Skyler West - Women Cancelling, Ghosting, and Flaking. My Experiences. I like"Mature" MILFs.

This is my review today of Skyler West, but I am also posting some information here because I am curious if anyone else has these experiences

I usually don't write reviews, but I am over it. This review may go beyond Skyler West and include another encounter I had. I contacted Skyler West by text messages on Wednesday at 12:41 a.m. I introduced myself, gave a description of myself, and told her I would like to visit possibly this weekend. I contacted early because I am busy non-stop from 11:00 a.m. in the morning until 5:00 a.m. everyday. I rarely get good sleep.

She responded, "Hi there, thanks for reaching out. Can I ask your name or name u go by & age?"

I gave her the necessary information. Next, she sent the most amazing pictures. The only picture from her P411 that I recognized was the one where her left hand is on the wall and she has a blue bra on. The other pictures were all new. The last picture is what blue my mind. She has long straight blonde hair in the picture. She has a on a white, casual business shirt, and what looks like a casual business skirt or pants. The bottom part of the picture is cut off there.

I wish I could think of an actor to give you an idea. The pictures on P411 don't do any justice. She looks like a blonde you would see on a Soap Opera, a woman in a film, or one of those beautiful blondes on FUX/FOX news. When you see her bent over at the grocery store, you think about sticking it right inside her. She looks like that. MILF. I hate saying "mature" these days, because my experiences have changed my mind about the "mature" part.

Next, after she sent the pictures, she said, "Cool, then I'm your girl. I am 49. I will text u a little later. Would luv to see u." She responded this way because I told her I like more mature or experienced women. I was never into college or high school girls like most guys. When I was in middle and high school, I was the boy thinking about having s*x with the teachers and mothers. I like fully developed women who know what they are doing.

Next, I responded with wowzers after I saw her pictures. I told her I would like to visit at the end of the week, and I can only do Friday nights, Saturday, or Sundays.

The next messages are me and her agreeing to meet on Saturday. I told her 4:00 p.m. would be fine. Keep in mind, the messages were strange because it was almost as though she was trying to control the meeting. She DID ask, "What time is good for you?" I will give her that, and I responded accordingly.

She says, "Awesome see u Saturday I might text u Saturday to confirm."

The "might" is the part that immediately caught my attention. I knew it was strange, but I figured I would give it a chance anyway. My expectations were low at this point.

She responded again, "Saturday is perfect, as I'm doing some home organization tomorrow "

Those were the last messages on Thursday.

Today, Saturday, she messaged me at 2:16 p.m. and said, "I had to bring my friend to the hospital, she's having her baby... So, I will probe here ahile & have to cancel many, many apologies."

I said, "Ok. Dang. I was about to come see you too. I just got out of the shower."

Her finally response was, "So so sorry"

I wish I could send images of her text messages, but this is how it happened. I decided to contact Emmy4u today and see her. I have not seen her since January or February 2022 when my car was towed near Royal and 75.

I mentioned this on a previous thread somewhere, but I started the hobby and lost my virg*nity to DaniDoesDoIt in 2016. That was my first review. Since then, 70% of my experiences have been rejections, ghosting, flaking, or potentially blocking before meeting me. 20% have been bad experiences. 10% have been good interactions. Only a few of them have turned into regulars I repeat. Kira Sweet (AlongCameHoney) is my latest regular. She has been good so far, and she has the best incall.

Most women don't believe I am genuine before meeting me. The ones who do meet me acknowledge that I am respectable and good company. My hygiene is most likely better than most men I have heard stories about. I graduated with my Bachelor's in 2018 and I am starting a new career. I don't do drugs, I have never smoked, I have never drank alcohol, and I have never drank coffee. Perhaps it is my skin color? I am dark skinned. I have been single since 1989 and I plan to keep it that way. I don't do relationships or dating. I am not married like most men on these websites. So the "hobby" works out for me. I have never had a girlfriend, and I never plan to have children.

Recently, I have been losing interest in the "hobby."


Here is another encounter. Kieva. I read tons of amazing reviews and how she does DFK. That is what I like, but it seems to be rare. I like "mature" MILF women who offer DFK/GFE. I prefer white or latina women. Mostly white women, as Latina seems to be rare on here. I never got to meet Ally Hope/Allegra Hope years ago. I did not have the funds at the time back then.So I saw Kieva's pictures and it blew my mind. Again, I thought, "THAT is the woman I am looking for! The one I have imagined being with for the longest time!"

Yup, you guessed it! It did not go as planned. First, it took 4 to 6 attempts of meeting her over a span of 4 to 5 months. From what I remember. I think I finally met her on December 18, 2021. When I got to her place, everything was going well. She has a cool personality. When she was on top of me, I told her, "You are the most amazing looking woman I have been with."

Her tiny dog was on the bed licking me while I was licking her v*gina. Not too long after I started the session with her, she said her "nephew" was talking about coming over to her apartment. Keep in my mind, I was driving down 75 to get there (I live an hour from everything), and she did mention something about having to go pickup her nephew, or her nephew was coming to pick her up. She told me to go ahead and continue coming since I was already half-way there.

During my session with her, there was a LOUD knock on the door. Someone was banging. I'm thinking, "Oh sh*t! Is that the cops?" Even Kieva jumped up and was confused about who it was. She checked her phone for messages and it was her "nephew." She told me to go into the bathroom and hurry up and get my clothes on because her "nephew" does not know what she does. It was so strange and awkward. I went into the bathroom and changed. Honestly, I stayed there for a few minutes and listened outside. She opened the door for him.

I came out and acted like a casual buddy she knows. This dude was sitting on the couch with shades/sunglasses on. I said hey, what's up and walked toward the front door. I think he said hey back, but that was it. Or he said nothing at all. I don't remember. I couldn't tell if he was high on drugs, or if he was an undercover cop. So I went to Kieva, it started out good, and I did not get to finish. Also, her reviews say she does tons of DFK kissing. She pecked me on the lips twice. Tiny pecks. That was it. I remember when I tried to kiss Anna Sweet and she turned her head. Again, it may be because of my skin color. I have no idea.

Anyway, these are my experiences. Has anyone else had such experiences, or am I one of the rare few who continues to have these encounters?

Now I have to give my good shout-outs to the best women I have been with:

Foxy Maxxi Roxx
Kira Sweet (Along Came Honey)
Sherry of DFW

Carmen Boundd/D-Town Carmen (sort of?) Pending. Went 4 or 5 times within a month or two, but no responses anymore.

Olivia Moore (only saw her once when she visited Addison).

There may be some other good experiences I had, but I can't think right now. Perhaps I should try to find some college type girls.
You need to exit the hobby. You're holding grudges over a handful of experiences. If that's the worst you've encountered while hobbying then I would quit while you are ahead. A cancelled appt. and a bad experience with someone that doesn't ask for large donation.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
I usually don't write reviews, but I am over it.
Most women don't believe I am genuine before meeting me. The ones who do meet me acknowledge that I am respectable and good company.Recently, I have been losing interest in the hobby. Originally Posted by dormGE

Click here to find out why pimping Trumps simping.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-04-2022, 10:42 AM
This is my review today of Skyler West, but I am also posting some information here because I am curious if anyone else has these experiences

I usually don't write reviews, but I am over it. This review may go beyond Skyler West and include another encounter I had. I contacted Skyler West by text messages on Wednesday at 12:41 a.m. I introduced myself, gave a description of myself, and told her I would like to visit possibly this weekend. I contacted early because I am busy non-stop from 11:00 a.m. in the morning until 5:00 a.m. everyday. I rarely get good sleep.

She responded, "Hi there, thanks for reaching out. Can I ask your name or name u go by & age?"

I gave her the necessary information. Next, she sent the most amazing pictures. The only picture from her P411 that I recognized was the one where her left hand is on the wall and she has a blue bra on. The other pictures were all new. The last picture is what blue my mind. She has long straight blonde hair in the picture. She has a on a white, casual business shirt, and what looks like a casual business skirt or pants. The bottom part of the picture is cut off there.

I wish I could think of an actor to give you an idea. The pictures on P411 don't do any justice. She looks like a blonde you would see on a Soap Opera, a woman in a film, or one of those beautiful blondes on FUX/FOX news. When you see her bent over at the grocery store, you think about sticking it right inside her. She looks like that. MILF. I hate saying "mature" these days, because my experiences have changed my mind about the "mature" part.

Next, after she sent the pictures, she said, "Cool, then I'm your girl. I am 49. I will text u a little later. Would luv to see u." She responded this way because I told her I like more mature or experienced women. I was never into college or high school girls like most guys. When I was in middle and high school, I was the boy thinking about having s*x with the teachers and mothers. I like fully developed women who know what they are doing.

Next, I responded with wowzers after I saw her pictures. I told her I would like to visit at the end of the week, and I can only do Friday nights, Saturday, or Sundays.

The next messages are me and her agreeing to meet on Saturday. I told her 4:00 p.m. would be fine. Keep in mind, the messages were strange because it was almost as though she was trying to control the meeting. She DID ask, "What time is good for you?" I will give her that, and I responded accordingly.

She says, "Awesome see u Saturday I might text u Saturday to confirm."

The "might" is the part that immediately caught my attention. I knew it was strange, but I figured I would give it a chance anyway. My expectations were low at this point.

She responded again, "Saturday is perfect, as I'm doing some home organization tomorrow "

Those were the last messages on Thursday.

Today, Saturday, she messaged me at 2:16 p.m. and said, "I had to bring my friend to the hospital, she's having her baby... So, I will probe here ahile & have to cancel many, many apologies."

I said, "Ok. Dang. I was about to come see you too. I just got out of the shower."

Her finally response was, "So so sorry"

I wish I could send images of her text messages, but this is how it happened. I decided to contact Emmy4u today and see her. I have not seen her since January or February 2022 when my car was towed near Royal and 75.

I mentioned this on a previous thread somewhere, but I started the hobby and lost my virg*nity to DaniDoesDoIt in 2016. That was my first review. Since then, 70% of my experiences have been rejections, ghosting, flaking, or potentially blocking before meeting me. 20% have been bad experiences. 10% have been good interactions. Only a few of them have turned into regulars I repeat. Kira Sweet (AlongCameHoney) is my latest regular. She has been good so far, and she has the best incall.

Most women don't believe I am genuine before meeting me. The ones who do meet me acknowledge that I am respectable and good company. My hygiene is most likely better than most men I have heard stories about. I graduated with my Bachelor's in 2018 and I am starting a new career. I don't do drugs, I have never smoked, I have never drank alcohol, and I have never drank coffee. Perhaps it is my skin color? I am dark skinned. I have been single since 1989 and I plan to keep it that way. I don't do relationships or dating. I am not married like most men on these websites. So the "hobby" works out for me. I have never had a girlfriend, and I never plan to have children.

Recently, I have been losing interest in the "hobby."


Here is another encounter. Kieva. I read tons of amazing reviews and how she does DFK. That is what I like, but it seems to be rare. I like "mature" MILF women who offer DFK/GFE. I prefer white or latina women. Mostly white women, as Latina seems to be rare on here. I never got to meet Ally Hope/Allegra Hope years ago. I did not have the funds at the time back then.So I saw Kieva's pictures and it blew my mind. Again, I thought, "THAT is the woman I am looking for! The one I have imagined being with for the longest time!"

Yup, you guessed it! It did not go as planned. First, it took 4 to 6 attempts of meeting her over a span of 4 to 5 months. From what I remember. I think I finally met her on December 18, 2021. When I got to her place, everything was going well. She has a cool personality. When she was on top of me, I told her, "You are the most amazing looking woman I have been with."

Her tiny dog was on the bed licking me while I was licking her v*gina. Not too long after I started the session with her, she said her "nephew" was talking about coming over to her apartment. Keep in my mind, I was driving down 75 to get there (I live an hour from everything), and she did mention something about having to go pickup her nephew, or her nephew was coming to pick her up. She told me to go ahead and continue coming since I was already half-way there.

During my session with her, there was a LOUD knock on the door. Someone was banging. I'm thinking, "Oh sh*t! Is that the cops?" Even Kieva jumped up and was confused about who it was. She checked her phone for messages and it was her "nephew." She told me to go into the bathroom and hurry up and get my clothes on because her "nephew" does not know what she does. It was so strange and awkward. I went into the bathroom and changed. Honestly, I stayed there for a few minutes and listened outside. She opened the door for him.

I came out and acted like a casual buddy she knows. This dude was sitting on the couch with shades/sunglasses on. I said hey, what's up and walked toward the front door. I think he said hey back, but that was it. Or he said nothing at all. I don't remember. I couldn't tell if he was high on drugs, or if he was an undercover cop. So I went to Kieva, it started out good, and I did not get to finish. Also, her reviews say she does tons of DFK kissing. She pecked me on the lips twice. Tiny pecks. That was it. I remember when I tried to kiss Anna Sweet and she turned her head. Again, it may be because of my skin color. I have no idea.

Anyway, these are my experiences. Has anyone else had such experiences, or am I one of the rare few who continues to have these encounters?

Now I have to give my good shout-outs to the best women I have been with:

Foxy Maxxi Roxx
Kira Sweet (Along Came Honey)
Sherry of DFW

Carmen Boundd/D-Town Carmen (sort of?) Pending. Went 4 or 5 times within a month or two, but no responses anymore.

Olivia Moore (only saw her once when she visited Addison).

There may be some other good experiences I had, but I can't think right now. Perhaps I should try to find some college type girls. Originally Posted by dormGE
That's where the hobby has gone these days, you did good sharing your experiences on these sorry hookers, white knights will ignore what happened and talk about once upon a time when they visited the whore.
You need to exit the hobby. You're holding grudges over a handful of experiences. If that's the worst you've encountered while hobbying then I would quit while you are ahead. A cancelled appt. and a bad experience with someone that doesn't ask for large donation. Originally Posted by TXSUN55000

Did I tell you that was the worst experience I encountered? No, I did not. I have experienced worse. I don't hold grudges. I don't care about anyone on these sites like that. I simply asked if anyone else gets repeatedly ghosted.

Click here to find out why pimping Trumps simping. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla

I already watched that video on Tribe of Men. hahah. I watch Tribe of Men, ,ItsComplicatedChannel, Darius M, Mediocre Reviews and Tutorials, JustPearly Things, and others. I am not a simp. I said I was single. I shall remain single. Relationships, marriage, and children are not worth the money, stress, and conflict. This is why I chose the "hobby."
Ghosting is the norm all over the US. It rarely happens in Canada or the EU, where the hobby is either decriminalized or outright legal, and the competition is fierce. The NC/NS/ "deposit required" specialist don't last as long...
WhyTF do you keep thinking you got ghosted? You said she TOLD you she had something come up and couldn't make an appointment that was scheduled 3 days prior. Every once in a while, that happens. Move on to the other 100s of providers in DFW and forget about it.

I can't imagine any provider in DFW wanting to have anything to do with you now. They talk, share information. She knows who did this and, in fact, did have to cancel to be with a friend during delivery. Idiot.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Some providers might have a issue with some of your reviews after they start your screening and have a change of hart .

If she canceled it's not ghosting ..
Ghosting would be she just left you out to dry and NC NS & she did give give you a 2hr noticed ..
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-04-2022, 09:48 PM
OP got his "hart" broken 💔, OP did good reporting the time wasters, that's the worst excuse I've heard in my life, instead being honest and upfront, the baby was coming during his appointment LMAO
OP got his "hart" broken 💔, OP did good reporting the time wasters, that's the worst excuse I've heard in my life, instead being honest and upfront, the baby was coming during his appointment LMAO Originally Posted by BLM69

You seem to be only person here who comprehends what I am talking about. Everyone is busy, including myself. I have witnessed women who told me to contact a day or two ahead in preparation, rather than contacting the same day. Skyler states on her website that she prefers to be contacted days before meeting. I am nonstop busy and stressed. I don't contact anyone to experience more stress.

All this "hart" or heart stuff from people is hilarious. It is physically impossible to break a heart. A heart can be ripped, squeeze, or stretched. There are no bones to break. hahah. Every woman I have been with will confirm I am chill and I don't create unnecessary conflict. I am simply explaining my experience.
Some providers might have a issue with some of your reviews after they start your screening and have a change of hart .

If she canceled it's not ghosting ..
Ghosting would be she just left you out to dry and NC NS & she did give give you a 2hr noticed .. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF

I rarely do reviews. My review count is not accurate because I am not one of these guys who stays on this website 24/7 making fun of people. If she did not want to see me, she could have told me on Wednesday when I gave my description. In fact, me being ready to go and meet at that time on Saturday was better than my usual Saturday schedule. Saturday is typically chaotic for me.
It's amusing how the first word after women is "cancelling" in the title, yet multiple people keep mentioning "ghosting" as though the "cancelling" part does not matter. Next.
WhyTF do you keep thinking you got ghosted? You said she TOLD you she had something come up and couldn't make an appointment that was scheduled 3 days prior. Every once in a while, that happens. Move on to the other 100s of providers in DFW and forget about it.

I can't imagine any provider in DFW wanting to have anything to do with you now. They talk, share information. She knows who did this and, in fact, did have to cancel to be with a friend during delivery. Idiot. Originally Posted by TXSUN55000

pittlicker's Avatar
It's a shame it happened but you seem way too butt hurt about this. Time to move on.