Tiny Chat

Thegman25's Avatar
What the hell is Tiny Chat? I see talking about it in the chat room.
cabletex7's Avatar
I thought this was going to be another midget ISO or sighting.
Carry on.
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Tiny chat is a video chat room. Free. When you sign up you have your own room and you can pw protect it so only those you invite can get in.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Is their a height or weight restriction? I'm considered rather tall.
pyramider's Avatar
It's based on pecker size. Most do not measure up.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It's based on pecker size. Most do not measure up. Originally Posted by pyramider
Does your 1.3" of dangling death measure up?
After I tried to log into Tinychat my computer Virus software went crazy. It caught most of the Viruses and Malware but many slipped by. Same Malware Ad popups on my computer at many websites I tried to enter. Luckily Office Depot Cleaned up my laptop. Make sure your Virus software is up to date if you try to use it or download any updates from it.