female viagra would destroy society

sue_nami's Avatar
"Some of its developers, however, fear that it might have the unintended consequence of turning womankind into an army of uncontrollable nymphomaniacs which would destroy society."

sue_nami's Avatar
too late, if horny women would destroy society you'd all be dead already.....
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-21-2013, 12:03 PM
"Some of its developers, however, fear that it might have the unintended consequence of turning womankind into an army of uncontrollable nymphomaniacs which would destroy society."

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/10...oying-society/ Originally Posted by sue_nami
OR.... create a mad rush for AA Batteries. Better check on recent quotes for Energizer and Doc Johnson stock.

Viagara? I actually ran into a woman who thought the "Soft Tabs" were an antidote?
OR.... create a mad rush for AA Batteries. Better check on recent quotes for Energizer and Doc Johnson stock.

Viagara? I actually ran into a woman who thought the "Soft Tabs" were an antidote? Originally Posted by Loxly
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
That's all a load o' BS. Viagra don't make a fella horny. It just gives 'em a boner, horny or not. But a fella will fuck if'n he's got a boner even if'n he ain't horny, because what tha hell else can ya do with it that's anywhar close to fun? And it'd be shame ta let a boner go ta waste.

If'n Pfizer's Viagra worked on wimmin-folk, they'd all just be a-walkin' 'round with wet, sloppy ol' cooters. Mebbe a handful of 'em might feel like fuckin', but I reckon most would jus' be walkin' 'round havin' themselves a giggle-fest a-listenin' to thar poonannys goin' "skwish-skwatch, skwish-skwatch" every time they took a step all tha durn day long.

Ladies, female Viagra jus' sounds like a good way to ruin yer fav-o-rite silk undies or yer suede jumpsuit. But hell, don't lissen ta me. Go right a-haid! Y'all don't lissen ta us men-folk anyways.
knotty man's Avatar
hmmm? viagra for women
wow. a clit with a boner
just dont go to walmart in yoga pants, somebody might think your smugglin out a peanut
but I reckon most would jus' be walkin' 'round havin' themselves a giggle-fest a-listenin' to thar poonannys goin' "skwish-skwatch, skwish-skwatch" every time they took a step all tha durn day long. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
OMG, I'm dying! LMFAO
TGF's Avatar
  • TGF
  • 10-22-2013, 02:48 PM
First of all D.D is incorrect about the little blue pill giving you a boner whether you are horny or not - it helps you get a boner as a result of sexual stimulation (eg, a good old fashion makeout session often does the trick) What you may get are the side effects whether you get a boner or not: headaches, etc (which of course are suppose to be the province of women - thats a joke folks, just in case ) There is the worse consequence of a 4+ hour boner which I am sure some of the guys here would not see as a downside. Viagra is aimed at helping out with sexual congress - for both men and women.

So the interesting question is: what would be the equivalent condition for a gal for the guy's 4+ hour boner which is supposed to be rather painful?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Nah, suhr. The reaction is all chemical an' physiomalogical. Ain't got nuthin' to do with if'n ya got a desire ta have sex or not. With viagra tha physical stimulation is whut gits tha boner a-going. Lemme draw ya a pitcher. You slip a viagra ta a feller that's as queer as a three dolla' bill. Then get ol' Scarlett h'yar ta go an' start a-fiddlin' and a-rubbin' and a-tuggin' and a-lickin' and a-suckin' on his tallywacker. That feller is a-gonna pop hisself a boner. Don't matter that he ain't got no inclination to dip his wick in her l'il ol' can o' Chicken o' Tha Sea and get his dicky icky. He may get nauseamatated at the very idear o' seeing a nekkid lady, but he'll be poppin' a boner, sho'nuff. An' Ah know this fer a fact cuz I seen it happen mah own durn self one time durin' a post-election night celebration when we dropped one in a Cosmopolitan and pranked a buddy o' mine known fer havin' some unnaturally good-lookin' hair all tha time. Now, he has hisself a preference for man-meat instead o' tuna. He got all flustered and couldn't believe he got hard as a rock when this ol' Rent-A-Jezebel we hired fer tha partay went ta town a-wrangling his drangler. Man, that wuz a HOOT! He about ta had a heart attack and I just about became guv'nor that night. Yeeeee Hawwwww!
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-22-2013, 04:10 PM

So the interesting question is: what would be the equivalent condition for a gal for the guy's 4+ hour boner which is supposed to be rather painful? Originally Posted by TGF
I can imagine following a lady in the mall that might have the problem.

Combination of swollen lips and pussy farts that sound like ...

But it's just a guess.
knotty man's Avatar
Viagra is a vasco inhibitor. Meaning it constricts the blood vessels " allowing" you to get an erection. It doesnt cause you to get an section. Most ED issues are caused by poor blood flow to your penis, due to age, weight, stress or other factors. Viagra simply opens up the channels. You still need desire and or stimulation to get one. If your problem is psychological Viagra won't help
Omg... DD you are hilarious!!!
knotty man's Avatar
im not a Dr.
but my dick did stay at a Holiday Inn