No jab for me...

texassapper's Avatar
Just another reason to avoid getting the experimental mRNA shot.

Two men developed PUS-FILLED bumps on their faces in rare side effect from Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

The rare events KEPP ON COMING!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
We are being lied to about the vaccines
Put all the mask/vaccine non sense to the side ,
Gov Abotts is correct the guberment doesn't have the power or authority to force vaccines or masks
Who is the guberment to decide on my medical welfare or procedures

Forced medical procedures has happened before just think. Nuremberg trails Code 1947 (1)
German doctors were just following orders HMM
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We are being lied to about the vaccines
Put all the mask/vaccine non sense to the side ,
Gov Abotts is correct the guberment doesn't have the power or authority to force vaccines or masks
Who is the guberment to decide on my medical welfare or procedures

Forced medical procedures has happened before just think. Nuremberg trails Code 1947 (1)
German doctors were just following orders HMM Originally Posted by rexdutchman
feds can only mandate it at the federal level, feds can't order states to do it. they can bribe or with-hold funds to get it done.
Just another reason to avoid getting the experimental mRNA shot.

Two men developed PUS-FILLED bumps on their faces in rare side effect from Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

The rare events KEPP ON COMING!! Originally Posted by texassapper
That looks terrible.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Y'all throw meaningless terms around, because playing it straight fucks your Q narrative. Nobody is being forced to take the vax. And the economy never shut down. If you can't push an argument to an extreme, you fail.
matchingmole's Avatar
That looks terrible. Originally Posted by Levianon17

And your Pic...a guess you'll have to defer on that.
Would hate to tramatize anyone!!
Originally Posted by matchingmole
It appears the only thing that occupies your mind is air and Trump.
texassapper's Avatar
Y'all throw meaningless terms around, because playing it straight fucks your Q narrative. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Stop with your Blue-Anon nonsense.

Nobody is being forced to take the vax. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well if by forced you literally mean tied up and injected, no. Well not yet, anyway. But you know it's not being used in the literal sense... it's being used in the get the shot or lose your job or means of support sense. If you doubt that, you're either ignorant or a liar. Which is it?

And the economy never shut down. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Do you expect any of us to take such a nonsensical statement at face value? I mean to shut-down, does every last lightbulb have to be turned off? By this standard, the economy has never been shut down. But all of us know tons of businesses that were shuttered, many which will never re-open. That was totally acceptable though right?

If you can't push an argument to an extreme, you fail. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle obsidian. Your definition of those phrases is of the extreme literal sense. If you can't take an argument to the extreme, you fail: "Biden Has To Beg and Pay Anti-Vaxxers $100 to Keep Delta From Crippling Our Country". Ring a bell?

Was Biden literally on his knees begging?
Is the Country Crippled? I haven't seen mass use of wheels chairs...
Is it really anti-vaxxers at fault?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Damn chung drop the remote and step back from cnn , the red covid coming LOL