Super Quiet in Wichita

I've seen several posts about how dead it is in Wichita. What gives? When I was in KCMO I had tons of folks asking me to come back. I'm here now - where is everyone?

Is there a convention...folks on vacation.....out of town for work?
dbflyer's Avatar
Is there a convention...folks on vacation.....out of town for work? Originally Posted by HBG Platinum
I'm doing my part! But then, I don't get vacation...
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
All the above and then some! Tis the season for car shows, concerts, graduations, vacations, traveling, fairs, affairs, flea markets, its nice and warm you know.
JackJohnson's Avatar
I discussed this in another thread but if you mean why is the Wichita ECCIE forum dead, its mostly because many of the more experienced providers on the site are simply not actively providing or have withdrawn from the forum for various reasons.

You can just list the folks who used to be active on the board, then ask where they are, and the list is pretty long. The hobbyists are far more prolific of late.

I don't have Men's Lounge access, so I don't know if the men are talking in that section, but here most of the social media interaction is driven by providers. In other words, why would folks want to talk to me about junk in the Sandbox, when you can come over here and interact with a cute girl?

That type of flirty interaction makes hobbyists feel at ease, provides a great tease, and leads to great client development, something NOTORIOUSLY lacking in the current Wichita environment. It's bad that I've even waved the prospect of a more longer term relationship in the direction of a couple of providers, and gotten nothing but blank stares.

In other words, most of the providers in Wichita seem to be increasingly "Backpage" driven, are more concerned about how much money they are grabbing TODAY, without thought to developing a brand, or folks who seek them out on a regular basis with whom they develop an ongoing relationship.

YMMV, I know some providers just don't post much here, aren't really on BP either, and have some clientele they interact with here, I'm just talking about most of the folks.

The KC forum used to have lots of drama... people withdrew at time, but there was always a lively engagement. I still hop over to read and keep up a bit... but... since I live here, I try to push it here

I wasn't a supporter of the split... but I'm tryin to make it work!
It's really been both ways too. I have had an extraordinarily hard time booking in Wichita lately. In fact, I think it's been several months since I've seen someone here because of that. And that one took 4-5 reschedules to make happen.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Well liven up Wichita, you have some great girls here visiting, me included.
Maybe HBG Platinum and I should just get together and rock each others world. hehehehehe
JackJohnson's Avatar
It's really been both ways too. I have had an extraordinarily hard time booking in Wichita lately. In fact, I think it's been several months since I've seen someone here because of that. And that one took 4-5 reschedules to make happen. Originally Posted by sancho29
When you can't give money away....

That seems to be happening a lot, some, it seems, aren't too business savvy. We used to use the word McDonaldization to describe a sociological phenomenon of "fast foodizing" many aspects of society (criminal justice, etc) Maybe we need a new word.

Backpagization /n/ Providers not interested in customer service and client development in their local area over the What Can I Book Today/Call Me When Your Ready/I'll Call You When I Call You crowd.
