So, how come Romney doesn't talk about his religion?

Governor Romney is, by all accounts, a devout Mormon. Religion always plays well with the repukes, they love fairy tales ("Cutting taxes increases revenue, Every Time!"). So, why isn't he playing it up?

Maybe it's because Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, had 87 wives? In 1830.

Brigham Young, the second prophet of the religion, had 70 wives?

Mormons were slave-owners and didn't renounce slavery until 1890? They got around to deciding, via revelation, that black people were the equal of whites in 1978. When Romney was 31 years old.

The 1857 Mountain Meadows massacre? Where Mormons murdered 120 men, women and children?

More Mormon weirdness later. You think he'll start stumping on his Mormon background anytime soon?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wouldn't bet on it. In fact, the Religious White has already told him to STFU and maybe the rest of America wouldn't find out that he wears magic underwear.

Romney is the biggest fraud perpetrated against the American people since Evel Kneivel tried to jump Snake River Canyon.

Deny it, neocons. I dare ya! (Deny it without using the words Kenya, Communist or Muslim)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why isn't Odumbo talking about his religion? Odumbo claims he's a Christian and a constitutional scholar, but he cannot properly read the preamble to the Declaration of Independence without omitting the word "Creator".

Why doesn't Odumbo play up his semi-irregular church attendance during his twenty year membership in the racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church? Afterall, Odumbo's 2006 memoir, The Audacity of Hope, was inspired by one of Wright's sermons!?!

Go ahead, try to make church membership an issue!
Governor Romney is, by all accounts, a devout Mormon. Religion always plays well with the repukes, they love fairy tales ("Cutting taxes increases revenue, Every Time!"). So, why isn't he playing it up?

Maybe it's because Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, had 87 wives? In 1830.

Brigham Young, the second prophet of the religion, had 70 wives?

Mormons were slave-owners and didn't renounce slavery until 1890? They got around to deciding, via revelation, that black people were the equal of whites in 1978. When Romney was 31 years old.

The 1857 Mountain Meadows massacre? Where Mormons murdered 120 men, women and children?

More Mormon weirdness later. You think he'll start stumping on his Mormon background anytime soon? Originally Posted by timpage
Your post is just plain stupid. You ought to be ashamed.

After all, isn't NOT talking about religion and leaving it out of the public square exactly what the left constantly clamors for? You finally get your wish and now you're upset that the Republican doesn't talk about his religion.

You spew a list of bad or strange things about the Mormons and imagine that Romney is somehow on the hook for explaining or apologizing for it.

You could just as easily have spewed a list of bad or strange things about Christianity and demanded that Obama explain all of it. But you didn't, did you?

Your post was nothing but low-rent religious bigotry. And, being a typical "progressive", you probably fashion yourself as open-minded and tolerant, too. Self-examination is probably not something you engage in.

BTW, I'm not religious. I'm borderline atheist.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What does his religion have to do with turning this nation around and getting it on an economic course that will stop the downward s0piral that Odumbo has us own.
Do you want him to talk about his church like Obma talks about the Islamic faith.
I would get tired of hearing about it.
John F Kennedy was a Catholic, and it is difficult to find a more corrupt organization throughout it's history than the Cathlic Church.

He was elected despite this.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-25-2012, 06:37 PM

BTW, I'm not religious. I'm borderline atheist. Originally Posted by ExNYer
There is a word for that. We atheist do not want to be confused with you folks that can't seem to make up your mind.

  1. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
  2. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

Read more:
Man has created God in his own image.
Romney is the biggest fraud perpetrated against the American people since Evel Kneivel tried to jump Snake River Canyon. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Omoh Rider is close to having another Mamboolah breakdown.

Well Obama doesn't really talk about his Muslim background much either. Muslims have a weird history as well. Quit pointing the finger at a single candidate. Neither one is a prize. We've seen that for sure in the past four years with Obama. We'll see incompetancy, dishonesty and greed for the next four years regardless of who wins.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A kind of bigoted remark. There is no reason for anyone to be bringing up religion but since Reid (democrat) did then open the door on our black muslim president. Hey, if you can't believe Madonna then who can you trust.
joe bloe's Avatar
Why isn't Odumbo talking about his religion? Odumbo claims he's a Christian and a constitutional scholar, but he cannot properly read the preamble to the Declaration of Independence without omitting the word "Creator".

Why doesn't Odumbo play up his semi-irregular church attendance during his twenty year membership in the racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church? Afterall, Odumbo's 2006 memoir, The Audacity of Hope, was inspired by one of Wright's sermons!?!

Go ahead, try to make church membership an issue! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor of twenty years, told Shawn Hannity that his religion is based on the teachings of James Cone. Here are some quotes from Cone.

"Insofar as this country is seeking to make whiteness the dominating power throughout the world, whiteness is the symbol of the antichrist. Whiteness characterizes the activity of deranged individuals intrigued by their own image of themselves and thus unable to see that they are what is wrong with the world. Black theology seeks to analyze the satanic nature of whiteness and by doing so, prepare all nonwhites for revolutionary action."

[I]"What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of Black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love." -- James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation
“This country was founded for whites and everything that has happened in it has emerged from the white perspective. What we need is the destruction of whiteness, which is the source of human misery in the world.” -- James Cone

Here's Wright talking about James Cone on Shawn Hannity's show four years ago. The first reference to Cone is at 2:19.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor of twenty years, told Shawn Hannity that his religion is based on the teachings of James Cone. Here are some quotes from Cone.

"Insofar as this country is seeking to make whiteness the dominating power throughout the world, whiteness is the symbol of the antichrist. Whiteness characterizes the activity of deranged individuals intrigued by their own image of themselves and thus unable to see that they are what is wrong with the world. Black theology seeks to analyze the satanic nature of whiteness and by doing so, prepare all nonwhites for revolutionary action."

[I]"What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of Black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love." -- James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation
“This country was founded for whites and everything that has happened in it has emerged from the white perspective. What we need is the destruction of whiteness, which is the source of human misery in the world.” -- James Cone

Here's Wright talking about James Cone on Shawn Hannity's show four years ago. The first reference to Cone is at 2:19. Originally Posted by joe bloe
No doubt about it, Jeremiah Wright is a racist, anti-American. That Odumbo could sit in his congregation for twenty years and then claim that he never heard Wright preach black liberation theology is bogus BS. Only Dim-wits like those who defend Odumbo in this forum are ignorant enough to believe that BS.
John F Kennedy was a Catholic, and it is difficult to find a more corrupt organization throughout it's history than the Cathlic Church.

He was elected despite this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
All organizations are corrupt to some extent. You just have to confront the individual. Just because Kennedy was Catholic didn't make him corrupt. In fact Kennedy was less corrupt than the Government he served. Our Government has become more and more corrupt since Kennedy's assasination.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah I would loe to hear about his 20 years in Rev. Wright's church.
Maybe during the debates they can talk religion and discuss the origins of both.
I am very interested in the Marxist beliefs of the founder of Obama's church.
I would also like to know more about the polygamy aspect that John Smith brought to the TCOJCOLDS.