Daily Mail Outrage at NPR after it criticized Declaration of Independence

  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2021, 10:42 AM

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Your posts are too long and mainly just cut'n pastes. -

Response - G - have this One your way. You evidently do not like full information of articles posted by me.

Open to comments of readers - post full articles for easy reading - no Not??????
Thank You.

In contrast -

'Equal to what?' Maxine Waters rants about Declaration of Independence


Maxine Waters went on an anti-American rant in a July 4 Twitter post where she claim the creeds laid out in the Declaration of Independence didn't give 'equal rights' to black people or women.

'July 4th... & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn't it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved?' the California congresswoman lamented in an Independence Day tweet.
'They weren't thinking about us then, but we're thinking about us now!' Waters proclaimed.
She went on to say that current laws are still suppressing certain communities from being equal to others, including voting laws and the rise in police brutality against black people.
Waters, 82, said that while the Declaration of Independence says 'we hold these truths to be 'self-evident' that all men are created equal, the nation is not reflecting that because '17 states have enacted voter suppression laws' and the 'Supreme Court gutted Sec. 5 of the Voting Rights Act'.
She also posted in her thread a list of black people who died at the hands of law enforcement: 'George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice'.
'Need I say more? #July4' she concluded along with a hashtag for the American holiday celebrating the day independence was declared from Great Britain.
© Provided by Daily Mail The California congresswoman said the document is inherently only saying all white men are equal, not minorities or women © Provided by Daily Mail Waters, a progressive, black congresswoman, has represented her southern California district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1991.

Critiques of the U.S. on arguably one of the most pro-American days in the nation were also launched by freshman Representative Cori Bush – a new member of the so-called 'squad' of progressive lawmakers, which includes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley.
Bush, who represents Missouri's 1st congressional district, claimed Sunday that Independence Day is only a holiday for white people.
'When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people,' the congresswoman tweeted. 'This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free.'
© Provided by Daily Mail Missouri congresswoman Cori Bush also criticized the Fourth of July on social media, claiming it's only a holiday for white Americans because they are the only ones who are 'free' President Joe Biden touched on some of what Water and Cush tweeted during his Fourth of July speech from the South Lawn of the White House to a crowd of first responders and military members and their family.
'I've long said America is unique,' Biden said during his speech Sunday evening. 'Unlike every other nation on Earth, we were founded on an idea. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal and have right, among them, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'
'And while we have never fully lived up to the words but we never give up on them,' he assured. 'They continue to animate us and remind us at our best, we as Americans believe in honor and dignity. Treat everyone with dignity and respect, giving hate no safe harbor.'
'We are part of something so much bigger than ourselves. We stand as a beacon to the world. It's a code uniquely American, it's who we are,' the president said.
© Provided by Daily Mail President Joe Biden touched on some of these criticisms during his July 4 speech on the South Lawn of the White House, claiming 'we have never fully lived up to the words' that 'all men are created equal' He also alluded to Republicans blocking the For the People voting rights bill, which progressive Democrats claim would make it more accessible for minority and poorer communities to cast their ballot.
Biden said during his remarks that Americans should have 'the right to vote and have that vote counted', which garnered a loud cheer from the hundreds gathered on the South Lawn.
Democrats claim that the American voting system is systematically racist and tries to stifle the black vote. Republicans say any voting bill needs to include voter ID laws so individuals can easily prove that they are eligible to vote in every election.
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the lady is a:



incorrigible hater

selfish oaf

misconstruer for political power purposes

unreasonable, as in without reason

and a rabble rouser

to mention a few things she is
Ripmany's Avatar
The country is piece of shit.
matchingmole's Avatar
Daily mail outrage when bills arrive
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
We're supposed to be celebrating the Chinese Communist Party's 100th anniversary, not colonial oppression.
  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2021, 07:31 PM
Maxine Waters suggests 'equal rights' in the Declaration of Independence only apply to WHITE MEN


and as a result - fiden wants kerosene maxine in the senate!
She is at least - one reason the fascist DPST party would keep the filibuster!

She is a first rate hateful race-baiter and racist herself.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Maxine Waters suggests 'equal rights' in the Declaration of Independence only apply to WHITE MEN


and as a result - fiden wants kerosene maxine in the senate!
She is at least - one reason the fascist DPST party would keep the filibuster!

She is a first rate hateful race-baiter and racist herself. Originally Posted by oeb11
she's hateful shit stirrer, but she is technically right on equal rights applying only to white men.

at the time of document, women and negro freeman had limited rights which were not equal to that of white men.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2021, 06:25 AM
Kerosene maxine rants in today's world - not the world of 1776.

DF - your statement is correct as applies to the time of writing of the Constitution. - however, please refer to the Voting rights Act and Civil Rights Acts of 1964.

something Kersone maxine ignores in her race-baiting, lying zeal of her own racial hatred.

these days the Constitution applies to all - regardless of race or gender. Rightfully so.

What Kerosene maxine is saying - "the Constitution is written by 'racists' - so we must destroy it .

Joint her if you choose - be prepared for her and AOC to place you and all Caucasians in their re-education camps.
rexdutchman's Avatar
And she a blithering moron that doesn't want any equality , the constitution is the problem to the Marxists
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Open to comments of readers - post full articles for easy reading - no Not?????? Originally Posted by oeb11