The problem people ignore about the trust fund is that to redeem those funds the government has to go to the taxpayers to get more revenue. That is the same taxpayer that is already unwilling to pay enough to cover other government spending and the increase in taxes necessary would cripple economic growth. They could go internationally to borrow the money but there will be a point in time where that will become difficult or impossible.
Originally Posted by Laz
Maybe now , people will start to understand that SS and Medicare had a surplus. The military spent it. Maybe just maybe people will start to follow the money and see how it is actually spent.
Then when our resident Tea Nuts start crying about cutting spending, they might have a clue as to where most of the actual money is spent.
I'll give you a hint. Our greatest generation, did not plan on us living as long as we did. Ok that is not thier fault but once that started happening, they should of started to plan better. They want to pay a 120k into Medicare and take out 300k. Piss poor planning on their part. Next, they should have actually put SS and Medicare in a real lock box, not one that Department of Defense could raid. They should have asked the public if they in fact wanted to fund the current military with tax increases or with their retirement fund(SS & underfunded Medicare). So to me our greatest generation is in fact a bunch of muchers.
JD and his ilk are unwilling to cut benifits to things he cares about. Just ask him to give of some of his military retirement benifits...he will squeal like the auto worker that he has no trouble making fun of.
So threads like these are just hypocritical pieces of bullshit.