Why more women are letting their husbands cheat

Bobave's Avatar
“For example, the woman might agree that the man can attend BDSM play parties once a month or have oral sex — not penetrative sex — once a week, so long as he has blood tests every three months,”

James1588's Avatar
Sounds like practical thinking. She doesn't want to walk the dog? Hire a dog-walker. Makes sense.
As long as she's getting her thing on (outside) as well, everybody's happy!
Sounds like practical thinking. She doesn't want to walk the dog? Hire a dog-walker. Makes sense. Originally Posted by James1588
Yes there is "rent a husband" for projects around the house your husband does not want to do. So outsourcing the pussy and the mouth is needed in many marriages. It is a known fact that men stop getting head once they get married lol
My wife doesn't read/watch the news either....sigh.....
cowboy8055's Avatar
It is a known fact that men stop getting head once they get married lol Originally Posted by stephania ricci
Glad I never got married.
Solitaire's Avatar
If you are both in agreement on the rules, it is not cheating.

Cheating is when you agree on a set of rules, and one or the other breaks them.

Also, I think more people are coming to the truthful and realistic understanding that humans are not monogamous creatures.

The only women I know who "let" their men cheat are the ones who insist on monogamy, but look the other way, or refuse to confront, when they know indiscretions are occurring. They are not relationship savvy nor understanding, they are simply waiting for the most opportune time to cash in on that marriage licen$e voucher. (divorce) Another form of sex work.
RandB fan's Avatar
That wasn't the case for me but after several years there was no interest in making me cum cause it's not over in 30 seconds, she just did it to get me all worked up when she wanted sex. There is nothing wrong with being awoken to find your dick in almost any females mouth but the moment you're hard they jump on and ride. There is more to sex than getting hard and fucking. I addressed her behavior that in a similar fashion but she never learned what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, so I did my dining elsewhere along with my CIM.

Yes there is "rent a husband" for projects around the house your husband does not want to do. So outsourcing the pussy and the mouth is needed in many marriages. It is a known fact that men stop getting head once they get married lol Originally Posted by stephania ricci
Glad I never got married. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Lol yes me either. Not sure if I can be married and monogomous. I fear boredom. I am a sagittarius and they are notorious for remaining single. That is why I am focusing on my harem of men serving and servicing me lol. Much better than being married to one guy
pyramider's Avatar
I can bore the crap out of you within three minutes. The first two minutes are involve inept sex ... after that it's nap time.
I would rather be a swinger.
If you are both in agreement on the rules, it is not cheating.

Cheating is when you agree on a set of rules, and one or the other breaks them.

Also, I think more people are coming to the truthful and realistic understanding that humans are not monogamous creatures.

The only women I know who "let" their men cheat are the ones who insist on monogamy, but look the other way, or refuse to confront, when they know indiscretions are occurring. They are not relationship savvy nor understanding, they are simply waiting for the most opportune time to cash in on that marriage licen$e voucher. (divorce) Another form of sex work. Originally Posted by Solitaire
GregJM's Avatar
I think that you providers are doing a great service and always have. "Cheating" is when a man leaves his wife and forms an attachment with another woman or vice versa. This is what breaks up families. Prostitution provides an outlet, typically without emotional attachments. This is why in most western countries it is legal, regulated, and taxed.
When living in the Netherlands I visited a young courtesan who told me that she believed that she provided a necessary therapy for keeping marriages in tact. She told me that when a man visited her, "He does not have to bring me his heart, just his cock."
Who cares...Escorts providing paid business for cheaters
pyramider's Avatar
No its the wives are like large corporations ... outsourcing the pussy ...