needing a little extra help please

So I have been going through a thing lately and well a depression.

Lots of you know I have kids, my three kids that were supposed to move here were staying with someone that was supposed to be a best friend and someone that I trusted... One night I got a call from my son telling me how much he loved me, the next day DHS came and took them out of that home and in to foster care. They split up all three of my kids in different foster cares and I have until the 25th to get home or they are adopting out my kids and I wont see them until they turn 18.

This is really horrible for me since until I came here my kids were always with me 24/7 and I never left them or had any incidents where I had DSH on me, I trusted someone and they were abusing my kids.

I really need some help with sessions or anything, I almost have enough for the apartment but then I need to beable to get the truck and all to go to iowa.

For those of you who might not believe I have all paper work, and I can show you whats going on. This is VERY scary for me as my time is running down very fast and I don't want to loose my kids.

This is very embarrassing for me to write this but I am getting desperate. Any sessions would help me so I can get home to my kids fast. Sorry beg but for my kids I will take all the shit people give me, any nasty remarks, I will put my pride away and deal with this because I don't want to loose my babies.

I hope your days go good and I will be available available available
fun2come's Avatar
Shayla, sorry, that sounds indeed very desperate.
Let's hope for the Pussy Mafia to step in and do some good for you !!! Yes, sell your soul to them....

I sincerely hope it all works out.
If I could sell my soul F2C I would. And thank you, I hope things go good also, all I want to do is go home get my kids and bring them back here as soon as I can, this is home to me, and none of my family stepped up and offered to take them when the social workers asked, so indeed the Eccie girls and guys have become my family and I cant wait to come back with them already.
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
Shayla, sorry, that sounds indeed very desperate.
Let's hope for the Pussy Mafia to step in and do some good for you !!! Yes, sell your soul to them....

I sincerely hope it all works out. Originally Posted by fun2come
im sure the pussy mafia will help. Best of luck..
thank you
Secret_Amore's Avatar
see this is why you need to come too church woman! we are here for you! how many times do I have to say it! >:O
[QUOTE=fun2come;1055032479]Shayla, sorry, that sounds indeed very desperate.
Let's hope for the Pussy Mafia to step in and do some good for you !!! Yes, sell your soul to them....

I sincerely hope it all works ojoke/QUOTE]

This was a cruel, mean spirited, callous thing to say to someone who just swallowed her pride and opened herself up about her children.

Do you feel like a big man now? Probably. Sad.

Not that I am surprised, but dang. The woman is pouring her heart out about her children and youI want to kick her while she is down?

I don't know what this whole pussy mafia thing is really about, since it was a joke. But you should leave this provider and her children out if it, imo.
Dice man1983's Avatar
I agree with scarlett, I hope everything works out for you Hun. Never give up hope
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
[QUOTE=Scarlett Rossi;1055033254]
Shayla, sorry, that sounds indeed very desperate.
Let's hope for the Pussy Mafia to step in and do some good for you !!! Yes, sell your soul to them....

I sincerely hope it all works ojoke/QUOTE]

This was a cruel, mean spirited, callous thing to say to someone who just swallowed her pride and opened herself up about her children.

Do you feel like a big man now? Probably. Sad.

Not that I am surprised, but dang. The woman is pouring her heart out about her children and youI want to kick her while she is down?

I don't know what this whole pussy mafia thing is really about, since it was a joke. But you should leave this provider and her children out if it, imo. Originally Posted by fun2come
Now, ya gots ta keep in mind, suagrtits, thet this whole "kickin' a womb-man whilst she's down" thang is kinda like gittin' a cat ta swaller a pill thet tha veteraminarian perscribed fer tha l'il puss.

Ya see, when a feller's a-kickin' a gal when she's down, sooner 'r later she's gonna open her mouth an' start a boo-hoo-in' an' thets when tha feller can stick his tallywhacker inner pie-hole and give 'er a good throat-fuckin' 'till he blows his peckersnot inta 'er belly.

Now, Ah ain't a-sayin' if'n thets a good thang 'r a bad thang, but it's purty durn effective fer sum fellers thet wants ta face-fuck a sassy l'il filly thet they ain't been able ta cornvince ta gobble thar gooseneck utherwise. Results is results. An' really, when thar payin' fer sexytime, results is all thet lot's o' fellers give a-hoot an' a-holler about.

I don't know what this whole pussy mafia thing is really about, since it was a joke. But you should leave this provider and her children out if it, imo. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Some people didn't get the joke. They think - well, I don't even want to speculate on the things they've accused us of, really. I simply cannot lower myself to that level of stupidity.

In any case, if the girls band together, we can raise some money for Shayla.
powerslave's Avatar
Staff Edit JJ. Spam.
fun2come's Avatar
In any case, if the girls band together, we can raise some money for Shayla. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Now you are getting into the right spirit !
Pitfall's Avatar
I don't have kids, but I can appreciate how stressful this must be. I really hope things get better for you and your family soon.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Some people didn't get the joke. They think - well, I don't even want to speculate on the things they've accused us of, really. I simply cannot lower myself to that level of stupidity.

In any case, if the girls band together, we can raise some money for Shayla. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
that's what I'm saying. if she came to HC we could talk about how to help brainstorm.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Shayla I truly wish I could help you in someway. I don't have any money nor anything to sell to get your kids back. I know how awful DHS/CPS can be and I am sorry they are involved.
I'll pm you about how much I can help.