grean
  • 10-09-2018, 12:29 PM
Using that logic, Jim Crow should still be a law but it isn't. Laws can be easily overturned. The second amendment is enshrined in the constitution. Undoing an amendment to the constitution is very difficult and rarely done.

Roe v Wade and the 2A are not the same thing. Originally Posted by 2wheels2fun
Jim crow revoked inalienable rights of people using an arbitrary skin color.....

Not sure your logic is completely sound.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I direct you to 9A, good sir.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The right to an abortion is very much the same as the right to bear arms.
Originally Posted by grean
No. It's not the same.

And the SC didn't use the 9th Amendment to back up Roe vs Wade, it whole cloth conjured its opinion from the 14th.

If your interpretation was correct, there would have been no need for the Roe vs Wade: it would have been redundant. Before Roe vs Wade, abortion was considered a crime equivalent to murder in many states and thus fell under the purview of the 10th Amendment allowing states to prosecute it as a crime.
  • grean
  • 10-09-2018, 01:20 PM
No. It's not the same.

And the SC didn't use the 9th Amendment to back up Roe vs Wade, it whole cloth conjured its opinion from the 14th.

If your interpretation was correct, there would have been no need for the Roe vs Wade: it would have been redundant. Before Roe vs Wade, abortion was considered a crime equivalent to murder in many states and thus fell under the purview of the 10th Amendment allowing states to prosecute it as a crime.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Roe explicitly expanded the 5th to the states, using 14. However, the 1st, 4th, 5th, & 9th amendments all came into play in Griswold v Connecticut in 1965. Technically 3 did too but I admit I don't understand how except to back up an inherent right to privacy, perhaps.

No matter the leaning of the court, abortions will remain legal prior to 20 weeks.