Would you with a X

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I tried this in upstate ny coed. Went no where. So quote self. Delete what only would have make sense in my area, and post here.

As I read in one thread here of provider BBBJ right after signing divorce papers. Maybe it will do better here.

Questions I could not think of where to put
link to original thread,
2nd quote was trying to get it started.

Set up:
I know some providers that got into it after ending marriage to help make ends met, and or for what they never got from MR X. Or soon to be. I even know a few that got in to it to pay lawyer for the divorce.

ok now Mr. Hobby is divorced, or about to become so. What ever the reason she left him is. Even, well he is Mr Hobby.

for latter

Anyways Mr.Hobby finds out his X or about to be is now Mrs provider.

Would you give her a good review?

Would you fess up to your past with her?

Would you see her for p4p?

How would you feel if you found, holly crap she is better at sex than I knew?


would you let him in if you knew the money was not part of the alimony?

Could he use you as a reference? would it be good?

How would you feel if he seems better at it now?

If you found out his ATF is the one you love doing duo with(open?)? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Some would say as a bachelor I have no right to post this thread. But one of the many times I ask a girl the big "?". It was a girl I knew at one time was a provider before we dated. I just can not remember if there was ever any p4p long before we dated. But when I asked for her phone number and if I could take her out. I also asked if she wanted my name and number. "Oh, I know all about you" was her answer. And she went out with me for that first date. And we dated a few years. And it was her that told me she was once a working gal. And knew some of the same guys and girls I did from the hobby. So I bet I did p4p with her at one time. That was a few months in. And now both her and I had nothing(or less) to hide. And keep dating for some time after.

Now the time I dated her I do remember. So, would I do it with her for p4p again, yes. And if it was provider deal, not UTR, I would review. Problem, I don't remember as provider. Yet sure I am guilty. So she may have been hotter as a civilian date. But if it was good, then a good review. Now would I fess up to the fact of the past. Wow I'm not sure. errrr want to say yes, really don't know. Maybe in ROS, private, or in PM to a very few. Then she is a ball buster. And would post this fool p4p with what he once got for free. But then we know free can/does cost more than p4p in many ways. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Nope!!! Would never do anything with an x. Wouldn't even want to pass her on the street much less pay her for sex.
Eccie Addict's Avatar

Read that.... This is first hand experience what it is like to have this scenario play out lol.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I remember reading that review. I have been engaged 5 times. Never married. So maybe that is why for me it would be why not.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I was only married once which ended in on 9/11 (what a landmark for ending it )
We were going at it like bunnies the day the papers where signed , he remarried 2days later and was knocking on my door the day he got back from his honeymoon, Ive "done" him at least twice a month ever since
So my answer is Yes
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't involve people I love with my hobby affairs period, nor do I bring home women for the men I date.

Now, if my ex husband wanted to get a provider, sure I would have no problem because well...he is an ex for a reason and I no longer want him. I could not give him a reference for anything other than the fact that he is not LE, since he never paid me...or did he??
Eccie Addict's Avatar
You're the only one that can determine if you manipulated him with sex in order to get something you wanted....
You're the only one that can determine if you manipulated him with sex in order to get something you wanted.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Nah, on some level he knows, too. I'd be willing to bet he thinks he was much more manipulated than you think he was.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I think i misread the question, I would NOT involve my X in the hobby or let him know. I thought you were asking would you do your X ..

Charles your avatar is burning my eyes!!!!!!
  • anita
  • 02-21-2011, 07:44 PM
Um, no I wouldn't see an ex in the hobby. If we became good friends after the break up, then let it be just that.
Black Sedan's Avatar
I've always wanted to try hate sex. I cannot think of a more suitable partner for it.

So yeah - why the fuck not?

Covered, of course.
lil_michelle's Avatar
well, if he is an "x" anyway.... atleast I would get paid this time... hehee
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I think i misread the question, I would NOT involve my X in the hobby or let him know. I thought you were asking would you do your X ..

Charles your avatar is burning my eyes!!!!!! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I was thinking, he found out. And asked. There where many "?'s" in the first quote.
like for the providers
"If you found out his ATF is the one you love doing duo with?"
Did do it once, years ago, with an ex g/f and what a mistake that was. Won't happen again for sho however I did learn a few things along the way to the Improv. For instance, there is a reason why ex's are X's as in like they are the past and not part of your future. Besides, as the song goes, "....lost that loving feeeeeelling...." for a reason.
I would have no problem being with either one of my ex's. In fact, we just might be better friends now after the fact. I want them to be happy and I will never let the mother of my children fail, so financial considerations are moot. I never write reviews and never will and seldom do I read them. I never give recommendations and never ask for them. I prefer to collect and decipher my own data. I am a guerilla lover. Overcome, adapt, improvise...