the raid

chizzy's Avatar
do you really think it was about classified documents?
berryberry's Avatar
Not even close Chizzy

This was about trying to harm Trump politically before the mid-terms. Senile Biden and the libtards know they are in deep shit for the midterms and they are desperate. Their bogus Jan. 6 show trials were a huge flop so they resorted to this bullshit which has backfired on them bigtime

They have unleashed a force they never imagined
berryberry's Avatar
Do you remember when Trump boasted about threatening a foreign leader with canceling billion dollar aid if he didn't fire the prosecutor investigating his son, pretended he had no knowledge of son's foreign dealings and left his son a voicemail proving he lied.

Oh wait, sorry that was Senile Biden who did that
... Now... now... YOU don't reeeeeaaaaally believe that
this Raid was done to shift-away from the FACT that
FBI Whistleblowers are coming forward claiming the
FBI was trying to shut down any investigation into
the Hunter laptop??

... Got a whole patchell of FBI people there who
are ready to tell the tattle.

No bleedin' wonder people are upsot with things!

#### Salty
chizzy's Avatar
Not even close Chizzy

This was about trying to harm Trump politically before the mid-terms. Senile Biden and the libtards know they are in deep shit for the midterms and they are desperate. Their bogus Jan. 6 show trials were a huge flop so they resorted to this bullshit which has backfired on them bigtime

They have unleashed a force they never imagined Originally Posted by berryberry
You must not have watched the entire video

His opinion was they are trying find anything in his files including the client attorney ones which will give them more fire power concerning the Jan 6th event
It's all politically motivated, and yet they found documents that Trump should have turned over during the 3 months he was "working" with the national archives and claimed he didn't have. keep your heads in the sand, when it comes to trump, sooner or later someone will come along and fuck you in the ass
berryberry's Avatar
You must not have watched the entire video

His opinion was they are trying find anything in his files including the client attorney ones which will give them more fire power concerning the Jan 6th event Originally Posted by chizzy
Oh I agree with that opinion, it is a fishing expedition - hell the warrant asked for every document in his possession created while he was President.

I contend this fishing expedition occurred because their Jan 6 show trials flopped badly and they want to try and damage Trump politically before the midterms. And yes they will keep fishing in hope of finding something to create some bogus charge to put forth in front of a jury in DC (where 95% of the population are die hard libtards) so no conservative gets a fair shake in DC
... And yet they have a problem... Trump is a martyr now.

The criminal spotlight isn't shining on Trump - it's on the FBI.

And they'll NEVER be able to wash the criminal stink
off of their hands.

They have surely been politicized to the core.
All the attacks - and all the lies.
People see it... The spotlights are ON.

... The Raid was supposed to separate the GOP from Trump.
Not-onley didn't THAT happen - the Republicans have
circled the wagons AROUND Trump.

Because Trump surely controls the Republican VOTERS.

Are they gonna put Trump in jail?
He'll govern His Presidency from there. ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Exactly right Salty.

This bullshit raid has backfired bigtime on the corrupt libtards.
Trump has more support than ever now - people are pissed at this blatant political persecution by Senile Biden.

Just think about it - Imagine the lefts reaction if Trump's DOJ/FBI raided Senile Biden and his family just months before a major election.
Since we have half a dozen threads on the same subject now, and I can't be fucked keeping track of what is said in which one (maybe OPs should consolidate one topic for one subject, like normal forums, you know), but the FBI returned three of Thumptard's passports.
chizzy's Avatar
Since we have half a dozen threads on the same subject now, and I can't be fucked keeping track of what is said in which one (maybe OPs should consolidate one topic for one subject, like normal forums, you know), but the FBI returned three of Thumptard's passports. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Wrong thread and no sense commenting if u don't take the time to watch the video