Erykah Badu gets naked downtown for her video:

Erykah Badu's video, "Window Seat" has drawn much controversy; she strips down to nothing but her birthday suit, in downtown Dallas, along the same route that JFK was assasinated on.

Many are upset because there were children around...

Personally, I love her and her work, so I may be a bit biased, but I think it was brilliant. If viewed from the artistic standpoint from which it was intended, it is really an excellent video. I love it!


Here is the video:
I loved it....It was truly a deep concept of her portraying JFK who really stood for a more liberated world and was shot...but I also from my video production expertise eye I could tell that it was digital effects around her and that obviously by the reaction of the people around that she was not actually out there with them...but overall it was still a great video... everyone should check it out!!!
Are there not any uncensored versions of this, I mean surely she doesnt get naked only to blurr it out... that's nonsense
Boltfan's Avatar
Not cool to do this in front of children. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Not cool to do this in front of children. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs. Originally Posted by Boltfan
we sure don't want 'the children' to know that everybody has a naked body, do we? naked body bad...

we sure don't want 'the children' to know that everybody has a naked body, do we? naked body bad...

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
AMEN! Exactly my thoughts. It's not as if she got naked and then proceeded to pleasure herself, which I would have loved, but I digress..

I'm just saying, there is nothing wrong with the naked body. That is such a backwards cultural (AMERICAN) issue.

This, of course, benefits me substantially; it's the reason the hobbyist's wife is frigid and he comes to visit me. Naked body, BAD.

*if anyone finds the uncensored version, please forward to me!!!! :P
My impression: mediocre song, lack of interesting concepts - so cheap shock value was resorted to instead.

I've yet to hear anyone clearly explain what kind of message this was supposed to convey, except that she is an supposedly an evolved thinker amidst the rest of us dunderheads.

And she needs to hit the gym. Why couldn't Pink have shot this instead?
Apparently it was NOT digitally edited to look like people were around...they were actually there. The city has issued her a ticket and she faces a class "C" misdameanor. Funny they only issued it today, after all the media hype.

I think her imperfection and comfort in her own skin is more of the point; stripping herself of the superficial...vulnerable in her nudity... rather than having a 100 lb blonde, string~bean supermodel with no womanly shape walking down the street naked. I think it would kinda defeat the puropse/message of the song/video.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Not cool to do this in front of children. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs. Originally Posted by Boltfan
But it's OK for them to have violent video games and see graphic violence on TV??!!! What possible harm is there in a child seeing a naked human being?
I love her music. She is mega-talented.

That being said, she ought to be ashamed of herself.

Naked body good? Well, yeah. But not in a public place where small children are around. A naked body has its place and it's NOT in such a public area.

If I were there with my 10 year old daughter and she pulled that stunt I would have slapped her. Yes I would.

I guess since a naked body is "good" it would be OK for a grown man to parade around naked in a pre-school class? Get a clue. Please.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
If I were there with my 10 year old daughter and she pulled that stunt I would have slapped her. Yes I would.

.... I guess since a naked body is "good" it would be OK for a grown man to parade around naked in a pre-school class? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
lol .. yea because that violent shit good for the children to see live. I don't think you can compare a man trying to get off by seeing little kids to this. At least from what I see; there can't be real devious intentions behind this. ... horribly misguided judgment it seems.

.. but really who knew Badu has such a nice ass.
What ever happened to Art ? This is Art.. you may not like it.. And It seems many here do not understand it.. But it is Art.. Just like the photos of thousands of naked people in Times Square all laying in the street... (Self Edit, of to referenced sculpture , fig leafs, and the Church of Rome, Figured it is Easter and they are having enough trouble as it is) )
BrittnanyBigBooty's Avatar
Amen DFWRaven!

Self expressive art(such as showing ones physics in an artisitc manner) is one of the few things that are still able to be expressed untainted & without TRULY being able to express oneself what are we really left with?

I understand the WAY she expressed herself & the place wasn't the best of choices but on the other hand in the world of MEDIA hype & controversy is just another way to get a slot on the news & sell some units. I mean it works!

We're talking about her right now LOL!

I love everyone & everything to be honest & her music is moving....maybe not that particular song but she is a very eccentric artist that has been apart of my community since a child(I'm from Dallas)& at the end of the day it's all a scheme to advertise & sell.

I'm with it all the way!

Live & Let Live!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Not cool to do this in front of children. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs. Originally Posted by Boltfan
You are right- she wouldn't like it if I stripped naked in front of her kids- had there been no kids around I would understand- I am a big fan of Badu but I believe this was done to sell records- controversy=$$$
Boltfan's Avatar

I must have been typing in white letters like the pimps do on BP. How did you so easily decipher my message? You must be a sheer genious! Mensa material. How you pulled my acceptance of violence for children from the statement puts you in a class all by yourself.

This was a publicity stunt using art as an excuse. My children have been to art galleries across the US and will always be educated on expanding their minds. Now, they are 5 and 7. They aren't old enough to understand what a "publicity stunt" is and why this lady is walking around naked in public. This musician imposed her moral views on these very young children. It is ok to impose HER moral views but not ok for others to be critical? If there were all adults in the area and maybe even some young adults (teens) I wouldn't give a rats ass.

Objection... Grand standing your honor.