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Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hell they cant figure out running water and sewage systems how do you expect them to mix the gas correctly.

I have it on good authority that this all goes back thousnads of years when Abdul took an exra turn with the camel and pissed the other tribe off. War ever since.
LexusLover's Avatar
"The Spiegel report said Schindler considered it "possible that a mistake was made in mixing the gas and that much more poison than planned was fired".

"During one 30-minute presentation, Schindler also mentioned the BND had intercepted a telephone conversation between a high-ranking official of the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah, a traditional ally of the Syrian regime, and an Iranian diplomat.

"The Hezbollah official had attributed the August attack to Assad and said he felt the leader had "lost his nerve" and committed a "serious mistake" in giving the order to use chemical weapons, said Spiegel."

That's not a "mixing" error ... that's a judgment error. Both of them ... "OOOPS"!

Hopefully "Ass-add" will take that lead and admit he gave the order . although I doubt he will.

The same "error" was made when Iraq invaded Kuwait ... thinking the U.S. would look the other way.

Wonder why?