Heads up folks: I was not in this Review!

GenesisNicole's Avatar

Though it is true, Taylor and I have done doubles before in the past, but I was not in this session on 4-5-10!!!!

It has been long over a month since Taylor and I have done dates together so I'm not sure where this review came from.....

I'm not saying he didn't have a session with HER, but I was not there!!!!

Just wanted to make this clear in the mean time of the review being...fixed...

Thank you for your time..

~Gen Nicole~
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar

Realize many of us don't use the exact date for any number of privacy reasons.

And it sounds like all had a good time.
GenesisNicole's Avatar

Realize many of us don't use the exact date for any number of privacy reasons.

And it sounds like all had a good time. Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler
True and I certainly realize that, but if it has been over a month since I have done any dates with said provider then wouldn't that be cause for some "reviewing"

And I certainly have no knowledge of who Tx Dreamer is...

If I did see him, it has been long over due (for this particular review)

So, thanks, I appreciate your input but I still stand my original post....
Board policy is to close both the review and the rebuttal. Those parties involved have input all else is speculation.


Looks like the date is only contention and I corrected that issue.
I see no reason to reopen this but will if OP desires.