MSNBC of all people call out Brain Damaged Fetterman

berryberry's Avatar
MSNBC: He "has a hard time understanding what he's hearing..he had a hard time understanding our conversations."

It doesn't matter as in both candidates are horrible choices. It comes down to who you want passing legislation. I think Row v Wade being tossed out will have some influence on races like this. Both candidates suck, what is a big issue (I/they) care about and how will either party effect that in the next 4-6 years.
berryberry's Avatar
It doesn't matter as in both candidates are horrible choices. It comes down to who you want passing legislation. I think Row v Wade being tossed out will have some influence on races like this. Both candidates suck, what is a big issue (I/they) care about and how will either party effect that in the next 4-6 years. Originally Posted by isaywhynot
It's no secret I was for someone other than Oz in the primary. But when you look at the work he is doing to meet the voters, there is no comparison

Fetterman is a brain damaged, racist, far left socialist. He didn't pay his own taxes, never worked a real job, sponged off his parents til his 50's. He wants to put criminals back on the streets and enact many far left policies. He has basically been running a campaign from his basement, afraid to debate or have in depth media interviews

Oz has been working tirelessly having meetings around the state with voters to hear their concerns. Any fair minded person has to give him credit. He is more moderate than I would prefer but if you want one person passing legislation, it would be Oz and not brain damaged, racist far left Fetterman

Read this illuminating story from Pittsburgher Salena Zito on Dr. Oz on the campaign trail. He's campaigning hard, going everywhere, talking to everybody, pressing the flesh. Very old fashioned. It's working.
berryberry's Avatar
MORE MSNBC on brain damaged Fetterman:

"We've asked multiple times for medical records. We've asked for interviews with someone from his medical team. Those requests have so far been denied..."


Racist Fetterman is trying to cover up his brain damage from the voters and even from the libtard media
berryberry's Avatar
NBC News’ Dasha Burns: “In small talk before my interview [with Fetterman], it wasn’t clear he understood what I was saying.”
berryberry's Avatar
Ed O'Keefe
CBS News Ed O'Keefe

"An important interview with top Senate contender. Will Pennsylvanians be comfortable with someone representing them who had to conduct a TV interview this way? "
berryberry's Avatar
So that now is reporters at CBS News & NBC News openly questioning tonight whether Brain Damaged Fetterman is fit for office.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I love how the Twitter link gal says they can’t actually speculate without an actual exam. That never stopped them with Trump.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's alarming that Fetterman MUST release his medical records, while other people running for office have given manipulated medical records that were absurdly worded (self written & other records were outright denied to be provided,even to this date. Dude is no long in any office but he simply thumbed his nose at the requests. Why is Fetterman being held to a higher standard than a guy who cannot pronounce the word Hamburger or obstacles or covfefe...but yeah Fetterman needs to do what another guy didn't do, cause that's fair!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Because Trump could speak clearly and carry on a coherent conversation. His capacity to do so was never in doubt, and still isn’t. You may not agree with his views, but he’s clearly able to express and act on them in an intelligible manner. The same can’t be said for Fetterman, he’s obviously disabled.
berryberry's Avatar
Brain Damaged Fetterman in action - giving two completely opposite answers to the same question. And you question why this brain damaged racist is being asked to release his medical records?

"Are you committed to showing up on October 25 to debate your opponent no matter what happens?”

Fetterman: “No”

“To clarify, are you committed to showing up on October 25?"

Fetterman: “Well, yeah. Of course I’m going to show up on the 25th.”
berryberry's Avatar
Here is the very obvious look-away from the NBC reporter in that Brain Damaged Racist Fetterman disaster interview

Even she knows he is a fucking vegetable

berryberry's Avatar
Reporter on her interview with John Fetterman:

"It wasn't clear that he was understanding our certainly seemed as though he was having a hard time with those conversations."

HDGristle's Avatar
Because Trump could speak clearly and carry on a coherent conversation. His capacity to do so was never in doubt, and still isn’t. You may not agree with his views, but he’s clearly able to express and act on them in an intelligible manner. The same can’t be said for Fetterman, he’s obviously disabled. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Check the tapes again, chief. Trump's had so many issues talking during public speaking engagements that he had to go out on his way and get his doctor to tell folks in 2020 that he hadn't suffered a series of mini-strokes. And people still don't believe him.

And within the past few months there's plenty of tape showing him stumbling and bumbling over words and phrases, getting facts wrong (not on purpose, like he usually does) and generally looking like a fool.

Go pull one of the many video compilations. Listen to the word salad. Follow the incoherence.
berryberry's Avatar
Once again, Brain Damaged Racist Fetterman refuses to agree to make his medical records public, despite media outlets asking him to do so. For those keeping track at home, this refusal marks 15 times today that he has dodged questions about requests to release records. What is he hiding?